Thursday, June 30, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The mother of a 17-year-old inmate who had been transported by personnel of the Cameron County Sheriffs' Department from Detention Center 1 in downtown Brownsville to Rucker-Carizales Detention Center in Olmito this past Monday is seeking legal representation after deputies forgot about her son and left him handcuffed in a hot van in the jail's parking lot.

According to the National Weather Service, the temperature outside was in the mid-90s, and in the hour it took for jail personnel to locate him could have soared near 170 degrees inside the closed vehicle.

The inmate – whose name is being withheld because he is a minor – told his mother that two transportation officers were transferring him from DC1 to Carrizales. In the transit the officers arrived at Carrizales and got down from the vehicle and forgot he was in the van.

The only reason the sheriff department officers found out about it was because his parole officer was waiting for him at the detention center and – when he din't arrive – notified the jail personnel that his client was late for his meeting.

The parole officer began to ask where he was and the staff called DC1 and were told he wasn't there and had been sent to Carrizales. After jail personnel searched for him, they found him locked in the van, which was turned off, no AC on, locked doors, and the windows all up. 

According to the mother, when the minor was found he was drenched in sweat and on the verge of losing consciousness. He told his mother he was kicking and screaming for help but he was handcuffed the entire time. there was noting he could do to escape the heat.

Already, various broadcast media have contacted the mother wanting to do an interview. She said that the  sheriff's department investigators are looking into the matter.

Prisoner transport has been a headache for various sheriff's administrations, sometimes with dire consequences. During the election campaign against incumbent Lucio, current Sheriff Eric Garza used those cases to convince voters that under him, these incidents wouldn't happen and asked them to vote for him for "the change we need," the "protection we deserve."

On June 2017, – under Lucio – an inmate, identified as 38-year-old, Michael Diaz Garcia, managed to attack a county guard while being transported for medical treatment. 

According to police, Diaz Garcia attacked the county guard, took his firearm and escaped to a nearby area where he went into a home and demanded the keys to a vehicle. The homeowner, identified as 57-year-old, Mario Martinez – tried to calm the inmate, but was fatally shot. 

Garcia killed the man in front of his family and stole his car before he ended up getting killed in San Benito by law enforcement.

Image result for cameron county sheriff's transport vanThen, on March 2020, transport guards were returning seven inmates to Carrizales from court in Brownsville and took the first five out for reintroduction to the jail and left two young inmates in the van.

According to a message from a witness, the van was turned off, no AC on, the doors were locked, and the windows were all up.

When prisoners are transported, they already have a belly chain (also known as "waist chain," or "Martin chain") which is a physical restraint worn by prisoners consisting of a chain around the waist, to which the prisoner's hands are chained or cuffed. In Cameron County, the ankles are also connected by means of longer chain.

Well, the transport guys apparently took a longer time than they expected with the five prisoners and forgot about the other two in the hot van. On March 11, the high was 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and in a closed van, it was probably higher.

On of the inmates had an anxiety attack and started going into convulsions, the sources said, and the other started to try to kick out the windows of the van. Were it not for the fact that one of the Carrizales corrections officers went outside to have a cigarette and saw the commotion in the van as the two young inmates struggled to escape the closed vehicle, the developing tragedy might not have been averted.

The result? Both inmates were taken to Valley Regional Hospital where one was treated for extreme anxiety and the other was under observation. Both were eventually returned to Carrizales.

We understand that one of the transport officers was terminated and another given a 10-day suspension.

What will Garza do? And will that matter after the fact? And that he excoriated Lucio for the same things - or worse - that are happening on his watch?


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Why were they both not terminated? They were together.

Anonymous said...

If el pendejetes dea can use for not sweating anything, these two inmates must do the same. Get an attorney and sue the crap out of all the elected officials in the county and the sheriff dept....

Anonymous said...

Kid not a juvenile. 17 considered adult for criminal prosecution in Texas. That’s why he was going to Carizales and not to Hester.

Anonymous said...

No worries Investigator Cisneros and his brother are at jail and have already hid stuff for sheriff garza its not who you know but who you pay for your position at a job Delgado do your job and say everything the illegal stuff garza n gracia have made you do

Anonymous said...

