Saturday, July 16, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As one of your loyal seven readers, I notice that some of your subjects tend to reappear on your cyberpages. 

Call them the usual suspects that predictably reappear on the inmate lists of the Brownsville Police Dept. They start off with PI, possession of marijuana or cocaine, DWI, assaults in bars, and as they grow up, instances of family violence and more serious felony charges.

These bad boys (and girls) seem to reappear on the police blotter time after time as the seriousness of their alleged violations escalate in seriousness. 

Some of these alleged violations are ascribed to youthful indiscretion and defended by their facilitators with the excuse that "boys will be boys."

I call your attention to the Tuesday, July 12, 2022 arrest of Ricardo Ray Chavira III. 

He has been featured in the past on both your pages and on the police blotter. The charges this time include a third-degree family violence assault felony charge where he "impeded breath" (choked?) and then interfered with the victim calling police for assistance.

The last time that Chavira had a scrape with police was back in January 2013 when he was charged with possession of marijuana. And just three months later, he was arrested and charged with inducing the sexual performance of a minor and with possession of child pornography.

His mother Rachel Arellano (of all people) blamed the alleged victim and a social media pundit (Erasmo Castro) – who she followed – jokingly blamed his use of ganja, the wicked weed, that made him do prurient things with little girls. 

At that time, Chavira, then 18, had been cajoling a 16-year-old girl to send him nude pictures of herself. His mother insisted on Erasmo's page that she was a little hoe (whore) and that her little boy was "in love" with her. 

For those who knew the players in this "drama." involving this adult and this minor "hoe," let's just say that Ms. Arellano was the daughter of a 25-year veteran of a Brownsville Police Dept. officer and Chavira is his grandson.

Why does this matter?
Because Rachel Arallano, in attempting to defend her son's actions with the minor, said that the detectives with the BPD "are working with the (victim's) parents. He's helping because he knows the facts."

Later, she posted on the same site that the detectives were hoping the parents of the victim would not follow through on the charges and ascribed his actions to a youthful indiscretion that could be taken care of with a little bit of Mexican parental discipline.
"Love makes you do stupid shit...He will get the chankla at home..."

And it was revealed by the local daily that not only had Chavira asked for more nude photos of the girl but police accused him of threatening to post her nude pictures on social media if she refused.

Cheezme followed up her offensive by posting a photo from the police blotter and blaming the weed. "See what marijuana does!!!," he quipped.

Now that the most recent charges against bad boy Chavira have escalated to family violence assault for allegedly choking his mate, will his facilitators try to blame the victim again and use granddaddy's buddies at the cop shop to cover for their little boy?

Let's see. We have Bob Hendrix from Pan American Cargo Lines spending years behind bars for sending and receiving child pornography. 

And coincidentally, at about the same time Hendrix was sentenced, a local television station reported that a 35-year-old Edcouch-Elsa mariachi instructor was being charged with engaging in sexual activity with a 16-year-old (almost 17?) student and had apparently been doing this sort of thing for some time.

If Chavira gets off easy this time through the interference of grandpa's buddies at the PD, will we see him resurface again in 10 or 15 years from now with some more serious crime? And are the facilitators of these alleged violators really doing them any favors by downplaying the crimes as youthful indiscretions instead of nipping that kind of behavior in the bud?


Anonymous said...

It's a serpentine tale soon to be a minor motion picture.

ho hum

Anonymous said...

Ivanka Trump died while having an abortion?

Wow. Republicans, such hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Pura LACRA! With a mother like that what do you expect… thats why pedophiles should stay in prison.

Anonymous said...

His reasoning, he likes men in jail. What happens in jail stays in jail.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is fucking boring now.

he won't be there in 2024. He's yesteryear.

Anonymous said...

Unsure of the spin on this story. But it looks like the cops are doing their job and the kid's grandfather has no influence. The cops keep arresting the kid and for serious charges. It appears the ones dropping the ball are the judges or the DAs office.

Anonymous said...

This "boy will be boys" is no longer a boy. By law he is a young adult. He should have already gotten his act together. If he suffers no concequences because of family interference it will be PD, parent, and grandparent approved criminal behavior. You know the Mexican saying el que no tiene padre en la casa lo encuentra en la calle. Life will eventually deal with him. He is just another brick in the wall...water under the bridge.

Anonymous said...

Chief of police Felix "El Chapete" Sauceda has not made an official statement yet, he's too busy looking for his next photo opportunity for Facebook.

"Oh look at me, I rode a bike (insert picture),, Oh look at me, I fed the kids from my girlfriends class (insert picture),,, Oh look at me, I went to the movie theater with a bunch of kids (insert picture),,, Oh look at me, I only have 3 patrol officers assigned out at night at 4 am any given night for the entire city (insert picture). I am a disappointment for the entire police department (insert picture).


Anonymous said...

son del contri

Anonymous said...

Si a huevo
Legalize marijuana they say
It's starts with a joint
Then they all become wife beaters
Career criminals
Andale Beto o Rourke
Yeah vote democrats
Eff that
Bueno except Mayra
Pero ke no lo deje El condado en la van
Porke hasta los bloggers lo defienden

Anonymous said...

To the rude and disrespectful cop who wrote the comment above. If you are not in any of the pictures of the pd officers helping the community maybe you should try it. Maybe it will help you with your issues and you get to see another side of things. The bunch of kids you talk about are actually little angels that suffer from autism and other things. They are extremely happy to see the chief and officers on movie day and as a parent it make me feel good. So instead of writing stupid stuff you can join us at the movies this week on Wednesday at 945.

Anonymous said...

son del contri driving a mercedes I never see mercedes in the southmost area only jap cars, y usados...

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from after her mother Rachelle Arrellano posts pictures of her receiving a double headed dildo her husband gave her on her birthday? Then she posts the other dildos she has on Facebook. If she encourages her son to be a dominant male and not respect women, then your actions help contribute to her sons' actions. Rachelle is always posting things that show she is sexually deprived and always Horney. If she doesn't respect herself, how does she expect her son to respect women?

Anonymous said...

To the cop/ass kisser "July 17, 2022 at 11:46 AM",

Kinda sounds creepy that Sauceda and you enjoy movie day with little kids.... Join you at the movies??? I would have thought that there are more important issues, like to for instance patrol manpower shortage around the clock, oh, but you chacalones are at movie date with kids. Check or run your analytical numbers again, learn how to prioritize your man power instead of allowing your ass kissers to go all the way to Harlingen to buy pizza for lunch for the lambiscones who all eat with Sauceda.
Unless your still too busy working for Dell on company time, lambiscon!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bad parents create bad people!

Anonymous said...

To July 18, 2022 at 1:26 PM

May God have mercy on you. I posted my comment as a parent of an autistic child and not kissing ass. It has been hard but i believe God gave me my angel for a reason and maybe because I would love her and take care of her. If you are a cop then you shouldn't be one! There is obviously more to being a cop than arresting bad guys and I really hope that you are not the cop and bad apple that children expect to look up to. God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

You should look up the mothers mug shot back in the day. Credit card abuse, theft of check, Theft. All this and the daughter of a former BPD officer.

Anonymous said...

And I hope that El Chapete Sauceda is not the father of your child. Maybe you heard about the one officer he had inside the equipment closet? Maybe you have heard of the sucker punch he landed on a detective when Sauceda was busted for having an affair with a detective's wife? Or better yet, was it the time it was reveled Sauceda was sleeping with the owner of a illegal arcade in Brownsville?? You must be one of those lucky ladies!

Anonymous said...

You all know that a cop should be a criminal on the right side of the law?
