Tuesday, July 12, 2022


(Sheriff Eric Garza said: "The criminal investigation division investigated the incident. “They concluded there was no criminal intent by that incident,” Garza said. “They did ask the jailers why or what was the circumstance of that happening; the jailers weren’t able to answer that question.”

By Stefany Rosales
July 11, 2022

A Valley mother is demanding answers after her 17-year-old son was left in a van by Cameron County Sheriff’s Office employees.

The incident happened on June 27.

Christina Gonzalez says her son, 17-year-old Angel Deras, was set to be released that day after spending two weeks in jail for failing to charge his ankle monitor.

Gonzalez says she still has questions about why her son was left in the van. 
(Records from the National Weather Service indicate the temperature that day was in the mid-90s, which can reach temperatures of up to 170 degrees in a closed vehicle.)

“I asked, 'How can they forget?” Gonzalez said in Spanish. “'Well I don’t know, I thought they were going somewhere on a break. I don’t know'. He says, 'I saw they weren’t coming.' And they had him with handcuffs on his hands and feet.”

The sheriff's office said Gonzalez was found at 6 p.m. inside a transport van at the detention center.

Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza says Deras was in there for no more than 45 minutes.

“We had two jailers checking the secured area of CRDC,” said Garza. “At that time, they noticed that there was an inmate in a van.”

(Actually, his probation officer had scheduled a meeting with the inmate and when he didn't appear asked the jailers as to where his whereabouts. Until then, the jailers weren't aware he was in the van.) 

Gonzalez says that the vehicle was turned off.

“The probation officer tells us when he got off he was drenched in sweat,” Gonzalez said. “He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower.”

Gonzalez says her son felt dizzy and nauseous. The sheriff says Duras received medical attention and medical staff said he was fine.

The criminal investigation division investigated the incident.

“They concluded there was no criminal intent by that incident,” Garza said. “They did ask the jailers why or what was the circumstance of that happening; the jailers weren’t able to answer that question.”

The sheriff says the two jailers involved with the transportation did face consequences. Garza did not identify the jailers or clarify whether they were fired or suspended.

While the investigation may be over for the sheriff’s office, it's not for Gonzalez.

“What I want is for this not to happen again for other people,” Gonzalez said. “Since he has on his monitor, I’m just on high alert that they’ll put him in jail again and this will happen again.”

Attorney Ignacio Martinez says he is going to launch an investigation against the sheriff’s office and will request video or any other type of documentation to determine if the department was negligent.

Sheriff Garza says his office is also taking steps to prevent this from happening again by installing dash cams in all of their vehicles, including transportation vans.

“To ensure that whenever they come back into CRDC, no one is in the unit when they are being dropped off,” Garza said. “This includes when they are being moved to other jails.”


Anonymous said...

okay, we now know what he did wrong - something that had eluded Montoya.

ankle bracelet antics. Yeah, that's serious enough to die in a hot van. Well, here, cause life is cheap here.

Juan is becoming Juan and Done with his cup-is-half-full news reporting.

heh heh

Anonymous said...

It's Putin's fault!

Anonymous said...

That Garza guy doesn’t look good wearing a hat much less a uniform. And that disgusting hair on his face needs to go. Dang guy look at yourself in the mirror before you head out the door. I don’t look much better than him but I ain’t a public servant open to public ridicule.

Anonymous said...

One jailer suspended
Another one fired

No pues wow

Good job Captain dinosaur

Anonymous said...

Eric is a fucking dumbass, posting Gilbert Cisneros' "accomplishments" for helping a lady find her phone hahahaha get a fuck put of here

Anonymous said...

The sheriff continues to lie to the citizens of CC..inmate wasn't found by two jailers....inmate wasn't medically clr...he is not installing camaras in the transport vans...inmate was in the van for longer than 45 minutes.

Anonymous said...

That clown needs to fucking shave

Anonymous said...

Montoya you should do an article on Charles "coke" Hoskins.. on June 29 wife dialed 911 complaining of an argument, saying that he overdosed and made threats that he was going to kill himself...deputies got there and found him on the front yard todo mamado but it was a miracle!!!! No arrest...even tho he was convicted for an assault family violence, knowing that he told his wife that he wanted to kill himself he wasn't section to the hospital...it gets worst he owns weapons and they weren't taken away.. and as expected NO drug test. What a fucking joke this office is

Anonymous said...

