Monday, June 27, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A senior firefighter administrator has been sued by a local housing contractor for allegedly committing a breach of contract and stiffing him with $47,569.49 of the $179,573 they agreed to rebuild the firefighter's home that was destroyed by a fire.

Antonio Martinez, owner of MDR Home Builders, LLC., charges that Alejandro J .Martinez and wife Celina Martinez, agreed in writing on April 1, 2021, to pay him the total sum of One Hundred Seventy Nine Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Three dollars and no cents ($179,573) to for the rebuild. 

The parties are not related. MDR Home Builders is being represented by attorney Ismael Hinojosa.

"To date, Defendants have only paid Plaintiff the sum of One Hundred Thirty Two Thousand Three dollars and Fifty One cents ($132,003.51) meaning that Forty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Nine dollars and Forty Nine cents ($47,569.49) remains outstanding and owed to Plaintiff," according to the lawsuit.

The fire caused extensive damage to the Martinez's home at at 264 Camaguey Ave., and they submitted a claim on their home owners insurance policy which was approved.

They then entered a contract with contractor Martinez who claims his MDR Home Builders, LLC. has fully performed all obligations under the contract and that the Martinez's have failed to pay the builder the full amount.

Firefighter Martinez, who also owns a Guardian Fire Extinguishers franchise at 2414 E Price Road where his wife Celina owns and operates a Home Health Company, is stationed downtown on Adams St. 

Guardian Fire Extinguishers is a side business and is on the preferred list of companies to use for commercial business by the City of Brownsville with the ability to issue Certificates of Occupancy. 

They also provide fire extinguisher training.

Neighbors say that at the time of the fire at his home, his adult son was alone and that there were plenty of fire extinguishers there, but somehow failed to extinguish the fire or keep it from spreading, despite his postings on social media advising people how to use them.

At the time of the signing of the rebuilding contract, there were no inspection report to determine what caused the fire. Once receiving the insurance checks, which were made out to both men, they had to be signed by both of them to be cashed or deposited.

That happened with the first $132,003 sent by the insurance company, but did not with the remaining checks amounting to $47,569.

Sources close to the contractor say that during discovery they will ask to see the signatures on the missing checks to see if anyone else signed for him.

"This is very serious for a senior public servant who is supposed to maintain a reputation for honesty and integrity," said a friend of the fire contractor. "Their honesty should be unquestionable. Where can a public servant earning $76,494 get the money to get a new truck, a new boat, furniture, and pay for extended vacations?

The case will be heard in County Court-At-Law No. 2.


Anonymous said...

Que, paga guey, que bonito nombre de direccio: Camaguey like, come on guey paga....
Oh need to check out those conflicts of interest, isn't that against the law and city policy INVESTIGATE ESTE MAL PAGA.... AND WHO AUTHORIZED?

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

What does this have to do with anything related to the City? Slow news day Montoya?

Anonymous said...

These FF expect us to call them Heroes, men and women of intergrity. They are nothing more than losers and theives in descise. They work on Tax Payers time on their side buisness. They rip off the tax payers and now they steal from the working man. Disgusting person. Why does the City allow this?

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2022 at 9:51 AM
Da law and citizens care idiota, must be a pinche mojado, pay taxes and work mamon or lazay hillbillys, otros mamones

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2022 at 9:51 AM

YOU must be an elected official RATA!

Anonymous said...

It's Trump's fault!

Anonymous said...

Inside double benefits to get extra money making from the city. How nice to get those Opportunities when firefighters complaint about not Earning enough money to live on.

Anonymous said...

Trump fatigue sets in: ‘Some donors are getting sick of the shitshow'

Conservatives are turning on the former president. They’re tiring of the drama.

Cheeto on way out.