Resign, from top to bottom. Got lucky this time.

Anonymous said...

Not a regular Minor
A criminal minor
17? Y haciendo crimen
Ya esta peludo entonces

Anonymous said...

Pretty lame sob story, Montoya.

What legal recourse do they have - the kid lived!

coddling criminals is not a good idea. Why don't you get the deputy's side of the story before crucifying people? Sheesh, dude.

Mexicans can be damned sentimental. No sympathy here for inmates. They are there because of their own actions.

Anonymous said...

The Black Buffalo Soldiers Who Biked Across the American West

valiant support was quickly forgotten in light of the so-called Brownsville Affair, which took place in Brownsville, Texas, in August 1906. Amid heightened racial tensions between white locals and the Black soldiers stationed at nearby Fort Brown, a gunfight broke out, resulting in the death of one white civilian and the injury of another. White residents blamed the Buffalo Soldiers for the incident, ignoring the regiment commanders’ testimony that the all of the men had been in their barracks at the time of the attack.

So the bike trails here can be named Buffalo bike trails? I don't think so they were all blacks... if whites maybe verdad zavapatas? Otra gringa/coco mamona

Anonymous said...

Smells like Cebolla

Anonymous said...

Cosa increible!!! Como hicieron ese idiota sin experencia Sheriff. That says a lot about the intelligence of our population. "Stupid is as stupid does"

Anonymous said...

Slow down pple.. Mendieta the "cler-fucker" is back, the salvation.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of blogger angst here. Nothing about what took the 17 year old to jail. And a rehash of old incidents where no one died.

inmates taken to the hospital for "anxiety" - duh.
One held for "observation" - duh, duh


Anonymous said...

Put a Fork in Donald Trump — the Ex-President Is Done

As bad as his political position looks today, it is only likely to get worse — and his imminent announcement of a presidential campaign is just another sign of his collapse.

DeSantis will pounce, as will Mike Pence, the ex-Veep who hates Cheeto.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what age the kid is. The sheriff fuck up.


Anonymous said...

If those kids were white las gringas would all be in front of the court house.
and erica would be kicked out by the county commissioners court FACT c/s

Anonymous said...

Now we hear from some of the non-humanitarian comments that not killing a prisoner is coddling them.

Anonymous said...

Juan as they say SAFIS

Anonymous said...

What did you all expect when you voted democrat and then for one that had no police experience other than being a weekend cop. Then you vote for someone who picks a very suspicious ex-fed with chingos of skeletons in his closet and who bought a position by contributing $35K to POS Garza. Then the same elected official who brings back a bunch of other very suspicious individuals and place them in selective positions.
Its a miracle that the minor didn't die from being left in the van. Just break out the checkbook you idiot Garza and Cameron County. This lack of experience and lack of supervision will cost us taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

I’m starting to think Conrad had a smoother operation going….

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

“The change we need, the protection you deserve” ha ha ha
What change? What protection Eric Garza? That you have officers visiting schools, participating in Easter egg hunts? Educating the public about what? Material you get off the internet?
The County Judge should fire him because there are so many million dollar lawsuits that could easily be won due to deliberate indifference…..


Sec. 87.011. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
(1) "District attorney" includes a criminal district attorney.
(2) "Incompetency" means:
(A) gross ignorance of official duties;
(B) gross carelessness in the discharge of those duties; or
(C) unfitness or inability to promptly and properly discharge official duties because of a serious physical or mental defect that did not exist at the time of the officer's election.
(3) "Official misconduct" means intentional, unlawful behavior relating to official duties by an officer entrusted with the administration of justice or the execution of the law. The term includes an intentional or corrupt failure, refusal, or neglect of an officer to perform a duty imposed on the officer by law.


Anonymous said...

He never mentioned the inmate that died last weekend! Where’s the transparency we deserve?

Anonymous said...

July 1, 2022 at 8:56 PM

Anonymous said...

So why did only 1 of them get disciplinary actions (terminated) and the other one is badass like nothing? What was done to 1 should be done to the other.

Anonymous said...

Javier Reyna broke many laws and never was arrested.
