Tuesday, July 12, 2022



By Juan Montoya

Albert Camus once wrote a story called "The Renegade" which told of a converted colonial French native missionary who set out to evangelize the City of Salt where all the heathens lived worshipping a fetish.

He was, as Republican District 34 candidate Mayra Flores is attempting to be, more Catholic than the pope. And she thinks that with the religious babble of a born-again Republican she will be able to turn South Texas red for her religious/political mentors.

She has swallowed the GOP narrative hook line and sinker and mindlessly repeats it to gullible voters in the new District 34. But despite her brazen assertions today, her record on various right-wing talking points are coming home to roost.

Her Democratic opponent in the District 34 race, Vicente Gonzalez, minced no words on her candidacy.

He called Flores an "unqualified opponent" who was "a pawn chosen by the Republican Party for a race they poured millions of dollars into for a seat that's going to last six months."

After she won the special election called for by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and defeated former Cameron County commissioner Dan Sanchez in the old so-called "fajita" District 37 that stretched all the way up from the Rio Grande through upper rural south and central Texas all the way to Gonzalez, Texas, she called the win "historical."

That seat was left vacant when Democrat congressman Filemon Vela resigned and left before his term expired. His unexpired term ends December 2022. 

She is facing veteran Gonzalez in November's general election.

And she is starting to feel her oats and is under the illusion that hordes of evangelized South Texas Hispanics will join her in her crusade into South Texas – her City of Salt – and finish off the "fetish,"  the Democrats.

Is is said that patriotism and religion are the last refuges of scoundrels, and her constant mouthing of these two themes to seek the district's political congressional representation illustrate these points.

If she is here to save souls – as she claims in her social media posts – she doesn't specify how it is that one of the first votes she took was to vote "No" on a bipartisan gun-safety bill put together by Senior Texas Senator John Cronyn and other Republicans and Democratic senators in the wake of the massacre of 17 elementary school children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas.

And while she told Cameron County commissioners that she had voted against it because schools would only get $3,000 for security each, she promised them "$34 billion" instead and glossed over the fact that the bipartisan gun-safety bill would have required thorough background checks on 18 to 21 years-olds attempting to purchase a gun. 

Those toughened background checks might have well kept the gunman who massacred the children and their teachers from purchasing two assault weapons and 300 rounds of ammunition. He had turned 18 the week before he purchased them.

All he needed was an ID and he was able to get them without allowing authorities to probe into his background, social media postings, or other "red flags" that could have shown them he was not mentally stable enough to own these military weapons of war with which he slaughtered these innocents.

To Flores, protecting his Second Amendment rights outweighed protecting human life. Then she promises "billions" to sweeten the pie and hide the ugly truth that she valued the National Rifle Association gun zealots and their extreme right supporters and their "guns for everyone" mantra over the protection of the murdered children and their two teachers. 

She's here, she says, "to win souls for God..." How can she save souls for Christ and vote against keeping our children safe, asks her opponent Gonzalez?

Gonzalez isn't exaggerating about her right-wing zealotry.

The New York Times reported that what is most striking is that Flores won by shunning moderates, embracing the far right and wearing her support for Donald J. Trump on her sleeve – more Marjorie Taylor Greene than Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Her campaign slogan – “God, family, country” – was meant to appeal to what she calls the “traditional values” of her majority-Hispanic district in the border city of Brownsville. She called for President Biden’s impeachment. She tweeted QAnon hashtags. And she called the Democratic Party the “greatest threat America faces.”

She also texted her lemmings that she considered Democrats "traitors" and Biden a "criminal." (See graphic of mailout above.)

In an interview in her still-barren office by a New York Times reporter the day after her swearing-in ceremony, Flores was asked whether she considered Mr. Biden the legitimately elected president.

“He’s the worst president of the United States,” she said.

When asked three more times whether Mr. Biden had been legitimately elected, she repeated the same nonanswer. 

