Monday, August 22, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Some hated at him, and some loved him.

But regardless of where you stand, there's no dispute that in a few short years – former U.S. Customs agent and later Chief Sheriff Deputy Robert Gracia – overturned Cameron County politics, staged an upset defeat of incumbent Sheriff Omar Lucio and his supporters, and installed his candidate, former District Clerk Eric Garza, as sheriff.

The two men started their run to take over the sheriff's department years before they took office on January 1, 2021. 

They were untiring campaigners constantly on the hustings, shaking down contributors, and building a political support team that overwhelmed traditional Democratic Party operatives. To the surprise of political observers, those efforts took root and Garza beat Lucio in a runoff and later beat Republican candidate John Cambers in the November 2020 general election.

Their stated platform included doing away with political promotions (compadrismo) that they charged were prevalent under Lucio and his top administrators, modernizing the department, and bringing it up technologically to improve efficiency.

But Garza and Gracia knew they were taking over a department that Lucio and the Reyna brothers – Chief Deputy Gus Reyna and Capt. Javier Reyna – had structured to keep Lucio in office, allegedly in  tandem with the county commissioners. According to Gracia that's when their trouble started.

In his resignation letter effective August 15, Gracia points his finger directly at the actions of the Cameron County Commissioners Court, its Civil Legal Division, and an entrenched staff  that thwarted his plans to modernize and institute "reforms" in the department. These actions, he said, eventually resulted in a flurry of lawsuit and counter lawsuits that still remain unresolved in state and federal courts.

The controversies eventually led to friction within the department, with Garza's political associates scheming to replace Gracia, his friends said. That alienation from Garza and the his removal from his administrative duties told him it was better to go.   

"It is with deep regret that I submit this notice of resignation," the letter begins. "It has been an honor to serve the residents of Cameron County as chief deputy and to assist you with the role do sheriff..."

"However, the arbitrary and  capricious actions of the (commissioners court) have prevented us from instituting then promised reforms as the sheriff's office," Gracia wrote. "Since beginning my position as chief deputy (the commissioners) and their Civil Division have done everything in their power to thwart progress, thus preventing the sheriff's department from properly serving the public."

In his letter, Gracia claimed that his resignation came about as a result of the commissioners' actions that included, but were not limited to:

* Attempting to illegally usurp the sheriff's office authority over courthouse security by filing lawsuits against the sheriff's office and you (Sheriff Garza) to usurp that authority;

*Threatening a default judgment against me personally in ongoing litigation filed against my official capacity unless I waived any conflict of interest with the Civil Legal Division;

*Refusing to provide any legal defense in lawsuits where I was sued in my official capacity and threatening not to provide any legal defense in lawsuits where I was sued in my individual capacity for actions taken within the course and scope of my employment;

*And freezing all vacant jailer positions preventing the sheriff's department from filling these positions that resulted in staffing concerns that threaten the health and safety of both inmates and staff.

That, Gracia concluded, led him to decide that "it is in my best interest to respectfully resign...I wish you the best and thank you for allowing me to serve my community and to be part of your administration." 


Anonymous said...

A Texas judge who came out of retirement to take part in the state’s controversial police and military crackdown on undocumented immigrants was reported last week to an ethics panel for allegedly complaining to lawyers about “wetbacks.”

The Daily Beast has obtained a copy of the formal accusation, which is laid out in a sworn complaint that was submitted to the state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct.

Judge Edgar Allen Amos now faces a potential ethics probe, which if substantiated, would call into question every ruling he’s made in local Texas courts. Amos routinely adjudicates cases involving arrests of Spanish-speaking people who fled Mexico and Central America, illegally crossing the U.S. border to find refuge here.

- Siguen chingando.

Anonymous said...

Every book, movie and political campaign has a beginning, middle and end.

no surprise here.

ho hum.

Anonymous said...

like a worn-out pussy?

is that what you mean, Montoya.

just asking.

maybe, maybe not?

pos, si, Ama. Renuncio el pobre. No, no pudo con el jale.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mayra -


"Senate races are just different,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told attendees at a Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce luncheon this week. “Candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome.”

No shit.

puro escrape.

Anonymous said...

Y tú que te creías el rey de todo el mundo.
Y tú que nunca fuiste capaz de perdonar,
Y cruel y despiadado de todo te reías,
Hoy imploras cariño aunque sea por piedad

Anonymous said...

