Thursday, July 21, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Tired of Republican social media, politicians and media pundits bashing  Hispanics, Blacks, women, the LGBTQ community and immigrants and shove their extremist, far-right retro-agenda on local, state and national governments?

Tired of having local Republican politicians stand silently by as Texan Republican Gov. Greg Abbott and the Republican-controlled legislature and party adopt a resolution that calls for the state to – illegally – have Texas secede from the United States in obvious violation of the oaths they took to protect the Union and the U.S. Constitution?

It's time that our Democratic elected officials – from justices of the peace to county court-at-law judges, district judges, sheriffs, constables, county commissioners, county and district clerks – lead by example and unite all our people to counter this trend that seeks to deprive the people of their rights and freedoms.

We need to stop the spread of exclusive, neo-conservative philosophies that seek to pass laws aimed at turning back the clock to the times when a dominant group excluded the poor, subjugated women to a subservient status denying them control over their own bodies, and kept power in the hands of the few by gerrymandering voting districts seeking to dilute their vote and to restrict the voting rights of the poor, Hispanics and other minorities.

They can call themselves the party of Lincoln, but in reality, by their actions, they have shown us that they are seeking to divide the people and incite a civil war instead of uniting our country. They spew a "replacement" ideology and feel that their group is entitled to an exalted,  dominant position and to the best benefits made possible by the labor of the rest of the country.

One congressional Republican candidate even believes the Big Lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 election even as overwhelming evidence and more than 60 lawsuit claiming voting fraud have been turned down by the courts, some of them presided by Trump appointees. Mayra Flores has called democrats "traitors" and President Joe Biden a "criminal" and has spread the QAnon conspiracy theories. 

As the January 6 hearings have shown, some Republican congressmen and state and federal government administrators conspired with Trump in a failed attempt to have the election overturned and keep the most anti-Hispanic president in history in power in spite of having lost the popular vote by some 6 million votes. In other words, to ignore the will of the people and impose a dictatorship on our nation. 

Too many soldiers of all races and creeds have given their lives to preserve our democracy for us to allow this to happen. It's time to make a stand and unite to counter these seditious, exclusive philosophies and Republican politicians.

Show that we still believe in democracy, that our fallen service men and women did not die in vain, and that those that serve today are not serving to deprive their fellow citizens of the rights they are serving to protect.
It's up to all of us – and most importantly our young people – to say "No" to these extreme-right tendencies and make a stand for inclusivity, social progress, and a brighter future for all the people, not just for those who believe that they can impose their far-right views and deprive the people of the rights that so many have died to preserve.

We need everyone – American's sons and daughters – to unite and make a stand for our country. Join us tomorrow and join hands with us and organize a resistance and work to bring out the vote this November against the Republican efforts to turn back the clock on progress. See you there. Let's show them that "Si se puede!


Anonymous said...

NO Democrat has won ANY statewide election in Texas since 1994. This is fact.

Anonymous said...

You see what the Democrats are doing to our country and your still want us to vote Democrat? Do you think we're stupid or do you just hate our country?

Anonymous said...

Rare species spotted in los barrios for first time. Racist republicans never seen before in los barrios are now a common nuisance. Unlike cockaroaches where you can go to HEB and buy insecticides to eliminate them there is no cure to stop these type of investations of cockaroaches. Don Eduardo the local curandero might be able to help... call him

Anonymous said...

It’s the Republicans that are stopping just about everything in the senate. It’s important to watch or listen to other news outlets besides Fox. Oh and Manchin as a DEM is no help

Anonymous said...


Republicans killed access to abortion!

KOVO: Keep Our Valley Ours

We're Democrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Republicans are going after food stamps and housing vouchers. WIC on the chopping block too.


Vote democrat!!!

Anonymous said...

A rumor is moving across Brownsville that Republican Carlos Cascos, candidate for county judge, plans to rename Brownsville International Airport after Donald J. Trump.

He's pressuring Mayor Mendez and commissioners.

Imagine that: Donald J. Trump International Airport

Anonymous said...

Young DEMO RATS UNITE! Bunch of retards playing laser tag, LOL!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is we all in a mess and in need of fixing.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:04AM
What you're saying must be true because we all know Democrats don't lie.

Anonymous said...

I will never vote Democrat again. Never

Anonymous said...

Pinches Democrats. Ponganse a jalar cabrones. No more freebies!!

Anonymous said...

I will never vote Democrat again. Never


Anonymous said...

July 21, 2022 at 12:14 PM
Idiota have you ever heard of hillbillys? The most huevones en todo el mundo pendejo they never work, puros pidiches welfare was started to help all of these mamones hillbillys. You must be a pinche gringo/coco mamon...
Hillbillys and uppity gringos are the same puros mamones...

Anonymous said...

Cascos lost BIG against Eddie Trevino four years ago!

otra vez?

Anonymous said...

Democrats keeping everyone down and lining up their pockets and lusting for power. All for themselves, no matter what. Free beer and Free Chicken plates for the VOTES. Keep on voting for them, see the results, NO IMPROVEMENTS, we need more time to finish the job. Common Theme among them.

Anonymous said...

Aqui nunca los racistas republicanos son nadien y nunca seran. PUROS MAMONES GRINGOS/COCOS!

Anonymous said...

Liquor Lucio Eddie, and family will be there!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Los demócratas son una bola de pendejos. Miran la tempestad y no se hincan.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree it’s important to watch or listen to other news outlets. Unfortunately the majority here in the states are owned and operated by democrats. That’s why we have a bunch of Hispanic zombies looking for Republicans. Want to here the truth? Go to Fox News, BBC, Al Jazeera and Sky. Why haven’t we heard about Hunter Biden other than on Fox news? Wake up people.

Anonymous said...

A Republican freed the slaves. Democrats owned the majority of slaves. Democrats created the KKK. Oh but Republican are racist? The Democratic Party got the perfect ingredient for the domination of Hispanics IGNORANCE!

Anonymous said...

Where are the trumpet players aka trump lovers

Looks like he was throwing a tantrum during the riot and after election

Che lloron

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2022 at 8:03 PM