Flores often speaks of working alongside her parents as a teenager (she says 13 and told the Cameron County commissioners as much) in the cotton fields of the Texas Panhandle. But when she was 13, it was 1999, about 30 years after cotton crops had been planted, thinned, weeded, and harvested mechanically. What did she do?

Is bearing false witness (lying) outside the scope of the 10 commandments? Or only if it furthers your aims? 

The she blamed U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for allegedly pushing her daughter during a photo op minutes after her swearing in.

Pelosi posed with Flores and her family for a photo. What happened next is a matter of debate. To Democrats, it looked as if Ms. Pelosi had brushed her arm against Ms. Flores’s 8-year-old daughter to make sure she would appear in the frame and not be hidden behind her as the two stood side by side. Flores and her fellow Republicans charged Pelosi had shoved her aside.

“No child should be pushed to the side for a photo op," Flores shrieked. "PERIOD!!”

She was also posting tweets using the hashtag #QAnon.

When asked about posting tweets using the hashtag #QAnon, Flores denied ever having supported the conspiracy theory, which claims that a group of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child sex ring is trying to control the government and the media. Flores insisted her intention was to express opposition to QAnon.

“It’s just to reach more people so more people can see like, hey, this needs to stop,” she said of using the QAnon hashtag. “This is only hurting our country.”

But the fact that Flores deleted the tweets about QAnon, didn't mean that she refrained from expressing other right-wing views.

Following the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol, she retweeted a post falsely calling it a “setup” by antifa. She has called Mr. Biden “president in name only” and has demanded his impeachment. And as her own oath of office coincided with the hearings by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack, Ms. Flores largely dismissed the proceedings.

In the "Renegade" Camus short story, the heathens in the City of Salt cut out the zealot's tongue. Oh, that life imitated art in Flores' case.


Anonymous said...

Yes she's evil because she's a conservative Juan. So who's the sheep?
Why don't you go find an American flag to burn or go volunteer at any abortion clinic. Better yet go organize a protest march. Do it at night so you can destroy property under their cover of darkness.

Anonymous said...

Again with Myra Flores? Ya suelten ese pescado! Bunch of whiners. Focus more on the insults coming from your own party. “Unique as a breakfast taco” Oh! But Trump and the Republican Party are racist? You Hispanic voters are like cows being driven to slaughter. Don’t know why or where you’re going but your just going. In the US, individuals identifying themselves as Asian generally tend to score higher on IQ tests than Caucasians, who tend to score higher than Hispanics, who tend to score higher than African Americans. You poor democrats need to get smarter before you can understand the difference between the Democratic and Republican Party. And that’s why the Democratic Party strives.

Anonymous said...

July 13, 2022 at 7:08 AM
We need to hear all the bad stuff about the racist republicans, great stories Juanito keep up the great work, never mind esos pendejos, trumputo is ordering them to complain, just like los pendejos that went to the white house. Mindless freaks. Who in their right mind can go to the wh and do what estos pendejetes did. ONLY IDIOTAS AND THERE ARE A FEW HERE. RACIST REPUBLICANS MAMONES

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan DemocRATS have been in power way tOOOO LONNNG here in the RGV, many have gotten rich doing that ask gilberto hinojete, eddie trevino, eddie lucio jr Mr. $90 Million no pos wow and the Eddie the TURD TOO, time for a CHANGE,, let others make money too and MAYBRE HELP OUT THE FOLKS ALONG THE WAY. AND IF they dont AGREE WITH IT, TUFF SHIT. VIVA BURGOS TAMPS. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe a dark skinned racist republican "UNBELIEVABLE"!!!!!!
how they do that?

Anonymous said...

