Saturday, July 16, 2022


Washington Post Editorial Board

As polls in Texas show Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in a tough reelection fight for what would be his third term, his rhetoric, actions and stunts involving illegal immigration have become increasingly extreme.

Egged on by conservative allies – including his lieutenant governor, who likened the current flow of immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border to the attack on Pearl Harbor – Mr. Abbott is now challenging constitutional norms that have generally put immigration policy under the federal government’s purview. He is also defying U.S. law and treaty commitments.

About three years ago, after a mass shooting by a white supremacist at a Walmart in El Paso that left 23 people dead, most of them Latino, Mr. Abbott acknowledged the role of incendiary hyperbole leading up to the massacre.

That presumably included his own rhetoric, which included warnings of a plot to “transform Texas – and our entire country – through illegal immigration.”

But Mr. Abbott’s memory is apparently short. Now, he speaks openly of declaring that an immigrant “invasion” is underway at the border, a move that supposedly would enable Texas to claim war powers, forbidden to states under the U.S. Constitution unless they are "actually invaded"

Such a declaration might, in turn, empower the governor to deport immigrants, usurping the federal government’s authority.

Or so the argument goes by the anti-immigrant extremists who are pushing the move. It’s far-fetched. Mr. Abbott himself says deporting immigrants might expose state law enforcement authorities to federal prosecution, though he has not ruled it out.

Nonetheless, last week he edged right up to the line, issuing an executive order authorizing the Texas National Guard and Public Safety Department to return undocumented immigrants to the border. Under that scheme, immigrants would have no opportunity to apply for asylum in this country, which is their right under U.S. and international law.

The governor’s move came one day after a poll was published showing him leading Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke by just six percentage points in this fall’s gubernatorial race. While Mr. Abbott remains the favorite in GOP-leaning Texas, his favorable ratings plummeted after the mass shooting in May in Uvalde, which left 19 students and two teachers dead.

His lead in the current race is less than half of his margin of victory in 2018.

As the race has tightened, the governor’s immigration stunts have become showier – and more expensive. Under his policies, Texas has spent some $4 billion on border security – by detaining thousands of immigrants in state facilities on misdemeanor trespassing charges, deploying thousands of National Guard troops to the border, building more than 20 miles of new border wall and paying to bus some immigrants to D.C.

He has also spent heavily to reinforce security in Texas border towns, although little serious crime is attributed to border crossers. In April, he played havoc with cross-border commerce by ordering safety inspections on trucks entering Texas from Mexico – an undertaking that produced no significant seizures of narcotics, guns or other contraband.

Mr. Abbott’s ostentatious policies are wasteful and ineffective; they have produced no detectable reduction in cross-border immigration. Whether they help him win reelection remains an open question.


Anonymous said...

Republican Greg Abbott is playing at governor. Same bullshit against migrants, the border and everything Republicans hate.

road-tired cliche politics.

get a life, greg.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get your dose of that fentanyl coming across the border.

Anonymous said...

The question is what the hell has Beto O'Rourke done to improve the so-called failure of Abbott? Abbott, even without working legs, has and continues to try to fix and the corrupt Texas system that Corrupt former governor Rick Perry left. Perry not only corrupted the system he also set-up corrupt politicians to carry out his corrupt plan. The political system was broken way before Abbott took over. Beto made an idiot of himself when he showed up at the Uvalde meeting, blaming Abbott for the massacre of innocent children. The Latest Uvalde Video showed how negligence the police enforcement was. Cowards is a better word. How Mr. O'Rourke does one fix corruption with corruption?

Anonymous said...

@6:27 AM

It wouldn't be coming if our drug addicts wouldn't pay for it.

Mexico keeps saying it is NOT the one with the drug problem. White addicts keep buying drugs.


Anonymous said...

He deserves the HILLBILLY MEDALLION OF STUPIDITY only whites are considered.

Anonymous said...

Close race? LoL! Abbott is going to crush all your hopes and dreams. Just part of the red tide that will drown you Browntown morons.

Anonymous said...

worms are red, racist republican color is red. IDIOTAS LOVE RED

Anonymous said...

Use that brain you democRAT idiots! Your choice in Washington is just fucking us dry with everything being so expensive! The mumbling idiot even sends money to countries that his son has interest in, wake up!

Governor Abbott, period!

Anonymous said...

Governador bud abbott is purchasing a lavor (piece of agriculture) de algodon to keep his wife happy. She misses those day of PICKIN' COTTON... not in the valley of course.....IDIOTAS
