Monday, June 6, 2022



(Ed.'s Note: Now that it has been demonstrated that Texas has some of the most lenient gun laws that resulted in the mass shooting of 19 elementary students and two teachers by a man who was allowed to buy two AR-15s within a week of turning 18, was not required to have a permit, and underwent but a cursory background check, will Republican District 34 congressional candidate Mayra Flores support these minimal "red flag" requirements favored by the majority of the American people?

Her opponent, Dan Sanchez, does.

Or will she continue to doggedly defend these Republican Legislature and Governor Greg Abbott -approved initiatives that she claims were passed to "Protect the Rights of Texans to defend themselves? She also promises to "defend and fund law enforcement and Border Patrol." 

Tell that to the parents of the children in Uvalde, who pleaded with Uvalde ISD, police, Department of Public Safety and the Border Patrol to go confront the shooter. DPS troopers and police were in the corridor outside the classrooms and could hear the shooting of the children. Outside, police handcuffed a mother who wanted to run and save her child and threatened others with arrest and held others back.) 


Anonymous said...

Get over it Montoya, you're no better than the anti-gun left to use an incident like this for your soap box posts. Mistakes were made, and they will be dealt with or learn from them. As for those parents wanting to go into the school and save their children, that' what is expected of a parent but had they been allowed to enter and were killed? Then, we would have you, the media and others critiquing that law enforcement should not have done that, right? Quit being a hypocrite like your other fellow democrats who think that these incidents can be prevented by adding more laws! Just because Beto Orourke thinks that this incident could have been prevented, doesn't make him a seer.

Anonymous said...

Precisely why we need more good people ready to take down an assailant and not wait for the police. I support Mayra. Go Mayra!

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Both will be zeroes if elected. No power.

Anonymous said...

Bad timing seems like natural for this racist republican. Is this what you want?????

Anonymous said...

Mayra Flores is blinded by the temporary limelight. Her whole life to this point has been a total dud. What has she done? What stud has she dated?

Ni madre, says this observer.

Oh, she picked cotton (virtually)


Anonymous said...

pinche mojada pocha.

myra, you are not one of us like your commercial says.

you're a tool. pobresita, mija.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pry that cactus off your forehead girl, and learn to spoke. How long your daddy been mercan citysen ? He still can't espeak good English. Assimilate ese. Or go back to Tamps. And take your guns with you.

Anonymous said...

Wait… let me guess. If we vote for her we’re all racist?? SMH

Anonymous said...

Mayra has nothing. Sonsa.

Anonymous said...

Chief "El Chapo" Sauceda, the Brownsville Police Department, and his minions would like to mention that the chief will be at the mall, so anyone can line up and take a picture with him. The fee is only $19.99 but the memory will be forever.
Commander Mamalouie and his wife Nancy Toucan Alaniz will be trying to control the long line of admirers wanting to take a picture with the Chief.
In charge of the technical lighting will be Mario "Dell tech while on duty" Avenadno. He will be available after he does some research and stats to show that El Chapo's generosity of allowing citizens from the Valley to take a picture with him, will be the greatest event in South Texas history!
For an extra $10.00 dollars, any member of the swat team will be available to take a picture with you, after all, swat members are all taken care by El Chapo.
El Chapo will be wearing his old Porter cheerleading uniform for an extra $$ fee.
One more thing,,, GGGGoooo Porter!!!!!

Anonymous said...

June 6, 2022 at 10:50 AM

The hypocrites are the racist republicans, wanting to arm the whole country. Knowing full well that most racist republicans are mental retards and morons..
