Wednesday, July 20, 2022


B'rer Jerry Rabbit: "Do what you want, but please don't throw me in the briar patch."

By Juan Montoya

The Republican National Committee's media whiz kids think they have hit upon the perfect bait to land the victory for Mayra Flores, McAllen's Hispanic Trojan Horse candidate for the 34th congressional district.

Divert attention from her extreme right stand on the issues. Make her out to be a victim. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Say the democrats victimize her because she is Latino.

Say they pick on Pobrecita Mayra because she is a female.

Repeat ad hominem that they victimize Poor Mayra because of her repeated (and patently false) claims that she labored as a farm worker at 13 in the cotton fields in West Texas to earn money for school clothes. That was in 1999, almost 30 years after every step in the planting and harvesting of the crop had been mechanized. But it sells, don't it? Why let facts get in the way of a good story?

That they victimize her when people criticize her vote against the bipartisan gun-safety bill in defense of Second Amendment rights after an active shooter mowed down 19 chiquitos and their two female (Hispanic) teachers with military assault weapons that she won't vote to outlaw.

"Come and take it," and all of that.

But she spun a justification for it because she said there wasn't enough money in the bill for local schools and waved visions of the "billions" she will bring in the five months left that she has to serve of the unexpired term of former congressman Filemon Vela.

"Our children are everything," she told Cameron County commissioners court when they acted on her request to rent her the office space that Vela had occupied.

What about the innocents who were massacred in Uvalde and the future Uvaldes and Parkland malls to come if we don't do something like passing common-sense bipartisan gun-safety legislation? Keep the money. Protect our kids and our fellow citizens, since, as she says, our kids and families (and throw in god and country for good measure) are above everything, including dollars.

What did Flores choose? The children? Or the money?

And guess what? The GOP media spinners got a bonus. Now they are asserting that Flores' daughter (a small version of a female Latina) was pushed around by none other than evil incarnate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during a photo shoot. See Hispanics, the Democrats don't like you, take you for granted, etc., you know the spiel...look what they did to one of your children.

And oh, yeah, First Lady Jill Biden said Hispanics eat tacos. Gasp! We're all victims I tell ya!

And Flores is portrayed as a poor victim who nobly endures the slings and arrows her detractors hurl at her and gamely plods on seeking celestial guidance and bolstered by her family, country, and, of course, God. 

Let's pass some anti-child-shoving legislation to protect kids from being emotionally traumatized by cranky old people.

But let's cut to the chase.

Now they say that poor little Mayra has been victimized by bad, bad, bad, blogger Jerry Mchale, known locally by his self-chosen nickname of El Macho Gabacho. They say he – and by a dubious stretch – her Democrat opponent Vicente Gonzalez who paid him for "advertising" – sneered at her right-wing plaintive bleatings for crass money. You've got to be kidding! Not Jerry! Not that!

Let's get this straight. Those of us who know Jerry know that he is an equal opportunity offender. 

He has called Democratic state rep candidate ( a white woman) Morgan "La Mentira" LaMantia, district judge (an Hispanic female) Elia Cornejo the Black Vagina, Texas Southmost College chairperson Rose "Miss Piggy" Cardenas, former UTB President Julieta Garcia La Santisima Putisima, Democrats County Judge Eddie "La Panocha" Treviño, Senator Eddie "El Sucio" Lucio, Eddie "The Turd" Lucio III, and Republican Carlos "Kinky" Cascos, etc. And he was doing this years before Flores appeared on the scene. 

The sobriquet of Miss Frijoles which he invented for Flores pales by comparison. 

Having been one of his targets (a paid hack, he called me when I didn't support his sobrino for the school board because he sent unsolicited photos of his private miserias to a law firm clerk), it's clear that you enter the blogosphere (and public life as well) fully knowing that when once in the fray, taking negative feedback comes with the territory. You play the game, you take your chances. Don't like it? Simple. Don't play.

