Friday, June 17, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

When Kevin Joe Soto, the man charged with shooting a driver and trying to kill his wife in a road rage incident, allegedly committed those crimes he was under indictment by a grand jury – but had not been served – for robbery and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after evidence was presented to the jury buy the Cameron County District Attorney's Office.

The grand jury indicted him on April 13, 2022, but this did not stop him from continuing his "one-man" crime wave, according to DA Luis Saenz.

"On Wednesday,  June 22 I will present two more cases to the grand jury on the charges of  burglary of a habitation with intent to commit a felony (three times) and a kidnapping case," Saenz said.

Saenz said that the June 6 cases where Soto is charged with shooting a driver and trying to kill his wife who was a passenger in the car had not been turned in to his office and that he will present them to the jury when they are.

The question remains: What was Soto doing loose in the city when he had three felony charges against him and was still granted bond by municipal judges?

(See full story below)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A 22-year-old Brownsville man arrested for a road rage shooting that happened June 6 was taken into custody Monday and arraigned on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and two counts of deadly conduct.

Police say Joe Kevin Soto is being held without bond in connection to a road rage encounter in which someone was shot and injured. Police say they arrived at the 400 block of Old Port Isabel Road in Brownsville to find blood and 45-caliber bullet casings.

Police allege that Joe Kevin Soto got out of his vehicle and shot a man and tried to shoot the man’s wife. Bond was denied on all the counts.

But what was Soto doing outside of custody – and jail – in the first place?

Some police officers acquainted with Soto's arrest record say that despite his recent brushes with the law on serious felony charges for violent crimes, lenient City of Brownsville judges and county magistrates kept releasing him on bond to sin again.

In fact, he hasn't even been indicted by a jury or charged in district court with any of the past alleged felonies, meaning that he committed all these violations while out o bond of the previous charges, according to the Cameron County District Court public portal entries.

His rap sheet reads like a gangster's record:

*On June 25, 2021  he was arraigned by a City of Brownsville judge for unlawfully carrying a weapon, a third-degree felony...and let him out on bond

*On Monday, February 28, 2022 – only six months later – he was charged with burglary of  a habitation (times 3) to commit a felony, a first-degree felony...and let out on bond 

*On Friday, April 22, he was again arrested, this time for kidnapping, a third-degree felony...and let out on bond

*And last Monday, June 13, he was arrested for the road rage shooting that happened a week earlier, on June 6 

So in less than a year Soto was charged with three previous serious felonies involving firearms, kidnapping, multiple home burglaries, and now a road rage shooting...and he was still free on the streets before he shot his latest victim.

In the latest incident, when Brownsville detectives talked to the victim, “who claimed that a maroon SUV was trying to crash his vehicle. Both vehicles stopped at the 400 block of Old Port Isabel. The victim got out of his vehicle, and Soto exited the SUV. Soto then shot the victim and also attempted to shoot his passenger,” they said.

The injured man’s wife drove him to the hospital, authorities said.

Using video surveillance from businesses in the area, detectives were able to identify the suspect and his vehicle.

But the question remains: Why was this obviously dangerous individual allowed to go free after all those serious charges and let loose to endanger the lives of regular citizens?


Anonymous said...

D.A. is a bit late on this.

get on his ass, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

So why are you running cover for the magistrate judge who let him walk?

Anonymous said...

He didn’t paint any graffiti that’s why he wasn’t arrested!

Anonymous said...

are they gonna work 12 months a year JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE?? Of course not, its not their money bisd elected officials. If it were they they'd be working 12 months JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE HUEVONES....

Anonymous said...

Defund the police and release criminals. Keep voting Democrat.

Anonymous said...

FBI where are you? Enough is enough RATAS galore, now criminal at large? Isn't it enough that we have elected officials screwing the locals, now we have to deal with dangerous individuals roaming city streets. Some have crated small empires where they can operate within the city (cob), now we have also cameron county (both) harboring criminals.

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapete" Sauceda, his command staff and the rest of the Brownsville Police Department would like to remind citizens that it if was not for him, this guy would have never been arrested again. Sauceda, an ex-cheerleader with the Porter Nation, has never investigated a single case in his career since he has never been in a detective role. If anything, as a supervisor, he has led the Brownsville Police Department in romantic flings with administrative staff, while his step-son, Commander Mamalouie has been able to keep every relationship a secret.
It's no secret that most at PD do not respect this "man", but fear retaliation if they speak up. The one things that "El Chapete" has been good at is ordering his staff to take pictures of him, at any event, and make sure that his picture is the first one posted.

Anonymous said...

Cronyism, in Brownsville...I don't believe it. 😯

Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds wanna know!

Anonymous said...

Magistrate judges trying to be like black judges in the black infested inner cities. Chicanos here though. The kind of person Trump was talking about on that escalator in 2015.

Anonymous said...

Soto’s connection to District Attorney Office is really paying off for him.

Anonymous said...


¡Qué lejos estoy del suelo donde he nacido!
inmensa nostalgia invade mi pensamiento;
y al verme tan solo y triste cual hoja al viento,
quisiera llorar, quisiera morir de sentimiento.

¡Oh Tierra del Sol! Suspiro por verte
ahora que lejos yo vivo sin luz, sin amor;
y al verme tan solo y triste cual hoja al viento,
quisiera llorar, quisiera morir de sentimiento.

Anonymous said...

Its NOT required for a judge to wear a robe BUT THEY DO AS IF THEY ARE SOME KIND OF A GOD pinches mamones TAKE THE ROBE OFFF!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump still free.

White people get away with everything.


Anonymous said...

Jan. 6 Witnesses Push Trump Faithful Deeper Down Rabbit Hole

Testimony from the hearings is prompting many of Trump's supporters to simply reassert their views that the former president was correct in his false claim of victory.

Anonymous said...

I just want to know who his attorney is? He must have good connections.

Anonymous said...

June 18, 2022 at 6:37 AM
mojados, no se van por mamones!

Anonymous said...

This story reminds me of prisoner, Johnny Hernandez who escaped, fled to San Benito and shot it out with deputies. Sounds like this Soto was on the same type of track? Knowing that the Cameron County Sheriff Office is short of jailers? Let's hope that they keep more of an eye on this guy?

Anonymous said...

June 18, 2022. @6:37 a.m.
Pues regresa a tu Mexico lindo y querido. Por que se que te vas y vas y no te as hido.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

una conversación entre 1:32pm y su mama

1:32pm: mamá mamá, por qué no puedo ser chingón como los demás y por qué no me seleccionan para estar en un equipo?

Mamá: ayi hijo, te lo he dicho muchas veces. Ya sabes que es porque eres todo un panochon. Bueno, su lechecita y a dormir, cabrón!

Anonymous said...

This is why you to stop 🛑 using drugs.

Anonymous said...

He is just another brick in the wall. Esta loco el dude. Es uno de Los Vatos Locos de Brownsville. Que Trieste si no te ries lloras.

Anonymous said...

June 18, 2022 at 6:37 AM

Anonymous said...

"I will present to grand jury"?
Look at Saenz take all credit. BPD and sheriffs office investigators along with good DA workers did all the work.

Anonymous said...

To the criminals out there, spent a little dough on the legal system it might help you in the future, look at this guy it did once, pero la cago.. idiota...

Anonymous said...

they do it on purpose so at the end they all look good and get re-elected again and again and aaaagggg....
