Saturday, July 23, 2022


By Paul Waldman
Washington Post
July 22, 2022

As witness after witness testified to the Jan. 6 House select committee Thursday about Donald Trump’s deranged and possibly illegal plot to cling to power, it was impossible to ignore his sense of entitlement. What was this system for, if not to give him whatever he wanted? And if it wouldn’t, he would tear it down.

That’s not just his story; it’s also the story of those who stormed the Capitol on his behalf. And it’s increasingly the story of the Republican Party. In our ongoing debate about what the Constitution means and whether we should have a genuine democracy, it is the people who have been given the most advantages who are most willing, even eager, to destroy the American system.

This is about much more than Jan. 6, 2021. Consider a revealing exchange at a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing on gun reform legislation. Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.) made what has become a familiar argument, that enabling citizens to rise up against the government when necessary is “the reality of the purpose of the Second Amendment.”

In response, Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.) – a former constitutional law professor – called Roy’s perspective “the insurrectionist view of the Second Amendment,” saying it “flies in the face of the plain text of the Constitution, which in at least five different places clearly forbids armed violent resistance to the government.”

Raskin’s response went viral among liberals. But this is about more than the hypocrisy of conservatives who bray about their love for the Constitution yet have no idea what it says and regularly fantasize about overthrowing the government it created.

It raises a more important question: Why are these people so eager to justify violent attacks against our system – either a hypothetical future attack or the one on Jan. 6, 2021 – when they have the least to complain about?

The most vulgar insurrectionist reading of the Second Amendment is the “Come and take it!” proclamation. It essentially says that should a law ever pass requiring its advocates to give up some of their guns, they could kill any law-enforcement officers attempting to enforce it.

So for instance, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Tex.) recently tweeted a video of himself holding two AR-15-style rifles – one aimed rather unsafely at his foot – writing, “If Democrats want to push an insane gun-grab, they can COME AND TAKE IT!”

Alongside that kind of grunt of rage is the slightly more thoughtful version. In an ad from Arizona GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters, he proudly displays a rifle and says, “The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting.” His gun “is designed to kill people,” he says, explaining how the Taliban took away people’s guns. 
“Without gun rights, before long, you have no rights,” he concludes.

Look at who is making this argument, not just Chip Roy and Ronny Jackson and Blake Masters, but the ordinary citizens who echo them. 

It’s largely White men, especially from Republican states.

In other words, the people who have throughout the United States’ history been most advantaged by the Constitution, especially its antidemocratic features, are the most obsessed with the idea that sometime soon they may have to start killing people.

They are the ones who enjoyed the full panoply of rights and privileges from the start. They didn’t labor in chains. They didn’t have to fight to be able to vote, or to own property, or to see themselves represented in the halls of power.

Not only that, to this day, they are granted special status within our political system. The Senate and the electoral college give overwhelmingly disproportionate power to small, rural, overwhelmingly White states. And within states they control, Republicans have gerrymandered districts so that rural White residents’ votes have even more weight.

Just look at Jan. 6, 2021. What was it that enraged those people? In 2016, they had the privilege of seeing their candidate become president despite winning fewer votes than his opponent. In 2020 his margin of defeat in the popular vote was large enough that it didn’t happen again (though it almost did), and they were so aggrieved by the supposed injustice of losing that they attempted to reverse the election with violence.

But you know who you almost never see fantasizing in public about the violent overthrow of the American system of government? Black people whose ancestors were enslaved, whose parents suffered under Jim Crow, and who today are the targets of enduring racism and a relentless campaign of voter suppression.

Women watching their reproductive rights taken away do not protest with AR-15s in their hands. Nor do the gay teachers being run out of their jobs or the loving families of trans kids being slandered as child abusers.

None of those groups are saying they may need to overthrow the government with violence. The political system has not been kind to them – indeed, at times it has actively brutalized them – but they maintain their belief in it. When confronted with oppression, they redoubled their commitment to democracy.

Not so for the Jan. 6 rioter, the gun enthusiast with a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag in his yard, and even, at times, the Republican congressman. They have the least claim to being a victim of the American system, yet they are the most eager to react to a momentary political setback – or even a hypothetical one – with the threat of violence.

We don’t have to wonder about whether they have any loyalty to the democratic values we’re all supposed to hold in common. They’re making their position more than clear.


Anonymous said...

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2424! Why don’t you ever talk about Biden’s accomplishments?

Anonymous said...

Another witch hunt. Much like the Russian collusion, at tax payers expensive. Why don't they investigate the Biden and Hunter business dealing? This will happen after the mid term elections.

Anonymous said...

Americans who want to destroy our country are the only ones who care about January 6. No stories about Hunter Biden? Everybody knows about Hunter and his pervert father.

Anonymous said...

The "entitlement" you refer to is really "Whiteness," which makes you wonder about Mayra Flores and Carlos Cascos, our two Mexican-Ams Republicans.

These neo-Nazi White People fear being overrun by Blacks and Browns. It is a bit premature, but fear runs deep.

Anonymous said...

"Sense of Entitlement " they should tell us something we do not know. For hispanics or latinos that are pro Trump please out grow the "yes sir" or "si patron" syndrome. These people do not have the best interest of other people in mind. Don't settle for a few cents at the gas ⛽️ pump. People might think and say what they want of Obama but he knew what it was like when his mother did not have health insurance. How could Mitt Romney identify with that? However, between Trump and Romney I would have voted for Romney. Try to look at the big picture and far ahead. After all you might live to be over 90. Bottom line go out and vote!

Anonymous said...

All rioters should be tried and jailed.

America cannot tolerate traitors.

