Sunday, July 31, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz attempted to humiliate a teenage girl after arguing that overweight and unattractive women don't need to worry about getting pregnant or needing abortions. That same girl has since raised over $2 million for abortion care.)

By Theresa Vargas
Washington Post

Of course, he went there.
Of course, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), when reaching for a way to insult abortion rights activists, disparaged their looks.

Of course, when faced with criticism for his words, he felt entitled to share the photo of a teenage activist, directing his many Twitter followers to look at her.

Of course. Of course. Of course.

I know I wasn’t the only woman who felt those two words roll around in her head after learning the congressman targeted 19-year-old Olivia Julianna, leading others to lob hateful words at her.

She publicly shared one message she received. It was filled with expletives and a racial slur aimed at her identity as a queer Latina. The part that can be printed in a family publication reads, “I don’t think you need to worry about anyone wanting to touch your body you fat … Here is a tip for your ‘life long’ struggle. Put the fork down and keep your face out of the dorito bag …”

Most  people would agree those words are cruel. But if you are a woman or member of the LGBTQ community, and happen to be in a position that takes you onto social media platforms often, they also probably feel familiar. Too familiar.

You’ve probably received similar ones from strangers who felt they had the right to scrutinize your photo and let you know what they thought of your face or body.

You’ve probably deleted similar ones from your inboxes and, to your annoyance, found yourself thinking about them later.

I know we’re not supposed to admit this, but those body-shaming messages can sting. They can slip just below the skin like a splinter, proving bothersome and distracting, if only temporarily.

If you’re a man reading this and thinking about how you’ve also been body-shamed, that’s not a reason to dismiss the vitriol women and members of the LGBTQ community receive. It’s a reason to empathize. It’s a reason to wonder how often you get those types of messages compared to them.

I know plenty of women who get them regularly. I get them regularly.

The jeans in my closet right now range from size 4 to size 14. As an adult, I have felt confident at all those sizes. Just as the wideness of my nose tells of my Mexican roots, so does my 5-foot-1 height and the thickness of my curves. They are mine. They are me. My stomach may not be flat but it adjusted to accommodate two babies who turned into two little boys who now rest their heads comfortably on it when we cuddle.

When you’re a columnist, getting critical messages is part of the job. You expect people to disagree with your opinions. I try to respond to as many emails from readers as possible, including the cutting ones, because I believe we grow from having respectful dialogue with people who think differently from us. I’m also not easily offended. I once wrote to a reader, “It’s obvious from your email that you feel strongly about this issue, which is why I’m taking the time to write you back (and overlooking that you called me an idiot).”

But when I receive fat-shaming, sexist or racist emails, I immediately delete them. I do that not because they make me feel insecure. I don’t give them that power. I delete them because they are void of respect and usually come from misogynistic trolls who believe the best way to make a point is to claw at a stranger’s skin.

Those trolls, of course, have reason to believe that tactic will work. They’ve been empowered by high-profile figures who openly resort to it.

Gaetz didn’t whisper his body-shaming insults of abortion rights activists. He said them through a microphone before an audience at a conference last Saturday.

“Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb,” he said. “These people are odious on the inside and out. They’re like 5′2, 350 pounds and they’re like ‘give me my abortions or I’ll get up and march and protest’ and I’m thinking: ‘March? You look like you got ankles weaker than the legal reasoning behind Roe vs. Wade.’ A few of them need to get up and march. They need to get up and march for like an hour a day, swing those arms, get the blood pumping, maybe mix in a salad.”

If you have been following what happened after that, then you know Olivia Julianna, who publicly goes by her first and middle names for privacy reasons, turned his comments into a colossal win for abortion rights.

After Gaetz posted her photo along with a link to a news story that told of his insults, she called on people to contribute to a fundraiser for the nonprofit Gen Z for Change. As of Friday evening, more than $2 million had been raised for abortion funds.

What happened between Gaetz and Olivia Julianna will rightfully be remembered as a million-dollar-plus win for abortion rights activists. But it was also more than that. It brought another victory — one that felt priceless. Within that swell of donations and supportive messages that followed Gaetz’s actions was a collective stance against body-shaming. It was a whole lot of people coming together to recognize a line had been crossed and to show they were not okay with doing nothing about it.

“This movement, this mobilization, this collective action — has truly left me in awe,” Olivia Julianna said in a statement Thursday night after the fundraiser passed $1 million.

She also addressed her relationship with her body in that statement.

“I have struggled with eating disorders and body image issues my entire life, being hospitalized last December in part because of this,” she said. 

“Representative Gaetz’ comments were reprehensible, disgusting, and outright despicable, but I am glad he directed his bigotry in my direction. We have now turned hatred into healthcare, and people across the country will be able to get access to abortion services because of it.”
Of course, this one event won’t stop body-shaming.

Of course, much more work is needed to change that part of our culture.

After Olivia Julianna took on Gaetz, a woman who is a professional in a field aimed at protecting people tweeted about how she is often fat-shamed. When I reached out to ask her if she would allow me to share that tweet with you, she agreed, with hesitancy. But what she said next made me decide it wasn’t worth it. She knew it would likely bring her more attacks.

Of course, it would.


Anonymous said...

You've lost your way, Montoya.

Local news!!!

We can get this stuff online, just like you did.

Anonymous said...

Soy del barrio, pero no soy del Diablo. Tengo buen trabajo y vivo sin las drogas. Usted, como le va?

Anonymous said...