If you – as Martyr Mayra does – believe that Democrats are "traitors," that President Joe Biden is a "criminal," swallowed the Big Lie that Democrats stole the 2020 election from Donald Trump, are openly affiliated and adhere to the QAnon conspiracy theory that a group of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child sex ring are trying to control our politics and media, retweeted claims that DC Police, Antifa, and BLM set up the January 6th rioters, expect some blowback from us unbelieving infidels.

So far, she has not denied any of the charges above. If anything, Democrats have been playing "nice" too long in dealing with Pobrecita Mayra and other Republicans. They can insult us, call us rapists and murderers, push absurd conspiracy theories and gerrymander voting district lines to dilute our voting strength, but call turn the tables on them and they scream bloody murder.

And after all, as a congresswoman, Flores has taken the oath to uphold the U.S.constitution which includes the right of the press and free expression. That is, you don't have to agree with what anyone says, but you fight to protect their right to say it. As our J school professors used to say in defending yourself from libel, "Truth is its own defense."

We do not agree with her or her Republican agenda and would never vote for her and that's that and we ask no apologies for it. In fact, we wouldn't sell her advertising out of principle alone. We'd rather focus on issues instead of getting diverted on her campaign of feigned indignance to elicit sympathy from the voters by claiming her culture has been offended and, by extension, everybody else's. So forget the real issues and vote for me, OK?

As for Jerry, well, he is basking in the infamy he has sought since he started a yellow rag (literally) called El Rocinante. His shock and awe strategy  has finally paid off. He is basking in the national limelight he thought he'd never see thanks to Mayra. Gonzalez has change coming.

He is like B'rer Rabbit when B'rer Fox proposes way to kill him and B'rer Rabbit pleads for him to do whatever he wants but please don't throw him into the briar patch, which the fox finally does.

At that B'rer Rabbit sings “I was born and raised in the briar patch.”

Welcome to the briar patch Martyr Mayra.


Anonymous said...

I will make a prediction. Those who voted for Biden will know he’s a far better President than Trump. Those who voted for Trump will believe his sole purpose is to destroy the USA and make everyone communist or gay…or both. The single greatest thing that Trump achieved was to show how broken the American political system is, but sadly, few people noticed.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Frijoles refritos. Better bring a gasmask, She'll be fartin her ass off.

Anonymous said...

You are a racist piece of shit Juan. The lifetime of booze abuse has rotted your brain. The minute God deports you to Hell, your alcohol soaked body will immediately burst into flames.

Anonymous said...

She is a pretty lady. But you really go overboard idolizing her. I bet all you democrats are secretly going to vote for her in November. I promise I won’t tell.

Anonymous said...

is that trump sitting on the background watching the burning, you know he hates meskins and specially cocos

Anonymous said...

Jerry is the typical liberal Democrat that he says he is. Es pura pinche basura. Just look at the facts and vote your morals. Think on your own. YOU DON'T HAVE TO VOTE DEMOCRAT JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE HISPANIC. If you really believe the Democrats are doing a good job then by all means vote Democrat. But look at facts and think on your own. And remember that morals and values are still worth something. And if you don't agree with me you don't have to be vulgar like McHale.

Anonymous said...

Jerry McHale has already been mentioned in an NBC news report about getting paid by Vicente Gonzalez to spew racist and sexist comments about Mayra. Keep it up and see if it doesn't backfire.

Anonymous said...

They give Pulitzers for lies today like they give journalism degrees to blacks without qualification.

El Borracho said...


If you can't take the heat, STAY OUT OF POLITICS". Politics is not for whiners/snowflakes

Anonymous said...

The people of Browntown don’t realize that the rest of the state of Texas and the whole USA hates you. You all contribute absolutely nothing to society except misery. It is estimated that 80% of the people in your shit stain city is on government assistance. Why such a low turnout at election time? Because you all are wetbacks who are not allowed to vote legally.

Anonymous said...