Pura azteca no tiene verguenza.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are a lot more evangelical Christians in the Mexican American community than you know or believe. Catholics in the valley are more hypocritical. Vicente is a religious bigot who worships a pedophile Marxist pope. Evangelical Christians believe that the pope is the anti Christ. Kika de la Garza and Solomon Ortiz both voted against Biden's assault weapons ban and repeatedly voted to repeal it until it expired in 2004. Is the ass licking Chinese asset going to call out his predecessors? Vicente is in Filemamon Verga's pocket.

Anonymous said...

Mayra Flores would have been a great Manson Girl - same blind allegiance to evil.

Anonymous said...

As a Texas republican she can not be a U.S. patriot. Part of the Texas republican party's platform is secession from the union. How can you support the Texas republican party and support a country you no longer wish to be a part of?

Anonymous said...

“Unique as a Breakfast Taco “. What an insult to the democratic voting Hispanics. Yet they claim that the Republicans are racist. The Democratic politicos don’t like Hispanics they just like their votes. Pobrecitos. Por pendejos y mal hablados nadie los quiere. Keep voting Democrat we Republicans don’t need idiots in our party.

Anonymous said...

If you don't vote Democrat you ain't a taco.

Anonymous said...

People, come December 2022 go vote your will inform conscious.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious


Anonymous said...

ERCOT is asking Texas to conserve energy
Please help conserve energy
Why didn't they told us before the freeze, oh its because there is an election and el jotingo gobernor might lose PUROS PINCHES MAMONES racist repubublicans junto con la coquita...

Anonymous said...

American Tourist Trying to Take Selfie Falls Into Mount Vesuvius Crater
pinche gringo estupido!!!

Anonymous said...

Mayra “FALSA” Flores is a joke and the best Republicans can do in South Texas. But what do you expect from the party that put an orange draft dodging conman in the the White House. Have fun twisting yourself in knots talking her up lol

Anonymous said...

M. Flores can't save the soul of her daughters from Pelosi and then wants to save the souls of others? To me she sounds loony by mixing God and politics. Esta bien local esta chava.

Anonymous said...

@ July 13, 2022 at 7:08 AM

Didn't the former leader call hispanics rapists and bad people? Both parties said stupid things.

Anonymous said...

Just get over it already. November will come some enough.

Anonymous said...

I have never ever heard of a breakfast taco but I an not a rapist, murderer and a thieve. Take that to the booth.

Anonymous said...

Really Mayra, do you have to picture yourself with a weapon to look tough and that you mean business?

Anonymous said...

Unique as a Breakfast Taco “. What an insult to the democratic voting Hispanics. Yet they claim that the Republicans are racist. The Democratic politicos don’t like Hispanics they just like their votes. Pobrecitos. Por pendejos y mal hablados nadie los quiere. Keep voting Democrat we Republicans don’t need idiots in our party.

@ July 13, 2022 at 12:06 PM

The only good hispanic is a Republican? If you're not a hispanic Republican you're a pendejo and an idiot? An insult is when your past leader labeled hispanics as rapists, thieves and bad people. We have all kinds in each party.

Anonymous said...

Eating a breakfast taco IS NOT against the law. Rapists, thieves and murderers are. The racist republicans are like los pednjejos at rancho mierda. They rather not have any improvements, just to keep la chusma y los gringos out...

Anonymous said...

Hey, TACOS are great! What is wrong with tacos? You have to admit we do have a plethora of tacos. There are soft tacos, hard tacos, crunchy tacos, puffy tacos, tacos de maiz, tacos de harina, breakfast tacos, lunch tacos, dinner tacos...and the list goes on. It is not like she was wearing an "I really don't care! Do you?" Jacket! Hell I even know some people that have "caras de taco." All males that I know like to eat taco and the creamer the better..Get over it and go out and vote in December.

Anonymous said...

NICTA. Or I oh

Nahuatl has been spoken in central Mexico since at least the seventh century CE. ... It was the language of the Aztec/Mexica, who dominated what is now central Mexico

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

July 15, 2022 at 2:38 PM
PERO IS UNA VENDIDA!!!! das da problema/coquita

Anonymous said...

