Wednesday, June 29, 2022



Anonymous said...

Time is against this asshole.

By Election 2024, he'll have serious competition (DeSantis, Pence, Ted Cruz, etal)

fock Trump.


Anonymous said...

When we had an asshole, useless president.

Go Joe Biden!


Anonymous said...

Old news! Who cares about Trump or the peaceful gathering at the Whitehouse on Jan.6th? This is left wing media afraid of the November elections. Only one person died after being shot by a Capitol Police officer. The other three died of natural causes. Give me a break. Stick to the abortion issue you may get more votes that way. I'm more concerned about a democratic politician shoving a poor defenseless Hispanic child. Why so quiet on this subject? Oh, you guys can’t get votes from this story.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what kinds of meds Trumputo was given to calm himself down? Did he ever get therapy after America said "you're fired and get your hand out of my p!!!y!"

Anonymous said...

The young woman lied, pure and simple. The Secret Service agents will testify to that. She joins Anita Hill, Christine Blase-Ford in her willingness to lie under oath to try and destroy a political rival. These women are willing to "take one for the team, because the team will gather around them and see they are protected from economic and social fallout from their lies.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation announced the selection of Cori Peña as its new president and CEO.
What elected official is she related to? Will she continue to built more bike trails that nobody uses...


Anonymous said...

The guy is a real pussy. Throwing plates? How feminine.

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

the sooner this moron is in jail the better!

don't need his shit.

Anonymous said...

A president "lunging" at his secret service detail?

my, my.

Somebody get the straitjacket! Trump needs psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

How many smoking guns are there now against Trump, like at least 5 or 6?

Let’s see, trump conspired with his attorneys to overthrow the elected president, Joe Biden, with fake electors from toss up states. Trump refused to do anything to stop his band of radical Republican terrorists from storming the Capitol. A rally he organized.

He also refused to help mike pence and wanted mike pence hanged. Trump knew there was no election fraud and was told so constantly by his cabinet and advisors.

Yet trump perpetuated the myth of a stolen election in order to incite violence against the Capitol to stop the counting of delegates. Trump spread lies about election fraud he knew weren’t true. Trump coordinated with house members to prevent the counting of the electoral votes.

And on and on and on.

(Enough! Indict him already.)

Anonymous said...

Trump is in desperate need of an enema. Poor Cheeto.

Always looks miserable.

(needs laxative)

Anonymous said...

Republicans must choose Trump or the Constitution, Liz Cheney warns, describing 'threat' like no other

Anonymous said...

Ok, let us state the obvious: Nobody gives a crap about these hearings.
We care about inflation.
We care about high gas prices.
We care about no baby formula.
We care about the impeding recession.
We care about illegal immigration.
We care about high interest rates.
Get the woke out this November.
Get Brandon Out in 2024.

Anonymous said...

The left can't meme.

Anonymous said...

June 30, 2022 at 12:32 AM

attack attack lie lie mis-information lie lie attack and attack is that all you racist republicans have. Continue the loyalty to an idiota, a scumbag, a lier, a thieve and maybe a rapist.

Anonymous said...

A Lesbian Republican’s Fight for a Future in the G.O.P.

Anonymous said...

a rebel?

Accumulated evidence, capped by Ms Hutchison’s testimony, would again pose another potential legal hurdle for Trump: under disqualification from any future federal office. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, Known as the disqualification clause, this provision applied to any person who took an oath to support the Constitution and then “engaged in rebellion or rebellion” or “aided or comforted its enemies” against the United States. .

Anonymous said...

June 29 10:51 a.m.
She is as crazy as Monica Lewynski. You need to get your head out of the Donald planet. Folks like you are in denial.

Anonymous said...

@10:19 Otro retard that loves being fuk from behind with high prices! Ni verguensa tiene este mierda Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Why are racist republican defending this scumbag as if he was the daddy of all idiotas y mayra que????

Anonymous said...

June 30, 2022 at 9:41 AM

RED-ASS racist republican mad because somebody insulted his camote MARICON

Anonymous said...

@9:41 Ya deja de mamarle la verga a Trump pinche amor de el maniaco de ninos Biden! Trump didn't lose pendejo, the election was stolen from him! Who the hell believes shit pants Biden got the most votes in history! More than Obama ever got! Only a delusional mierda like you believe it! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard so much perjury being committed and accepted by the blind followers in this country! You freaking democrats need to understand that President Trump is NOT in office and you need to concentrate on correcting this biden and his very stupid administration.

Anonymous said...

June 30, 2022 at 6:09 AM

and the right can mamar

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The funny part is the ignorant people from the Valley actually believe this shit.....WOW...but what do you expect...they keep voting for Democrats and look where that has taken salen de tacos y la southmost (i grew up on southmost) ...common guys..stop believing the shit the media tells you
