Wednesday, June 22, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It didn't matter that there were numerous signs at the entrance of the parking lot warning drivers that it was a private parking lot and that their cars would be towed if they parked without permission.

Those attending the " event" – promoted by Arturo Treviño  of the mindless Gringo de Mayo bash game - at Felicia Fruia Edge's shell of a building at the corner of 13th and Levee streets,  believed that they could use the private parking lot caddy corner to the building to park their cars, but then were surprised when the tow trucks showed up.

Not only that, but Treviño blocked an adjacent alleyway to push his business, unmindful he might be blocking the way for emergency vehicles.

Like the rest of the owners of the 24 towing trucks operating in the city, El Rancho Towing, whose drivers showed up after they received a call of cars parked on the private lot, they set about to fulfill their contract with the property owner. (And no, said a tow truck driver, there weren't 15 or 20 cars removed, but at most six. Treviño promised to reimburse them for the towing fees. Did he? It's doubtful.)

The tow truck drivers were met with vociferous protests by the car owners and Treviño, whose ire was fueled by a previous encounter with the towing company.

It seems that some three years ago, despite the sign warning the vehicle would be towed, Treviño had left his vehicle at a gasoline station near the Old B and M bridge and came back to discover it gone.

"He didn't have insurance, or anything to show that he was the owner," remembers the driver. "But he warned us that he knew some city commissioners and, bankers, and some police officers who might remove us from the city's tow-truck rotation, you know, the influyente pitch."

What Treviño might not have known is that the city cannot intervene in a private contract between two businesses on a private property. And that apart from the city getting $20 each for cars that the towing companies haul away, that service has nothing to do with the placement of the companies on the city's rotation list. 

(Incidentally, a local police commander also leaned on one of the tow companies threatening just that after a towing service hauled away a car belonging to one of his friends and demanded that he be shown their business receipts and threatening with its removal from the towing rotation list. The company has already reached out to its attorneys to address the demands and threats.)  

In fact, numerous local night clubs, bars, businesses, and in South Padre Island hotels have contracted with the tow truck owners to remove vehicles that park illegally on their lots or ignore the signs while they  do business elsewhere.

In fact, the companies have to file monthly report of every car they tow, and the fees they charge, which are capped by the state on all towing companies. 

"We're closely regulated," said a towing company owner. "Those reports have to be filed in a timely manner."

But holding a personal grudge and influyente name dropping appears to be some of Treviño's favorite ploys because none other than City of Brownsville City Commissioner Pedro Cardenas and Cameron County Pct. 2 administrative assistant Eliseo Davila have inserted themselves into the brouhaha siding with Treviño, one of their classmates when all three – including Fruia-Edge – attended St. Joseph Academy.

And even as Cardenas acknowledged that the signs were posted (see graphic at right) and that the companies and business owners were within their rights to enforce their contracts and had said nothing about the towing contracts the companies had with local businesses until this happened, it seems that when it affects someone in the St. Joe alumni inner circle, things are somehow different.

They are already talking about addressing the issue before the city commission and of possible exposure to potential tortuous interference with a legal contract instead of admitting the companies are in their legal right to operate based on a mutual agreement between private businesses.

"It would seem inappropriate for elected officials and their representatives to insert themselves in Treviño's personal grudge and threaten official action," said a city administrator. "How can the city expose itself to potential liability because someone ignored the warning signs clearly posted on the entrances? It was just a badly planned event and they should just admit it and move on." 


Anonymous said...

Kinda righteous City official comment at the end when it gives our city emails and badges/tags to fake employees.

Anonymous said...

Arturo Turi Trevinio is a grown CHILD. He has mental problems. He blames everyone for his failures. He is like that kid that throws himself on the floor kicking and screaming if he they don't buy him his toy at the time. He makes a scene and embarresses everyone around him.

The only persons that broke the law was Arturo Trevinio and his St. Joseph rich friends. The people from St. Joseph think they own the city and the law should not apply to them because they think they are special.

Bunch of rich spoiled grown ups. Embarrasing Pedro and Eliseo. Uds. tambien metiendose por un Baboso.

Anonymous said...

Charging the max allowable by law in a community that pays the least allowable by law is just wrong.

this public school graduate (and proud of it)

Anonymous said...

Parking signs must be obeyed just like a red light on a corner. PERO los babosos aqui se creen muy chingones, but at the end THE LAW HAS TO PREVAIL. Tow all the illegally parked cars and when you go pick up your carcacha give them a tip.


Anonymous said...

No one cares about this shitstory, Montoya.

Notables only!

Anonymous said...

Mi Pueblito doesn't give you a discount because you buy 5 plates. They charge the full amount. Los Trevi doesn't give you a discount because you buy 2 six packs of Natural Light. Luke Fruia Dealearship doesn't give you a discount because gas is at record high. As a matter of a fact Luke Fruia now charges a $15,000.00 increase because there is a shortage of vehicles. So why do they expect they get a discount? Does PUB give you a discount because you consume more electricity?

If you don't want to get charged for parking illegally, then don't park illegally. Gente estupida mamona.

Anonymous said...

They will contact the owner and a deal will take place for the next party.

Somebody will pay or maybe the owner will not charge them a fee.

Hablando se entiende la gente.

What I do not like is that Pedro Cardenas is in the middle of this and he writes that "THERE ARE NO PARKING SIGNS"....on the private parking lot.

Both men are smart, but they got confused in this situation.

Anonymous said...

…and this is why we should just all party on Pablo kisel….

Stay out of downtown…they gonna tow you

Anonymous said...

Estamos animales Turi que feos y araclosos. Their philosophy is "fake it til you make it." They are funny too! Payasos they sound like Trump.

Anonymous said...

