Tuesday, June 7, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: A united, enthusiastic crowd of Democrats greeted Texas Governor candidate Beto O'Rourke at the Veterans Park next to the Central Library at 11:30 a.m. today. Later, at 1:30 p.m. he attended a meet-and-greet hosted by the Association of Brownsville Educators at Cobbleheads Restaurant on Central Boulevard.)


Anonymous said...

Looks like a super spreader.

Anonymous said...

Visitor Center inside dirty. Outside grass not cut trees not trim just terrible.

Anonymous said...

The only spreader in texas is the stupid governor racist republican.

Anonymous said...

Someone should go and interpret his so call rally.

Anonymous said...

No Republicans. Such clean air.

No stink, I mean.

beautiful day.

Beto standing on his own two legs. Fully capable, no disabilities.

Anonymous said...

***Update, after 1 hour of Juan posting this article, Brownsville Police Chief "El Chapo" Sauceda has ordered the arrest of Beto O'Rourke for stealing the limelight by citizens taking a picture with Beto instead of "El Chapo" Sauceda.
Chief "El Chapo" Sauceda, the Brownsville Police Department, and his minions would like to mention that the chief will be at the mall, so anyone can line up and take a picture with him. The fee is only $19.99 but the memory will be forever.
Commander Mamalouie and his wife Nancy Toucan Alaniz will be trying to control the long line of admirers wanting to take a picture with the Chief.
In charge of the technical lighting will be Mario "Dell tech while on duty" Avenadno. He will be available after he does some research and stats to show that El Chapo's generosity of allowing citizens from the Valley to take a picture with him, will be the greatest event in South Texas history!
For an extra $10.00 dollars, any member of the swat team will be available to take a picture with you, after all, swat members are all taken care by El Chapo.
El Chapo will be wearing his old Porter cheerleading uniform for an extra $$ fee.
One more thing,,, GGGGoooo Porter!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When did Beto become a Mexican?

Patrick Hammes said...

Juan the event was hosted by BEST/AFT.
AOBE wasn't present.

Anonymous said...

@ June 7 4:18p.m.
The problem with the Gov is not that he is disabled because of his two legs. It's that he is disabled in the head or better yet "es mamon."

Anonymous said...

A grown up Napoleon Dynamite. Gullible "educators".

Anonymous said...

Bunch of lost people following another loser. Too many issues in our Nation and no one to lead us. Current leaders just making excuses and blaming others. The Greatest Nation on Earth can only be destroyed from within and that is happening right before our eyes right now. REALITY

Anonymous said...


Tito only showed up, for cobbles.

Anonymous said...

Seriously! If this is the size of the support he has in the city of Brownsville, poor Beto does not stand a chance getting needed votes.

Anonymous said...

His name is Francis …. Not Beto. He uses the name Beto for all the pendejos to think he is Hispanic and vote for him. I know it is a lot to ask for, but do not be a pendejo…suelten esa enfermedad 🦠…. Des-enveguense, bola de pendejos, se llama Francis O’Rourke y handa buscando pendejo que voten por el.

Anonymous said...

Real Mexicans don’t vote for fake Mexicans.

Anonymous said...

At least he paid his bill and with no hassles, unlike some pendeja racist republicana, the taco stand had to call the cops to force them to pay...
mal paga mantenidos... there is a difference, ya all' know!

wanna beeees cotton pickers don't know the difference

Anonymous said...

He didn't ask for a show of hands to see how many cotton pickers were there, unlike the taco stand that did NOT allowed cotton pickers to go IN!!!!!

VIVA MEJICO - I WANNA GO BACK, verdad mijita?

Anonymous said...

Hey cool group of people, they all look like ex-cotton pickers that made the right choice.

Anonymous said...

What no shoes in browntown puras chanclas.

Anonymous said...

este menso trajo su libro que escribio sobre atropellar ninos con su coche?

Anonymous said...

Beto is Irish. And used to play in some band I believe a Punk Rock Band. Go Beto Go.

Anonymous said...

June 7, 2022 at 6:15 PM
When he saw da light ESTUPIDO!

Anonymous said...

another crappy event by Jarod Hockma.

Anonymous said...

You people want more shooting like in el paso, uvalde and many others, well vote racist republican, if not vote democrat. ITS THAT SIMPLE.

Anonymous said...

Tito esta Fornidon.

Anonymous said...

O’Rourke is a disgusting politician. I feel sad for the sheep of Brownsville who are unable to think for themselves and see things for how they really are. You think white people are bad and racist when convenient to your simple minded narrative. Most republicans I know are republican because they are tired of career politicians like “Beto” who have done nothing and do nothing once elected. Anyone who disagrees with the left are racist. Thats so infuriating. Biden and the left , starting with Barack Hussein Obama, have divided this country more than it’s been in decades.
I’m Chicano by the way

Anonymous said...

**Update, after 1 hour of the first update, exchief "El Putito" Rodriguez signed up on Beto O'Rourke jail visitation list as he believes misery loves company. He also stood in line for hours hoping to get a chance to take a picture with a real chief. When El Putito got to the front of the line, he found out he couldn't afford the low price of 19.99 for this forever memory. It turns out his partner "la vaca" went through his retirement account in months of leaving the PD which force him to get a job as a security guard. With inflation and gas prices El Putito figured out he could not afford the price of the forever memory.
Others like el worthless dale wanted to take photos also but his redheaded side chick reminded him that he was a tightwad and that he should save his money so he could be a bitcoin millionare one day. Abel who just retired and was one of Dales close minions also wanted a chance to take a photo but his moother did not let him out of the house because he may get hurt. Gerard couldn't make up his mind after a day of trying to decide if he should go out and expose himself to covid.
After the research and stats were done everyone figured it would be generous to allow financially affected citizens from the Valley to take free pictures with a real chief afterall is was the greatest event in South Texas history!
El putito Rodriguez was so happy of his own high school accomplishments that he asked if he could take a second picture so he could show off his GED.

One more thing,,, waaa waaaa!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Only will this part of the state vote for cupcake. He needs to go back to drug rehab and start looking for a real job. Cupcake has yet to win an election. Loser!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

June 9, 2022 at 4:47 PM, June 9, 2022 at 10:51 AM, June 8, 2022 at 7:23 AM
Puros pendejetes envidiosos, cocos mamones, go kiss gringo asses if it makes you feel like a wannnna beeeee, MAMONES...

Anonymous said...

June 10, 2022 at 11:00 AM:
Pendejete! Beto is a gringo! Hahaha. You didn’t know….😆😆😆

Anonymous said...

it's funny all the stupid people from the valley that believe this freaking rat....por eso no progresan...this blog is all DEMORAT...I thought CNN was bad....you guys are like CNN mix with Joy Behar, Whoopie, all wrap up in one.....
