Sunday, July 31, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Immediately before they voted against health care for veterans affected by toxic exposure during their service, several Senate Republicans tweeted about how excited they were to join the USO to assemble care packages for members of the military.

Sens. Rick Scott, Mitt Romney, and Cindy Hyde-Smith all made care packages for the military for at least long enough for a photo op, then tweeted about how grateful they were for the opportunity, and how much they support the troops. 

Then they went and voted against the PACT Act, a bill that had passed the Senate 84-14 just weeks ago before coming back this week for a minor tweak. The PACT Act extends health coverage for 23 respiratory illnesses and cancers potentially caused by burn pits where millions of veterans were exposed to those toxins.

Twenty-five Republican senators switched their votes on what was supposed to be a noncontroversial procedural fix. 

Republicans shifted against the PACT Act because Democrats announced a plan for a completely unrelated bill: the reconciliation deal with Sen. Joe Manchin to invest in clean energy and health care while raising some corporate taxes. 

That’s what it took for them to go from being so grateful to the USO for the opportunity to assemble care packages for service members to voting to deny health care to veterans for conditions related to their time in the military.

Comedian Jon Stewart, who has become a dedicated advocate for veterans, skewered Scott at a Thursday press conference.

“It’s beautiful,” Stewart said, dripping with sarcasm. “Did you get the package? I think it has M&M’s in it, and some cookies and some moist towelettes.”

“None of them care—except to tweet,” he added. “Boy, they’ll tweet it. Can’t wait to see what they come up with on Veterans Day, on Memorial Day. Well, this is the reality of it.”

“We’ve seen partisanship and games within Congress for years,” Jeremy Butler, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, was quoted by NBC News.

“But what is shocking is that so many senators would literally be willing to play with veterans’ lives so openly like this.

“They’re manufacturing reasons to vote against legislation that they literally voted for just last month,” Butler continued. “And so it’s really a new level of low.”

After they blocked the bill, some Senate Republicans celebrated with fist bumps and handshakes.


Anonymous said...

Republicans cannot be trusted.

Is county judge GOP candidate Carlos Cascos a veteran?

Anonymous said...

WOW mayra you against the veterans? racist republicans are against the veterans SO YOU MUST BE ALSO. What else are you against? Any programs that help the citizens they are against. In favor? GUNS of course, immigration (sent all hispanics back), anti veterans, against pay raise hike, against health care and many more programs that help the citizens and abortion.

Anonymous said...

Texas in particular is a state that doesn't give a shit about our veterans. Filemon Vela made sure his cousin Manny Vela got the Valley Baptist Hospital contract for the local Veterans. Valley Baptist has a history of being extremely negligent and has been addressed by victims who have suffered or even killed by hospital personnel but have never been prosecuted. The question is since Valley Baptist is the hospital for our local veterans, IS VALLEY BAPTIST under the umbrella that no patient can sue the hospital because it's under the immunity of United States government? If so, Filemon Vela can go to hell. The conflict-of-interest issue should be investigated by our local veterans'. GOD BLESS OUR VETERANS.

Anonymous said...

This wouldn't happen in Cameron County, jjjjjjj

Anonymous said...

This Generation of Vets is STILL OWED. They were treated like shit when they came home from a war halfway around the world that most never wanted to go to. They were spit on, avoided like the plague, cursed at, called "baby killers", and the "treatment" they got from the VA was disgusting.

There was no "ticker tape parade" in Times Square for ANY of them.

They went thru something that makes Hell look like Club Med.

To all those Vets from Nam, Thank you for your service, you deserved so much better. And to ALL Vets from any Generation, Thank You for your service.

Anonymous said...

typical racist republican sweet talk your ass and stab an axe on your back and than line their pockets racist repulicasses...

Anonymous said...

All Veterans get free medical and they're all disabled and get a disability checks for life. Why don't they get a job like the rest of us. I'm tired of supporting their lazy ass. They're all disabled. Pinches huevones. Ponganse a jalar.

Anonymous said...

@July 31, 2022 at 8:58 AM

She and her fellow party colleagues don't care . She and immediate family have great insurance that our tax dollars pay.

Anonymous said...

@July 31, 2022 at 9:19 AM
Filemon (and family)and his cousin Manny have no shame with conflict of interest at a high level.( amongst other things.) They want to get richer with their positions.

Anonymous said...

Read the article. There were wasteful funds incorporated into the bill. Typical of Democrats. So morons start moving their mouths that Republicans are against the veterans. Democrats are adding a lot of wasteful funds into numerous bills only to move their wasteful agenda.

Anonymous said...

Filemon Vela's wife Rose Vela gets appointed from President Biden to The president's Commission on White House Fellowships, established in 1964 is responsible for selecting emerging leaders interested in public service to gain first-hand experience on the inner workings at the highest level of the Federal Government. This appointment was published on MARC 15, 2021, almost a year before Filemon Vela announces his resignation from the Biden Administration. This is Filemon Vela at his best to set his ducks in order. He nor she give a shit about Veterans. His greed and determination to destroy our veterans is more of Vela's style. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Check caller times local news dated march 15,2021, President Biden appoints south texas district judge Rose Vela to while house JOB. The president's Commission on White House Fellowship, established in 1964, is responsible for selecting emerging leaders interested in PUBLIC SERVICE to gain first-hand experience on the inner working at the highest levels of the Federal government. This appointment comes almost a year before Filemon Vela resignation from the Biden Administration. Are these the so- called leaders coming from A&M University that Cuellar personally selected? Is this part of the deal with Henry Cuellar and the Azerbaijan agreement? She is responsible for selecting emerging LEADERS giving them first- hand experience on inner working at the highest level of the FERDERAL government. If so hope she and filemon vela rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

July 31, 2022 at 7:30 AM
Yes he was a boy scout selling cookies pvt no-class cascos.
