Sunday, August 14, 2022



Anonymous said...

Fading Cheeto Donald Trump asks US Attorney General Garland to "turn down the heat."

Spoken like a Mafia thug, Donald.

Anonymous said...

Juan, it seems you're a history nut, so here's this -

Here is a little history for individuals that are fans of the movies Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick. The first Top Gun competition was held in 1949. The white pilots competed with the latest state of art aircraft while the African-American pilots were forced to compete with older obsolete planes. After 3 days of competition, the Tuskegee Airmen team of: Captain Alva Temple, 1st Lieutenant Harry Stewart, 1st Lieutenant James Harvey, and 1st Lieutenant Halbert Alexander (alternate) were announced the winners. There was dead silence in the room. Not one of their colleagues applauded this accomplishment. The victory was swept under the rug and the trophy was not seen by the public for 55 years.


Introducing the real Top Guns.

Anonymous said...

Another Trump pussy goes brave.....then shoots himself.

ha ha ha

Shortly after 4 a.m., a man drove his car into the vehicle barricade at East Capitol Street and Second Street, which was engulfed in flames as the man exited the vehicle, per the statement.

The man then fired several shots into the air along East Capitol Street. He subsequently shot himself as Capitol Police were approaching him.

and, of course, they love to cry in court.

Anonymous said...

Calm down peter pans. Trump will be our next president. The move by the corrupt Democratic politicians only gave Trump more followers. Democrats are so afraid of Trump they will do anything to keep him from running because they know if he runs he will win. Democrats know they will be out because of their poor job performance.

Anonymous said...

August 14, 2022 at 12:17 PM

So what, the mc at the rednecks awards was BLACK, imagine that, and to top if off HE WORE A WHITE SUIT not one single redneck applauded this is REAL. not a pinche movie

Anonymous said...

@ 8/15/2022 at 5:55 a.m.
Not afraid of Trump just tired of his melodrama and shenanigans. Think 2019 government shutdown, signing of stimulus checks (that is our tax payer money why did he want to make people feel like they owed him something?), wanted Military Parade (just to get a hard on), January 6 inserection...and the list goes on. To me his supporters look like the horned hat supporter at the January 6 inserection. "Todos locos y safados de verdad." These poor psychotic people believed that he was going to march with them.I have actually spoken with Mexicans, whose children have gone to college with government financial aid, all loony with happiness because he was all about removing programs that help the poor.

Do you really think Jared Kushner, Ivanka, and Melania did something for the US of A? I can tell you what he took: life time secrete service protection for his family, and the best medical care insurance in the country. All politicians lie, cheat, and steal but he is just CRAZY. Economically speaking he did not leave the country the way Bill Clinton left it.

I don't know but with all due respect stop eating the BS he feeds you. No Biden or Trump during the next presidential election. Say no to Bump!