Monkeypox Reaches Largest City in Texas - Here’s What You Need to Know
if you have the urge for bananas you've got the monkey. (joke)

Monkeypox was spreading throughout cities in Texas over the past few months. In Dallas, Texas, there are 101 confirmed cases of the monkeypox virus. The CDC said there are 315 cases throughout the state. Dallas County Health and Human Services Director Dr. Philip Huang

In the first two weeks, the symptoms are:

body aches
swollen lymph glands in the groin or under pits
a skin rash turns into blisters

Anonymous said...

“Monkeypox is transmitted to humans through close contact with an infected person or animal. It can also be transmitted from person to person by inhaling large respiratory droplets or through close contact with body fluids and lesions, as well as bedding and other contaminated materials.”

Anonymous said...

Matt Gaetz should be in prison. Sex trafficker and pal of corrupt Cheeto.

Fock him. Fock him down!

Anonymous said...

Damn, like most women in Browntown, she is hideous looking. Better off being a lezbo.

Anonymous said...

No hay mejor cosa que el respeto hacia todos ese es el verdadero pueblo mexicano, es un ejemplo que todos debemos seguir...felicidades a todos!!!

Anonymous said...

@July 31, 2022 at 9:57 AM

An adult bully who was probably a bully in school.

Anonymous said...

More Republican Women Than You Think Have Had Abortions.

We pretend my story is rare among conservatives. It's not, and Republicans should stop acting like it.

Picking on women is not good politics.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you should really look into how short staffed the Cameron county jails are. Very dangerous for the staff and the inmates. Imagine having someone you love either working there or incarcerated there and shit hits the fan. Good luck getting someone to save your loved one. Better yet pray that this person gets help before it's too late. This personal shit between the sheriff and the commissioner's needs to stop and they need to act like adults. The people of this county deserve protection and safekeeping regardless of what they did. Please people act now before more people get hurt due to the hiring freeze at our jails. Staff is overworked, tired, and underpaid. Inmates are being forgotten in vans and still nobody does shit. Till when will the commissioner's act like adults and do something. People are getting hurt, dieing and being put in danger due to understaffed situations. Commissioner's at least tell everyone who voted for you, when or what will be enough for you to reason or do something about it.

Anonymous said...

Monkey pox not working out for Biden. Lol. He will need a new emergency to help cheat in the mid terms. I have never met an honest democrat.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Section 42.01 of the Texas Penal Code

State law for disorderly conduct. This law makes it a criminal offense to make "unreasonable noise" in or near a private residence that they have no right to occupy.

Important Note: According to the Texas D.O.C. statute noise is presumed to be unreasonable when exceeding 85 decibels after the noise maker receives notice from a magistrate or peace officer that the noise is a public nuisance.

How Loud is 85 Decibels?

The decibel level of noise is going to be relative. So here are some examples:
60 Conversation
75 Dishwasher
Risk of Losing Hearing
85 Heavy city traffic, school cafeteria, vacuum cleaner
95 Motorcycle

Related Questions

Can I file a lawsuit against someone who is making too much noise?

Yes, you can file a lawsuit for damages.

The sheriff's dispatcher refused to sent a unit to investigate the nosie and
nuisnace which I complained about and stated THERE IS NO NOISE LAW IN TEXAS and he hung up very RUDE...


Need hlep can somebody provide me with a name and phone number so I can file a complain.

Anonymous said...

She may live in Sugar Land, but this is also Brownsville’. Why is it ok for Gaetz to insult this Latina? It’s an insult to all Latinos.

The most important thing is that she has raised over $2,000,000 and is using it to help people. Anyone in Brownsville willing to do that?

Anonymous said...

Fat ugly women get pregnant by lowlife blacks.

Anonymous said...

Wire hangers are so 1950s, gotta upgrade to the Dyson vacuum.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right. You people are celebrating raising money for abortions. I tend to lean pro choice, but I could never see myself celebrating the tragedy of abortion. We’re slowly slipping into the absurd. I could imagine the juvenile mean comments if mayra Flores was fat and unattractive.

Anonymous said...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Singapore, but was silent on Taiwan.
and do what, spend more tax monies for her vacation???

Anonymous said...

Gaetz has not met the males from Brownsville that would get it on with anything that has a hole. I am sure there are males like this everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Hope she uses some of that money to get her in good health.
Tiene cuerpo de barril,pansa de borracho y nachas de pelado

Anonymous said...

Texas DPS takes complaints on all state licensed peace officers. They also investigate 911 or police dispatchers.

Anonymous said...

Some fat ugly women get pregnant by men who can do whatever they want to them. Hell some beautiful women are with fugly men because the men provide them with drugs. WORD.

Anonymous said...

Enough with abortion. Its up to each individual state to decide the issue on abortion.

Anonymous said...

The fat lady needs to concentrate her time and effort in losing weight. Many times fat people need to bring attention to themselves since their looks doesn't do the job. Just another individual who has nothing better to do. I'll bet she's receiving all sorts of social service benefits. She's definitely receiving food stamps and lots of them.

Anonymous said...

Aww, come on, I am sure men fall in love with these women's other attributes. There is more to a pretty face or body. Think of cooking, making salads, cleaning, and keeping a job. If men and women only went for the beautiful there would not be any ugly people and there's lots of them. Ugly inside and out let's start with Cheeto , El Paya, the Captain, Angela Camacho... and they have all had chingos of werkos and well life goes on.

Anonymous said...

August 1, 2022 at 7:21 PM

thanks will call DPS and file a complain there should be a recording of the conversation unless they delete it.

Anonymous said...

July 31, 2022 at 4:44 PM
It effecting all department just look at the dispatchers they rather eat cheetos than handle a need for a unit to check out problems. AND RUDE they hang up on you...

Anonymous said...

Typical racist republican what you expect ice cream?
