Wednesday, August 31, 2022




Anonymous said...

No thanks! Our governor is the best! Cupcake needs to get off of drugs and find a job. How can cupcake relate to the common man if he doesn't know what work is?

Anonymous said...

C'mon Beto. Come and take my guns.

Anonymous said...

BETO!!! He's our next governor. I'm definitely voting for him.


Anonymous said...

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has spent $12 million busing migrants to New York.

He couldn't handle the problem and figured New Yorkers could.

That is not Texas.

Anonymous said...

Republican Greg Abbott was responsible for the killing of 19 kids and 2 teachers in Uvalde. His gun laws did it.



Anonymous said...

Republican Greg Abbott has done nothing for the Rio Grande Valley, except send thousands of state troopers. We don't feel the threat from these Hispanic immigrants, Greg.

ha ha ha

Voting for Beto.

Anonymous said...

Republican Abbott is NOT for all Texans.

His policies are racist and divisive.

We need a new governor who believes in all of Texas.

Anonymous said...

Go away Beto.

Anonymous said...

The most common side effects from the human trials of the BA.1 shots was pain, redness, swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, chills, nausea, vomiting and fever, according to the FDA.

Enjoy pendejos in pain but alive para hacer mas pedo hahahaha

Anonymous said...

U.S. Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Setback
with this news hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA should already be muerto.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"We cannot have someone in the Oval Office who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘confidential’ or ‘classified’.”

- Corrupt Donald Trump, 2016

He fucks up. - Donald Trump, 2022

Anonymous said...

New Quinnipiac polling shows that Americans, by a margin of 50 percent to 41 percent, think Donald Trump should be prosecuted on criminal charges over his handling of classified documents, and nearly 6 in 10 think he acted inappropriately in handling those documents.

hear, hear.

Anonymous said...

Texas needs a BETO Governor!!!

Anonymous said...

Voting for Beto.

We need representation and Republican Abbott is not inclined to help Hispanics.

pass it on.

Anonymous said...

Texas is spending $1,300 per passenger to bus migrants to New York, Washington, D.C.

In total, the tab for Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s initiative has reached more than $12 million in four months.

And he plans to keep doing it, according to the Dallas Morning News.

Abbott would rather not think of a Texas solution. He believes other states can find one before he would. Not a Texas move at all.

Vote for Democrat Beto!!!

He has answers.

Anonymous said...

Lol Francis is such a pussy. The only support he has is in Brownsville, El Paso and Austin. 3 top shit holes in Texas. Why are democrat males so feminine?

Anonymous said...

Pinche gabacho No vale berg! Carpetbagging weasel politician wanna be. And you fools think he's down cuz he mockingly named himself Beto to make fun of all of the brown skins he grew up around - not with. True story!

Anonymous said...

Where's the obsessed Trump Hater, or maybe Lover, cause he thinks of him 24/7. Lol! Ha!Ha! Makes me laugh how much Trump, has affected his life. This person needs to get a life and move on! Be Happy you got what you wanted... Biden!

Anonymous said...

Beto, who cares?

Anonymous said...

Beto is a natural born loser! Changes his mind every 10 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Republican ditz Sarah Palin Loses Comeback Bid For Alaska’s Lone House to Democrat.

ja ja ja ja


Anonymous said...

can't ride a horse no texan un pendejo PERIOD...

Anonymous said...

Male Democrats relate to Cupcake because they're as gay as he is.

Anonymous said...

We need CHANGE!
Go BETO! Next Governor for Texas!

Anonymous said...

Hope Beto feels better soon. Every day is important this late in the game. Please everyone, get out to vote!! Or we may all be shipped to New York. If Abbott keeps this up the next thing we know he will have the National Guard checking the passports of anyone that looks brown.

Bento E. Spinoza

Anonymous said...

Bud abbott and lou costello the clowns in the racist republican party, talk about mamones they love trumputo otro payaso...

Anonymous said...

His name is Francis …. No Mamés Juan. BETO MIS HUEVOS 🥚 PINTOS

Anonymous said...

Chinga tu madre Eduardo Paz Martínez…. Lambe huevos de Beto…. Viejito jediondo!


Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Gov. Abbott for giving my 2nd Cousin, ( twice removed but he keeps swimming back ) Arnulfo a free ride to NYC. He is established in a job that pay's more than he could have imagined. Cousin Raul is in the pipeline and hope's he is bussed to D. C. Employer's are more than happy to get a hold of workers that excel in their work ethic. They come here to work and build a life so much better than what they left behind. We are all the better for it. God Bless America and Keep up the Good Work Greg.

Anonymous said...

Veto Beto.... he is a traitor to democracy.

Anonymous said...

VETO Beto....traitor!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck Bay-toe and all of the Low/Information voters that think he is the answer.

Bay-toe is just another Rich, white West Texasliberal that will use his powers in Government to enrich his family and friends.

His nickname should be Cheeeline

Anonymous said...

racist governor of texas es un idiota y pendejo, todo el timepo sentado, what you racist republicans expect a miracle, it ain't gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

How does he move from the chair to the toilet? I WANNA KNOW!!!

Anonymous said...

He's hoping El Pendejo cheetos will pick him as a vice presidente, idiota, he won't, he don't like people that are sitting down all da time y mamandosela won't help either.

Anonymous said...

So he came and went already? Didn't know anything about it. Hope he comes to the Events center . Good man, not understood by the the ignorant, bad spoken Republican wannabe racist people in this town.
You hate Brownsville? LEAVE and don't forget to shut the door behind your behind.

Anonymous said...

trumputo will soon see the inside of levenswoth along with his familia. RATAS MAMONAS

Anonymous said...

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello texas finest! (idiotas)

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2022 at 8:51 PM
You still with a red-ass pinche racist republican mamon HE LOST get with it. He ain't coming aback to screw you again pinche hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA!
HAhahahahahjajajajajaja racist republicans still with the RED-ASS...

Anonymous said...

El Joto de juanita no kiso poner mi comment

Beto is gay he has monkey pox