Jesus Rosas Jr. For Cameron County Sheriff's Office 2024. Service, Integrity and Respect. Lets VOTE for Mr. Rosas!...20 Years of Experience & Commitment.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Rosas Jr. For Cameron County Sheriff 2024!..

Anonymous said...

Gracia, we don't need you.

or your son.

Former RGV LEO said...

We, God given common sense knew this was going to happen? The question now, whose going to pay back the $35K that the supposed Cartel invested? Eric Garza or us taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

What a fucking mess!!! And it keeps getting worst.. Silverio as Chief? OMG! Angel Perez and Gilbert Cisneros to Sgt, I hope that fucking happens so they can realize the worthless this two are.

Robert Rodriguez to Capt? The same guy who unlawfully went into his wife's sancho residence and arrested him? The same who fall sleep at the jaguars parking lot drunk asf?

Carlos Del Bosque to Capt? LMFAO, he has been an office bitch / hall monitor / gym supervisor for the last 25 years.. Now he is swallowing Garza's co*** so deep because he is afraid of going to patrol, worthless. His own guys at SIU and SWAT knows that.

Anonymous said...

The guy has a screw lose. When was he “official?” He made a lot of “official,” actions while not being “officially,” with the County. He can’t violate law then claim he’s the victim of misrepresentation in court because the county won’t support a non-employee in a lawsuit. Well, he can; but know one cares because he can’t win the argument. Customs and Border Patrol really showing off their ignorance.

Anonymous said...

@12:05 PM

Your silliness knows no bounds, asshole.

Just siddown and shut up!

Anonymous said...

a case of garza derangement syndrome. Get a grip

Anonymous said...

You have inmates left to survive on their own will in a hot van and now you have deputies going into Mexico fully armed where Mexican laws are very strict about crossing firearms into mexico. It's the wild wild West in Eric Garza's Sheriff department. Where staff know that the inexperienced and amateur Sheriff is way too lenient and inexperienced to discipline or file charges.

Anonymous said...

Rosas??Rosas???? Oh please Robocop.. Rosas used to lick Gus and Javier Reyna's ass. The known nepotism team that None of the previous or current County Judge nor County Commissioner's did Absolutely anything to prevent their wrath. But continued to approve money for the numerous lawsuits. Corruption!!!!

Anonymous said...

Manny Trevino will be Cameron County's next Sheriff

Anonymous said...

Robert gracia is a victim, of stupidity!

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque i'm going to throw you a little bone in regards to your dumb email. Border Patrol always wants for the deputies to be in uniform and with a marked unit, they have always asked that but our real supervisor in SIU (no offense) told them that undercover units were needed for obvious reasons and they respected that, that supervisor was Capt Andres Arreola (real supervisor). maybe you need to wear your "supervisor" pants (even tho you were grandfathered in by Sheriff Lucio) and back up your people. you can leave the dick sucking for later bitch

Anonymous said...

Take a bite out of crime and corruption!!! Vote Frank Mason for sheriff 2024. The first name you think of when you hear the word leadership

Anonymous said...

Bro get real, you think Del Bosque cares about his deputies? They all know he is just a show waiting for Garza to post something on Facebook like a hungry puppy

Anonymous said...

Privatizing the jail for the best deal.
Maybe Elton Musk will buy it.
Could use prisoners for laborers.
Prisoners could learn a trade too.

Anonymous said...

Next time look for experience not an office paper pusher nor a house mouse. IDIOTA

Anonymous said...

Not to defend Robert Rodriguez, but he would at least would know how to make sure 911 calls are answered. Silver might be on chopping block if he hangs around with the likes of Gilbert and angel.

Anonymous said...

When Garza loses in 24 I hope the new sheriff changes the uniforms. Literally the ugliest uniforms I've ever seen. Whenever you see patrol deputies they look like damn umpires.

Anonymous said...

Once he's out of office they'll move back TOGETHER AGAIN.

If time were not a moving thing
And I could make it stay
This hour of love we share would always be
There'd be no coming day
To shine a morning light
To make us realize our night is over
When you walk away from me
There is no place to put my hand
Except to shade my eyes
Against the sun that rises over the land
I watch you walk away
Somehow if have to let you go
Now it's over
If you knew just how I really feel
You might return and yet
There are so many times
That people have to love and then forget
Though there might have been a way
I have to force myself to say
It's over
So I turn my back
Turn my collar to the wind
Move along in silence
Trying not to think at all
I send my feet before me
Walk the silent street before me
It's over

jimmie rodgers It's over.