July 20, 2022 4:57 p.m.
You are so funny! 😂🤣I know you are insulting us, because maybe your family is like the people you reference, but your ignorance, closed way of thinking, and stupidity made me laugh. Pendejo! a.k.a. Shmuck!

Anonymous said...

Juan its very simple man, people (Demoncrats) just dont go out to vote, it happens all the time and it will happen again in November 2022 and Mayra Flores will win once again against el vincente que chinga la gente carpetbagger, pos no se awiten brothers, its all your fault.

Anonymous said...

July 20, 2022 at 4:57 PM
Hillbillys come to mind when hating a group of pendejos. They elected el mas pendejo presidente of all time and they don't know how to write or read. figure that one IDIOTA...

Anonymous said...

Think of uppity whites hating a group of idiotas. Hillbillys come to mind.

Anonymous said...

We must not forget that El RRun seems to be our only sole public news post. The negative and the people oppose to Mr. Montoya have a simple chose, do not go into his post. I myself am grateful for such a source as El Rrun Rrun, he doesn't brag about being the greatest nor does he discredit other editors, he just tells it the way it is. We long time Cameron County residents have known for centuries that our whole judicial, law enforcement and county entities are corruptly run by our very own political leaders, such as Filemon Vela, Vicente Gonzalez and Henry Cuellar, and the Lucio's. Check out Filemon Vela, he was leader for the 34th. district of Cameron County, he came and shitted and positioned himself waiting and planning to make sure the Valley Baptist Hospital president Manny Vela got the Veterans Contract, (conflict of interest)? He F--K our veterans. He then allowed El Musk to steal and ruin our beach. He also had his hands in the corruption of the Brownsville Navigation bridge to nowhere. He also helped in the Thomas Yarrington Extradition, (corrupt governor of Tamaulipas). He then left for better pasture to shit on with the Biden Administration, and now he is not really lobbying for the Port of Corpus Christi, he is the Corpus Christi Port Authority. Oh, let's not forget he was hired by the Ekin Gump lobbying firm to change bills, (laws to fit for the GAS and OIL companies). This so call greedy bastard is working extreme hard for the GAS and OIL companies, not for the Nueces County people. Henry Cuellar, the second corrupt leader with the Federal Purse Monies, is also in hot water, and least Vicent Gonzalez shitting bricks with nowhere to run. This is my opinion. If Filemon a certify congressman is allowed to tell the PRESIDENT of UNITED States to shove the wall up his ass, he opened this can of beans.

Anonymous said...

"You are a racist piece of shit Juan. The lifetime of booze abuse has rotted your brain. The minute God deports you to Hell, your alcohol soaked body will immediately burst into flames."



Anonymous said...

July 20, 2022 at 8:20 AM
So, what the shit are you doing here baboso?

Anonymous said...

The give uppity whites degrees in law like they give hillbillys voting and welfare cards.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you just posted something negative Mayra, now is the sheriff's turn. Just another typical day for Montoya.
Vicente el enano from Game of Thrones. Good for nothing.
Nancy Pelosi's husband made $$$ purchase in the stock market with insider knowledge. Bola de transas.

Anonymous said...

for 9.59 am well said, too many crooks in this political pot, guess that is why my parents stopped voting for anyone especially democRATS years ago. Its all about the BENJAMINS and nothing else for these folks, they could care less what happens to our nation, State, Cameron County & City of Brownsville. LES VALE

Anonymous said...

come on, tell'em bout the latest Q conspiracy theory, the Q berts claim he's a crack addict, that likes to record his outings with russian prostitutes...can you believe that crap? I mean come on, that's something jr would do but not hunter, bunch of Q crazies

Anonymous said...

Fuchk you stupid useless blogger. You eat sht

Anonymous said...

9:59 --You copy and pasted his resume!

Anonymous said...

Does this make anyone else want to vote for Mayra more, or is it just me? She's got my vote!