Start with Trump.

Anonymous said...

Mayra Flores already voting with Democrats!

ja ja ja aj ja

She is a Democratic mole!

Anonymous said...

Wings over RGV: Local restaurant chain grows despite pandemic
Y las taquerias que? They don't count, why because they are NOT gringos??? pinches mamones racist republicans

Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome!
I love it!

Anonymous said...

Nobody gives a crap about Jan 6 Montoya except the extreme left. I change the channel every time they start to talk about it.
I care about inflation, recession, baby formula shortages, gas prices, and Biden's complete incompetence.
The Washington Post is poison for your brain. The way things are going in 20 years the democrats are still going to be blaming Trump for their errors and incompetence.
Oh!!!!! But this is your mandatory daily hit at Mayra. Chente "The little devil of Game of Thrones" is going to lose in November anyways Montoya.

Anonymous said...

All those insurgents and their supporters were obviously suffering sexual frustrations
Wether those frustrations were
Heterosexual or homosexual you decide

Jim Barton said...

If anything kindles a yearning to restart my blog it's the fake patriotism of the "come and take it" crowd. It's not just the 2nd amendment they fail to comprehend and grossly mischaracterize, but they vehemently reject the welcoming spirit of the Statue of Liberty so critical to our increasingly diverse nation.

Anonymous said...

White Man protecting the world they created. This is the real war.

They can not allow minorities, women, and others from taking over their world.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville needs BLM so these idiots can destroy, burn, riot, shoot up the town because nothing will be done by the democrats, BLM will get a free pass and Brownsville will get a new life because currently Brownsville is a doom city of stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Jim Barton, LOL. I thought he died. Along with his stupid blog. Come and take it Jimbo! You old fuck.

Anonymous said...

@ July 23, 2022 at 11:50 a.m.
Thank you for the good laugh. As I was reading your comment I could not imagine Melania doing it with Trumputo. He has to pay women to meet his needs. Maybe if he pays Melania enough she does. Either way it is halarious.

Anonymous said...

Sepa la madre que dijo Barton.

Anonymous said...

Hey Barton, come die trying. SCOTUS decisions are on the Come and Take it side. We'll floss our ass with your false sense of patriotism.

Anonymous said...

What did Obama really do in 8 years other than Obamacare? And as far as Obamacare, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, about 73 million taxpayers earning less than $200,000 have seen their taxes rise as a result of various Obamacare provisions. The Congressional Budget Office originally estimated that Obamacare would cost taxpayers $940 billion over ten years. That cost has now been increased to $1.683 trillion. Thank you Obama a want to be black man.

Anonymous said...

Words on the statue of liberty are nowhere on the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution. I remember Aaron Rodrigues teaching that at Southmost college many years ago.

Jim Barton said...

Apparently the ne'erdo well from McAllen is still trolling the blogs. That wrinkly, red-haired dope never recovered from that kicking to the curb by the plump nurse from Katy. Que lastima! Walmart is still looking for greeters, son!

Anonymous said...

A guy looked at my Corvette the other day and said,

"I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost?

I replied I'm not sure;

it fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it,

it fed the people who make the tires,

it fed the people who made the components that went into it,

it fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires,

it fed people in at Caterpillar who make the trucks that haul the copper ore.

It fed the trucking people who hauled it from the plant to the dealer

and fed the people working at the dealership and their families.

BUT,... I have to admit, I guess I really don’t know how many people it fed.

That is the difference between capitalism and the welfare mentality.

When you buy something, you put money in people’s pockets and give them dignity for their skills.

When you give someone something for nothing, you rob them of their dignity and self-worth.

Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value.

Socialism is having the government take your money against your will and give it to someone else for doing nothing. Socialism is what racist republicans want verdad mijita?

Anonymous said...

Was she in the DACA program? At what age did she crossed the river? A racist republican DADA recipient? Really? Trump and Sessions are against this program.

Anonymous said...

July 24, 2022 at 5:56 AM

Think about what the Republicans, and the White people did to Obama. Obama was the president but he got no respect from the Republicans and the powerful people.

That is what Obama did for 8 years; he had to face evil. But people loved him.
He was us, in the White House.

Anonymous said...

For years political pundits on both sides said we should all march onto capital hill and give congress a piece of our mind. The one time it actually happens everyone shits their pants and cries to mommy.

Anonymous said...

This theater act the Demonrats are putting will backfire and nothing will happen. Jan.6 was a simple protest over the corruption of votes that was done in several states that gave Biden the win. Jan 6 was a peaceful protest until it was infiltrated by the violent left infiltrators who were the ones who entered the Capitol it was a SETUP.

Anonymous said...

July 24, 2022 at 10:52 PM

Pendejetes like you are becoming extinct

Anonymous said...

July 24, 2022 at 8:50 AM
Asron a coco? of course...

Anonymous said...

January 6th 2020 was an attempted coup so Trump could remain in power. Ever since taking office he said it over and over that if he loses the reelection it would be a rigged election. "Georgia find me 11k votes"? Are you serious on still believing it was a stolen election? Wake up people, we know who the Big Lie is.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 10:52 p.m.

Just keep telling yourself that.

Anonymous said...

Juan Democrat leader is in the dumps in Cameron County thats why the republicans are winning, the common folk are tired of all these democRAT Mamones. Period. TIME FOR A CHANGE, AND ITS COMING CABRONES.

Anonymous said...

July 26, 2022 at 9:37 AM


Anonymous said...

July 26, 2022 at 9:37 AM

Idiota it was a setup pendejetes November is the real election. WINNING WHAT? pinche gringo/coco mamon.

Anonymous said...