So I guess the caritas weren't taught to read at St. Joe? Maybe they should have attended public schools. Its about time people were held responsible for their actions. Quit the whining and pay up. Go get them tow guys!

Anonymous said...

Call ICE and report este mojado and ICE will deport ese pendejo. Mojados can't cause any problems here or they get deported IMMEDIATELY.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It says... yes there are no parking signs posted. He is correct, but failed at grammar.. its yes, there are "no parking" signs posted.

Also.. "I do believe" should be... "You would absolutely need to reach out to the owners and ask for permission to use their private property, or rent the parking lot from them"

... you'd have to be so studid, or so entitled, to think you can just use a vacant parking lot at your own discretion. Its like me just driving up to Trevis, getting off my vehicle, preparing myself a michelada, and driving off, without paying and claiming "well I drove in, all the ingredients were there" .. thats just plain brain dead.

he shouldn't be encouraged to organize these events, in fact, he should be prohibited from doing so.

Anonymous said...

Already, some states and local governments have acted: for example, in Connecticut and New York, governors temporarily suspended their gas taxes, and in Illinois and Colorado, governors delayed planned tax and fee increases. And, around the country, in states like Michigan and Minnesota, states and local leaders are considering a number of forms of consumer relief –

R E M E M B E R !

Anonymous said...

I appreciate Arturo's attempt to share ideas and execute them in town. Unfortunately, he's a moron and nobody gives two fucks about him and his (decent) ideas. Only his Mojado friends support him.

You parked illegally, you pay the price. Haste hombre y paga.

Anonymous said...

Erin Gamez needs to change the law. Tow companies will run scared.

She's your answer, Mr. Trevino.

Anonymous said...

Che pueblo bicicletero

Nothing exciting going on huh


Anonymous said...

Elíseo Dávila, punk drunk. You could not grow up to be a respectable person like your sisters.
X. Hidden Valley.

Anonymous said...

If you park illegaly and you get towed you must pay. Why did you park there if there's a sign? Asi aprenden. Para que se les quite lo pendejo. Y si todavia lo hacen a esta edad ya no hay remedio. Ya lo pendejo no se les va a quitar. Stay stupid my friends.

Anonymous said...

While no Texas cities made it to the last place on the list, several were ranked in the bottom third. Here are the Texas cities that didn't get high liveability scores based on the US News "Best Places to Live" list.

Killeen #108
Beaumont #109
El Paso #124
Corpus Christi #133
Brownsville #134
McAllen #138

Anonymous said...

To:June 22, 2022 at 2:01 PM

Y tu Biden, y los Democratas por que no les hechas?

They're the ones who created all this mess, and now you all want to blame Republicans. Biden, swears he's doing all he can do to bring the the price of gas and inflation down. What a bunch of crock! I see no action, just finger pointing the problem at others.

Inflation and gas prices rising have been going on since he took office with his policies. Way before the war! Yet he wants to blame the war, and everyone else. He thinks we're stupid!

Anonymous said...

That’s why Brownsville will never grow as a city. If you all have soo much money and can afford to pay a $400dlls tow without complaint why is it you all live of food stamps?? Si tanto dinero tienen dejen de mamar del gobierno pendejos y pónganse a trabajar par de huevos.

You all blame people actually trying to do events, promote the city, create jobs but like good ole pochos the first thing you do is criticize. If you idiots only knew the owner of Rancho Towing is from Matamoros. Born and raised. Pendejos.

Analyze before you speak.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that Cardenas and Eliseo Davila are the newest additions to the crooked people of elected officials. Anyone that supports them will support the very system that is Corrupt and continues to maintain the lower standards in our city and county.

Anonymous said...

guess he dont know how to read english, maybe needs signs in spanish.

Unknown said...

Lol to all who say st Joseph people are rich can they spend 300 million on on one plane to customize it
Now that’s rich!

Anonymous said...

June 22, 2022 at 9:41 PM
Who gives a shit where the hell you are from, JUST OBEY THE LAWS, you idiota are NO LONGER IN MATAMOSCAS BOLA DE PENDEJOS. There are laws here and that is why you pinches mojados ARE HERE. YOU DON'T LIKE IT - tirate al charco and go BACK....MAMONES Y LAMBISCONES...

Anonymous said...

Puros callejoneros back to your enviroments pinches mojados...

Anonymous said...

@ unknown 6:41 AM. Being of extreme st joe wealth, Turi tried your customization idea but with only 300 pesos in hand, he decided he'd pimp out his VW van.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Mexicans can't read signs unless it says "EBT Accepted Here".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is that an Alexander Amosu suit Turi is wearing?

Anonymous said...

Follow the rules, all you self entitled Private party whiners. Any of you who have a private business wouldn't want that to happen to you. Not all St. Joe alumni are the same. To make a blanket statement of any group isn't right. A few bad apples don't spoil the whole bunch. Read the signs and follow the rules.

Anonymous said...

The city commission just aproved the sending of traffic signs, (about 2 million)to mata-moscas. Maybe, just maybe, they can respect traffic signs before they jump into el charco and come to this stinkin' town...
spend the money on bike trails not traffic signs for MATA-MOSCAS, who gives a shit about stinkin' MOJADOS.

Anonymous said...

The following fraud and scams are not from the city of brownsville. Unofficial parties that target pendejos from mejico, people that tell you where to park, alleys are ONLY for traffice to unload and to load merchandise.

Anonymous said...

GRAFFITI is more imporant here in browntown. forget about the handicapped parking violations graffitt will get you in jail.

Anonymous said...

Mascaras for sale at el trevi one dollar o 25 pesos each. Your choice of colors pink only.... first buyer will get a free city of brownsville no parking sign..FFRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..
