Friday, June 24, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: In what has become a predictable – if not depressing – action, Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza has ignored the praises heaped on the department's top investigators by the Cameron County District Attorney and his prosecutor because Sgt. Rodrigo Almanza, who sued him in federal court for political retaliation, is among those recognized for his investigative work.

Something similar happened when the U.S. Attorney's Office wanted to present Almanza with a special recognition for his work in a case involving the prosecution of a smuggler involved in human trafficking of a missing 21-month toddler. In that case, neither Garza nor his chief deputy Robert Gracia allowed Almanza to attend the presentation ceremony in federal court. (See graphic below)
The plaque arrived by mail in a manila postal envelope at the Sheriff's Dept. months after and was unceremoniously left on Almanza's desk. Yeah, the sheriff and Gracia sure know how to give their personnel incentive to achieve excellence. Oh, well, performing well is the best revenge. Congrats to all these folks for a job well done!)


Anonymous said...

Quit complaining about the sheriff you all elected him!

Anonymous said...

He won't be here long, that's the good part of democarcy. He'll be voted out sooooon veeeeery soooooon..

Anonymous said...

The truth is most investigators did the actual work except for one, Almanza. Almanza was placed in Investigations after financially supporting Omar Lucio and Javier Reyna's campaign. Everyone knows that. Stop GLAMORIZING him to try to help his case and ego.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Almanza was a rookie. Because of his money from across the border was placed in a position with seasoned and experienced officers. He doesn't deserve the credit.

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2022 at 8:34 AM

Hahahahaha jajajajaj pinche lambison CUIDATE he'll be gone soon, will he remember you? I doubt it.... lambiache

Anonymous said...

El que no Tranza no Almanza

Anonymous said...

Manny Treviño 2024!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Garza sucks as Sheriff, good thing I didn't vote for that S.O.B. He said changes would be for the best but yet he's out there playing favorites for his brown nose buddies. I say vote to remove him, fuck that guy and his clique. Ain't good for shit. This county is a joke with his face representing it.

Anonymous said...

Y sé acabó el pedo Garza

Almanza for sheriff.

Anonymous said...

Happens when you vote Democrat exclusively.

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza, what a waste of vote and the most sorriest excuse of a Sheriff. I hear that the love between him and that ex-fed, Robert Gracia has gone to shit? Eric has finally realized that it was not worth $35,000.00 to let this fed into his office. Word is that Gracia is thinking that he is Sheriff and has everyone reporting to him. They say that Gracia is the definition of micro-managing in the Webster Dictionary, LOL. Eric has had to go throughout his department to remind all his employees that he is the boss and not Gracia, how funny! Rumor is that five individuals will be looking into the Sheriff position in 2024. Rumor is that Ronnie Saenz is planning to run, an ex-officer whose been out of touch or law enforcement for over fifteen years and compadre to Manuel Trevino. That constable, Abel Gomez who has had a dark cloud over him since becoming a law enforcement officer. The same one that has a lawsuit against him by one of his constable deputies, who wants to run against him for constable. Eric, will run again thinking that he has done a good job? The other one is still deciding. At least, we'll have a choice in 2024.

Anonymous said...

This gracia person talks bad about his boss everytime he has a chance, and I mean BAD. He should be dumped NOW. The sheriff will not come close to being re-elected if he keeps this loud mouth. FIRE HIS ASS save the embarrassment.