Estas bien pendejo Erik..don't you know why Gilbert Cisneros was kicked out of SIu? Ese pinche sheriffe no sabe ni madres

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows at the office Garza is f** kleimer Carretero. disgusting!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Let's not forget that a lady died at the Brownsville Police Department's city jail not long ago. Was anyone ever held accountable? That "chief" Sauceda has lost all credibility among his own officers.
Take the time to talk to them, they ae not shy about telling you how many officers have left due to Sauceda running a hostile environment, full of favoritism and retaliation.
Even better, ask any officer how many officers are actually out patrolling the streets on one given 8 hour shift, you will be surprised what a low manpower is assigned while Sauceda's favorite ass kissers remain in cushy jobs, making sure that they take pictures of Sauceda to be posted on Fcaebook, this is not a real police chief, this is a Facebook police chief, he LOVES posing for pictures, doesn't he?
Maybe ask the "investigator" assigned to do all media interviews, why was he "assigned" to that position? He was actually assigned there because he was deemed as a "Brady" officer who has been caught lying before and from now on, all his arrests or previous arrest can be called into question because of his past lies.
Let's not forget about Sauceda's personal assistant, Mamalouie. This guy was a drunk, that got busted groping a lady at a bar, had his drunk passed out pictures posted on facebook for everyone to see by his own wife!
And no, that guy assigned to the gym, she was caught taking her family on a city vehicle, without permission to out of town training. How was she disciplined? By assigning her to the gym, where she assists all 4 officers during an 8 hour shift.
Way to run things Sauceda, oh wait, he too busy posing for another picture.

Anonymous said...

Let me grab some popcorn for this one šŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Cameron county jailer must be as retarded as the Uvalde police who stood and witness innocent children being murdered. This is NOTG a slap on the risk issue, Garza.

Anonymous said...

Heaven forbid that something of this nature happens again to our upstanding jail inmates.

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza says that, "They (CID-Criminal Investigation Division) concluded that there was no criminal intent" (by the jailers that left the inmate to die in a hot van). I am 100% certain that the intent was not to kill the inmate. However, reckless endangerment does play an important roll along with the past disciplinary history of those jailers.

Eric Garza is going to buy whatever the Investigations supervisor tells him because Eric Garza does NOT know any better. He is a rookie and has no earthly idea how to be a Sheriff. Garza does not even qualify to be out in a patrol car answering calls in uniform because he would be eaten up alive in Cameron Park and his inexperience could get him hurt and others hurt because he does not have the police mentality or experience. He is a paper pusher at best.

Garza does not realize that a crime was committed for negligently leaving a prisoner in a hot van. He does not realize because he doesn't know any better. Garza is too green behind the ears and so is Lt. Del Bosque. Del Bosque has no investigative experience other than finding out who left the gym training room dirty.

Here is a bone for you Eric Garza. Look up this law in the Texas Penal Code. (It's where all the laws are written Eric) (yes, the thick book, turn page to sec. 22.05)

Sec. 22.05. DEADLY CONDUCT. (a) A person commits an offense if he recklessly engages in conduct that places another in imminent danger of serious bodily injury.

Eric...the key word is "recklessly". This law is made for when there is no initial "intent" to leave someone in a van but when you are reckless and don't give a shit about your job like these guys, by leaving someone to die (unintentionally) in a hot van, they make laws like this even though there is no intent, and being reckless in doing so is sufficient evidence. The prisoner drenched in sweat is evidence. The medical evaluation is evidence. The van should have been immediately processed and all the sweat should have been photographed along with the inmates uniform showing how sweaty it was. I am sure Rick Cornejo, the jail supervisor of supervisors conducted a thorough investigation when he heard about it.

Check the law before you by whatever CID tells you. I hear they have a field day with you all the time and laugh at you when they talk about how you buy everything they tell you.

Now do your job Eric. It is against the law to leave someone in a hot van during the summer heat. Go kick some butt because they have embarrassed you again!!

Anonymous said...

Surely you do not ask that we coddle prisoners, do you, Montoya?

How could we as a free society endure such a policy? Fear must always be part of being a prisoner, otherwise the inmates will run the zoo.

Bring back "Public Humiliation," I daresay.

Anonymous said...

Old news.

Bring me the wife of Alfredo Garcia.

Anonymous said...

Vien valiente segun y su mama defendiendolo Al pobre chamaco

Anonymous said...

Democrats in actions in Cameron County. Keep up the good work and the ones complaining and writing on this blog are the same ones who voted for this sheriff are democrats.

Anonymous said...

Good job once again a useless Cisneros who is related to fat idiot Silverio we all know why you got that position ha bunch of useless deputies who think they are above everything
Someone tell silverio to not tuck in his shirt he looks like a muffin about to go explode

Anonymous said...