Together again ray charles.

Anonymous said...

El Toxico!!! Fuerrrrraaaaaa!!!!!! You're next Abraham!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Insane! What kind of deputies we have working for us, here at the courthouse is a mess, deputies not wearing their bulletproof vest, some of them are always sleeping, they have no sense of what to do in case of an active shooter. Sheriff Garza said he was sending a swat member but OMG he looks he can't even hold a gun. He is probably a rookie

Anonymous said...

Downtown is still not 8hrs. Talk is cheap

Anonymous said...

Please Commisners Go with a private company. And save chingos if taxpayer dollars. So all these Mamones will have to go work somewhere else and lose all that Lard they carry around.

Anonymous said...

The jail is now cutting down on overtime! What a bunch of pendejos. Eric Garza has no fucken clue what the hell he is doing. The only thing you are doing is making a bad situation worse idiota! The jail was unsafe and understaffed to start with and now you are cutting overtime which means less personnel is going to work. Do you think that is going to solve the problem the next time someone dies in the jail or somebody gets seriously hurt or looses a body part or loses their life in jail in a fight. Becareful what you ask for commissioners because now you got it. An unsafer jail with cutting much needed overtime to try, I say try to reach the ratio between inmate and jailer. Pay attention Eddie Lucio (attorney) Now you can sue the shit out of them even more on the next lawsuit. Overtime is now gone and we have 8-10 jailers running a shift when the jailer count should be well over 30. The deputies association isn't going to do shit because they have thier head up Erics ass. Sonny Pedraza wouold have spoken out. Servando is not going to do shit because he is a dumbass. All the jailers should get together and file a class action lawsuit because of the hostile and unsafe working environment created by Garza. Also remember that Garza took jailer positions away to make them into clerk positions for his friends. It made the working conditions even worse. get together and lets go talk to an attorney and demand a safe working environment. Just don't invite Servando to the meeting because he ain't got no balls.

Anonymous said...

@ August 24 3:09pm you hit it on the spot. Truth said. More jailers are going to quit, just watch. And all for what? So the dumbass sheriff can make room for his dumbfucks.

Anonymous said...

There's an old Spanish saying that I will translate into English; "Tell me who you hangout with, and, I will tell you who your are"...truth be told, events speak for themselves, and they have painted a clear picture of your past, present, and future!!! Don't even consider running for reelection!!!

Anonymous said...

are they holding hands or buds (nalgas)? we want to know

Anonymous said...

August 24, 2022 at 11:35 PM

your are pendejo! must be a cop deputy or dispatcher, No its el cherife hahaha

Anonymous said...

Jesus Rosas Jr. has always been an exemplary trooper, come on now, EVERYBODY knows that. You only wish you could be as unique as intelligent, diligent, dedicated, and hard worker that this man is. The citizens of this county are about to find out what a Real Sheriff Is. He is a respectful and well-mannered honorable individual. The type of person people select for True Leadership (no mediocres y corruptos) que disen que van aser y desaser pero luego nadamas se sientan a ver a quien abusan. Su primer nombre lo dise todo “Jesus” the savior of this county…. Amen!..

Anonymous said...

The picture of Gracia and peor es nada Eric Garza looks like the new movie poster for Broke Back Mountain part II

Anonymous said...

Lazo for hall monitor 2024!

Anonymous said...

August 25, 2022 at 2:42're "El Pendejo"!!! You're reference to "must be a cop deputy or dispatcher, No its el cherife hahaha" indicates you've been fired, humiliated, cast out, or you're a victim of sexual abused in prison...or you're obviously a shadow of a scorned useless human being, a victim of your own wrongdoings; an individual that has been in trouble with the LAW; you have a wrap sheet as long has your eagle; you're obviously a felon; aside from just being stupid, your painted asshole in mind and in your makeshift sheltered life of a monkey that plays with his little peanut all day long!!! HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

August 27, 2022 at 1:03 PM

Para el psicologo/a idiota, Ninguna de las anteriores idiota, pero en tu caso, tus chifladas permanenten tu persona, estúpido es como estúpido lo hace. Imitador es todo lo que eres. Say something original BABOSO and hope you are not into law enforcement but sounds like your are. Quit before - never mind el estupido sheriff will never va a descubrir tu culo. (or has he) MARICONES