Anonymous said...

por lo que veo creo que el dueƱo de la constructora no tiene un caso seguro, porque cuando alguien se rebaja a difamar a otra persona sin pruebas eso habla muy mal de esa persona y creo que hasta en problemas se puede meter por estar tratando de quemar a alguien de esta manera y publicando fotos sin concentimiento de la persona. Pienso que si fuese un poco mas inteligente el acusador deberia de no prestarse a estas cosas que solo refleja su verdadera persona. es mi opionion, gracias.

Anonymous said...

No tiene dinero, caradeguey.

Anonymous said...

Celina, I am not surprised. It is so you.

Anonymous said...

Jan. 6 committee to hold surprise hearing Tuesday, citing 'new evidence'

No body is above the LAW not trumputo nor this fire department employee.

Anonymous said...

His house burned down.. Fat Department asleep. To fuckin slow to move.
The one fire a year they get. Fire department are useless. To many fire stations and no work. They cannot keep the truck clean. Fat and lazy department.

Anonymous said...

They fight fires gotta thank them for that you wouldn't do it...

Anonymous said...

A new fire house is in the making and guess where its gonna be built? IN THE BIKE TRAILS of course.

Anonymous said...

You pendejos no nothing of the scope of the fire dept your just a jealous chicken shit,shit talker,if you had ANY BALLS you would be one to.BFD is the busiest fire/EMS dept South of San Antonio asswipe half of there calls are not suspicious person calls.As for this Firefighter who knows there's always two sides to the story will see.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

2:29 pm.

1 or 2 fires a year and fat fire department are always late getting to the fire.
Everything burns down.
Cannot keep the truck clean. Useless fire department.
Come work in the oil field. Fat Department does no work. But eat all day.

David Guerrero said...

Brownsville's Bravest are understaffed and underpaid. They sacrifice so much for this city and the city administration doesn't give a crap.

Anonymous said...

Like in any business, regardless of its nature of private or public service, who employ have employees that fall under the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. But, for those critics that speak their words of wisdom but yet are only sideliners without experience and/or knowledge of what you’re talking about are only showing your stupidity above your ignorance. To judge or criticize a person for their appearance, looks, or statue is not but a reflection of your own wickedness and misfortune.

Anonymous said...

Where are satisfied MDR construction customers comments ? I drive by a house that was started last November and still isn’t finished. Bet they are super happy with this builder. Saw a teenager putting up the drywall by himself. Cheap labor at its finest!

Anonymous said...

wouldn’t trust what that ‘self called Christian’ builder has to say ever. Claims sick child, says he needs money but puts in a pool in his backyard.

Anonymous said...

And what keeps you from leaving the city job?

Anonymous said...

why not let all comments be posted?

how can you trash someone without proof? this is not a true facts article, but I guess you wouldn't want facts just slander.

Anonymous said...

to whoever commented about this persons sick child, I hope karma gets to u.. none of this is anyones business including yours..also no need to bring up their sick child karma is REAL and it will find u!!!

Anonymous said...

Karma, ya pat

Anonymous said...

waiting for responds from the fat department they make trump look more or less stupid.

Anonymous said...

Celina M. is still crying over the fact that her ex husband BPD officer Cruz left her for a younger woman. She married the loser FF Martinez in hope he retires and gets his retirement check. Cruz left her with 3 children and a dark dumb Mexican grabbed her. Now she wants to live the high life by swindling hard working people. Celina is a con artist. She likes to live a life she can't afford and this is why she doesn't pay her bills and her husband is pussy whipped and can't find a way out. At lest that is what he tells the other FF.

Anonymous said...

9:07 am. Dumbass.

And I suppose you know everything.

Anonymous said...

June 30,2022 @ 7:07 PM. "Dumbass" is that a fish? LOL I guess I was right, well right about you, you're comment is only showing your stupidity above your ignorance

Anonymous said...

10:56 am. Dumbass.
You are right about my comment, you know nothing.

Anonymous said...

Oh Celina, stop pretending to be a who's who of the Brownsville barrio.
Admit it no tienes dinero. And we know your husband sleeps all the time. We hear it from you all the time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Celina your trust colors are finally showing it was about time.