Guys with everything that’s going on, remember all this shit come re-election time. Look at how STUPID Eric Garza and his admin are. Imagine an admin that has no idea what they are doing, has CLERKS have more authority than DEPUTIES, has idiots like Del Bosque in charge of investigations with 0 experience. How have they helped patrol out? How about the jail? And these mother fuckers want our vote come re-election? Ask yourselves, while you can’t work OT on certain days, check out the clerks continue to work it all week. While you’re at the office trading units because yours gave out, the clerks with take home units better than yours. After all your struggles, missed birthdays and time with family, the fucking clerks make MORE money than you. Let all these negative posts about the SO give you a reason to vote this fake cop and his power hungry minions out.

Anonymous said...

No criminal intent LMFAO!!!! What a fucking idiot this sheriff is... I bet that was the recommendation of "Lt". Del bosque

Anonymous said...

Fucking idiots.

Anonymous said...

Eric is a fucking joke. Man if anyone is his friend speak to him. Teach him how to pick put a hat. How to decide on a shape. Teach him how to properly tailor your uniform. Let him know if you can not grow a full beard then shave. You look fucking ridiculous. You have Robert Gracia there it's like dumb and dumber.

Anonymous said...

@ July 12, 2022 at 3:41 PM

Funny that you allow them to live rent free in your head. They could probably give at rats ass about you.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Garza is being taken advantage of. He does not have enough experience to figure out that a crime was committed. He has to come up with whatever they told him which was bad information or Eric is protecting the jailer Vallardarez. Robert Gracia is a little bit smarter than Eric but Gracia and Eric are no longer communicating. Their ego's are too big for one room and they are no longer butt buddies. They are now enemies. Gracia at least would have not been taken advantage of so easily. He has a little bit more experience than Eric. The culprit here to blame is Lt. Delbosque for misleading and giving bad information to Eric and making Eric once again look stupid and dumb.

Anonymous said...

Ese Garza ya se parece a Cristian Nodal todo por encasa la verga!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no criminal intent hahahaha alv

Anonymous said...

Inmate left to die in a hot van for 1 hour but the sheriff in town says there is no intent

Anonymous said...

Ahh pero te creias bien verga Garza, ahora atorele puto.

Anonymous said...

El pendejete del sherife

Anonymous said...

That jailer was protected by Abraham Rodriguez, he was already removed from transport for incompetent but he brought him back, the attorny is going to have fun with this one.

Anonymous said...

What happened Garza, I thought you were going to make me quit, todos tus minions and kiss-ass "supervisors" me la pelan!

Anonymous said...

Sheriff you need to tell the gym supervisor Del Bosque to put his boy Angel el maƱoso on check... that motherfucker is crooked asf, check his timesheet

Anonymous said...

Can't stand supervisors sucking d*** just to stay in the office, what a shame.

Anonymous said...

Many incidents comitted by prior administration and yet never posted on the blogg. Why? The numerous acts by favorite deputies protected by Javier Reyna along with extra pay checks. that's the problem of most comments. Please refer to crooked JR Investigations. Give him a bone. He needs one like any other k-9.

Anonymous said...

When does IA or Mr.SIU commander is going to look into Ramblado's timesheet? Getting paid 40 hours a week but he is only in the office 2 days driving an unmarked police unit

Anonymous said...

We lost K-9 Olivarez because of Angel, a very good officer, now we might loose another one, grow some balls Carlitos Del Bosque

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Lucio did 60 years of Law Enforcement service, this mocoso that doesn't have respect to the voters, won't last 1 more year. Save this comment pple

Anonymous said...

I think the fat department (brownsville fire) makes better comments here but the teachers make comments that are in the same insulting manner, BUT the sheriff's department comments are above and beyond respect.

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque-1
Eric Garza-0

Anonymous said...

What did you expect?

Eric Garza trained them.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo “Del Bosque” Castro.. goofy asf

Anonymous said...

Erasmo “Del Bosque” Castro would’ve done a better job looking into this. Like Erasmo, Del Bosque and Eric are in the closet idiots.

Anonymous said...

Garza how dare you taking Longoria to talk about active shooter on front to Cameron County Law Enforcement agencies broooo that clown couldn't even complete the swat try outs hahahahaha pendejo can't solve a single case... when he was assigned cold cases he asked for help!!!!! On cold cases LMfAO..once again..you looked like a fool.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Longoria remember when on your 30 minute swat try-out you were crying like a bitch? Fuck out of here wannabe aka del bosque kid

Anonymous said...

Eric you replaced the Trainer Carlos Gonzalez with a younger dumber version then him. Julian doesn’t know what he’s talking about and never shuts the fuck up when he starts giving his “professional opinion”, everyone thinks he’s an idiot because we’ll he’s an idiot and we still haven’t seen him give “good trainings”. He’ll “send” Deputies to trainings with other agencies then will say “it cuz that class has to be taught by 109” or “it’s cuz you know how Del Bosque is he won’t let me teach it”. The fact that people want Carlos Gonzalez back says a lot lol.

Anonymous said...

No one wants Carlos Gonzalez back. That I can assure you.

Anonymous said...

The only idiot that would say anyone would want Carlos Gonzalez back teaching anything is Carlos Gonzalez. Thank the good lord he left so we can actually get some decent training.

Anonymous said...

They’re both full of shit. Carlos can’t talk and doesn’t know how to teach to save his life. Julian can’t stop talking about his expertise and also doesn’t know how to teach. The only reason Julian Longoria got that position is because he talked his way into it with “special secret details” from Chief and the Sheriff. At least Carlos didn’t parade around the office acting like he’s untouchable like Julian does. And he can’t even keep a secret, when his 1st assignment by Chief to look into the ammo sent to Pct. 2 was assigned to Julian what does he do? Tell everyone how he’s “busy working a case for Chief” and then take 4 hours talking about his super secret mission. Then he gets assigned to cold cases and asks for help… for cold cases. Julian if you’re soo good like you say you are tell us all, what was the outcome of your Abel Gomez case? Now conveniently enough he won’t tell you lol. How about any of the cold cases you solved? You couldn’t even get a confession from a 2201 suspect when you were in CID. How many cases did you actually self initiate when you were in SIU? Should I continue? Julian eat some humble pie, do your job and shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Ese Julian es un puƱetas, well at least that's everyone said at the Dancy building

Anonymous said...

Chiquis if you feel flattered about the comments, it shows how dumb you really are. And yes I’m also being sarcastic but fuck you anways lol

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Julian alias el “109 and Del Bosque don’t let me teach those classes also can I get help with cold cases they’re really hard and I’m dumb” Longoria
Domingo alias “I talk rasposo because I still have the Reyna’s cock stuck in my throat “ Diaz-Reyna-Lucio-Garza
Carlos alias “no intent/Commander Cuckold” Del Bosque-(blade) Cortez
Abraham alias “I got the power back then they took it away again” Rodriguez
Eric alias “that’s not my baby” Garza-Carretero
Robert alias “doesn’t know the law but enforces it anyways” Gracia

Ladies and gentlemen, these are the proud men that run the Sheriffs office

Anonymous said...

This sounds like Eddie the rat guerra commenting. Claiming that he has so much dirt on 101 and he is going to media if he isn't put back on office job. How has kissing ass worked for you so far rata?

Anonymous said...

All Julian wants to do is promote his side business using county funds someone should look into this at least classes are free because he is a idiot. Whats the matter chiquis did you figure out Tobias is the one who hates you the most because you use his real experience and military background?

Anonymous said...

Julian is a wanna be Tobias. In no way is he even close to Toby, like the comment above said, Toby is at least a real military guy and swat. Julian is the way he is because he’s a wannabe just look at how he behaves himself. Walks around the office like a wannabe supervisor, talks all this tactical talk as if he’s swat (never made it to the team) and now as the training coordinator talks as if he’s a instructor. What a surprise he and admin get along, they’re all wannabes. And Eddie should just stop talking how much shit he has on admin, he got kicked out of their good graces for talking to the district attorney’s office on Eric Garzas hit and run incident.

Anonymous said...

I am a little curious as to what the investigation into the ammunition situation at Abel gomez office was. Anyone care to let us know?

Anonymous said...

Everyone talking about Julian, but Don't let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just went into Harry's and bought three turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system.

Anonymous said...

jajajajaajjajaaj!!! Abraham Rodriguez "I had the power and then they took it away" jajajajajajaj!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The dam stubble Erik Garza has on his face reminds me of Joe Dirt. The one who couldn't grow a complete beard. You should shave pendejo

Anonymous said...

Wait till the IA investigation on why ICE booted Capt Rodriguez from the task force comes out. Pictures of him coming out of the movies on duty. Spending hours at his house while on the clock. What a piece of shit that guy turned out to be. The IA investigation is on a USB just waiting for the right moment.
