Saturday, August 13, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Remember the brouhaha that erupted last June after City Attorney Victor Flores asserted that anti-union language in the city's employee handbook was blamed on some shadow "consultant" who was responsible for the offensive wording, but later blandly stated that the handbook had not been "properly vetted?"

The handbook, approved by the city commission Jan. 18 and in effect as of March 4, contained the language in its Employer Relations section. 

During the public comment period of the commission’s June 7 regular meeting, two members of the public, Brownsville ISD special education teacher Patrick Hammes and local attorney John Shergold, representing the Cameron County Democratic Party addressed the city commission on the content of the anti-union wording.

"Our success is based on constant interchange of ideas, operating flexibility, and individual initiative, all of which could be hampered by a union, and thus detrimental to the City and our employees. Unions have made no contribution to our progress in the past, and they are not needed for the progress that we will make in the future."

Echoing the concerns of Hammes and Shergold, Cameron County Democratic Chairman Jared Hockema also wrote a letter June 7 to the commission that the CCDP "strongly supports the right of all workers to organize, and to work in an environment that is free of coercion."

"In fact, the American labor movement has played a pivotal role in the founding and development of our country, and in making our society stronger and more just," he wrote.

In addition, Hockema wrote that the language in question "may be a violation of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935."

Flores conceded the language in question may not have even be legal. Texas is a right-to-work state, meaning that in the public sector as well as in the private sector, "an individual may not be denied employment because of the individual's membership or non-membership in a labor organization," according to the state Government Code.

Flores said nothing of this during the city commission meeting, but merely presented the sanitized handbook with the offending paragraphs removed which were approved without comment by the mayor and city commissioners. 

That came to mind after we read the job description for the city manager search to replace Noel Bernal, who by the way, engineered the appointment of Flores and acting city manager Helen Ramirez. Both earn top dollar and were brought to Brownsville by Bernal. 

The job description – apparently – was also "not vetted" since, besides outlining the duties and responsibilities of the new city manager (he/she) will not only "fully oversee and assist the city commission on policy matters, but also; 
*Establish procedures for policy/program implementation; 
*Maintain the delivery of established services within the community; 
*Hire and assign employees and administer the City’s personnel system; 
*Regulate and allocate the use of resources; 
And Implement federal and state mandates as appropriate Additionally, the city manager directs and coordinates the services and activities of the city through department heads.
The city manager helps the city anticipate and adapt to change and represents the city within the community and with other government agencies." 

Here's the clincher: The CM will: Fully oversee...the city commission on policy matters."

As one of our seven readers questioned the job description: "But the point is whether the Commission 'oversees' the CM or, as stated, the CM 'oversees' the Commission. I wonder how much these 'consultants' charged? Bunch of clowns!"

Since December 2018, the commission has given Bernal all he has asked for, including a well-paid cadre of assistant city managers carrying a nearly $1 million price tag in salaries. 

Would that be enough to guarantee the city the brain power and experience that Bernal said he needed to run the city?

Well, no he wanted something else, highly-paid consultants to do the work he and his overpaid underachievers could not do. In other words, another million to pay outsiders to perform the tasks they are being paid to do.
It's neat trick, if the plans generated by the ghost city management team of consultants succeed, Bernal and his crew can take credit for it. If they don't they can always blame the consultants and still continue milking the city.

The top-heavy salaries at the city manager's office – ranging from 82,000 for the lowest assistant city manager to $225,000 for Bernal and another $195,000 for Helen Ramirez – are glaring examples of the salary disparities. Other department heads say that the "total alignment" concept pays lip service to one of its strategic goals, the improvement of working conditions and improvement in the remuneration of the average municipal employee.

So as long as Rose Gowen gets her millions for her hike and bike trails, John Cowen remains on the Greater Brownsville Incentive Corporation privy to confidential real estate and commercial development information, Mayor Trey Mendez can dabble in downtown real-estate speculation and tries to tap into Elon Musk Brownsville Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation funds and Nurith Galonsky tries to keep city commissioners on the GBIC, and Jessica Tetreau milks photo ops for her run for mayor, etc.., everybody is happy and Ramirez has a free hand to keep the $1 million consultants Bernal hired to help him.

The Bernal legacy – in the person of Ramirez and Flores and the gaggle of highly-paid assistant city managers – will be with us for quite a while.


Anonymous said...

FBI raid on corrupt Trump's Mar-A-Lago hellhole is story of the year!

Nothing else matters, Montoya.

You're absent from the national chingasos, ese.

amasizate, guey!

Anonymous said...

Bernal is yesterday's news. He's gone, and like all city managers before him he left some shit for the next one. That's your history. Now, let's get on with the future.

Anonymous said...

The future is to get rid of all these overpaid useless city administrators.

Anonymous said...

@10:32 I agree, Let's hear the FBI raid of Hillary Clinton, my bad, I meant to say witch hunt raid on Trump!

Anonymous said...

Bernal legacy? Total Alignment which is nothing but Total bullshit. Leaders lead by example something nonexistent on the entire city management staff.

Anonymous said...

In regard to commentator at 10:32 A.M. you sir need to take care of the shit in your own state of Texas. Your so-called congressman Henry Cuellar's home was raided by FBI in Jan. 2022, eight months ago no results of that FBI investigation. Why don't you try cleaning your own state of Texas's shit before you go and point fingers at the BIG BOYS? Stop electing the oil and gas representatives who are leading you nowhere? What about Filemon Vela? Where and why is he sitting in the Corpus Christi export as Port authority, running the show for the oil and gas. Where is Vicent Gonzales? Shitting bricks. All three big oil and gas giants who screw the very citizens who elected these corrupt so-called leaders. These so-called leaders all are under the eye of FBI. Instead of sticking your nose in the Washington crisis go and investigate what the FBI investigated or results are with your current leaders. The Justice Integrity Unit is the division who is investigating these corrupt leaders. Justice Integrity Unit investigated corrupt political politicians.

Anonymous said...

Bernal's legacy will be that he screwed employee benefits to the max trigegging an exodus of city employees looking for betterjob opportunities. One just need to see the countless job openings that the city currently has, numbers dont lie.

Anonymous said...

August 14, 2022 At 9:23 a.m.

We already know that our leaders are corrupt. Look up Sylvia Atkinson. The thing is that it's amazing that Mara Lago got raided. We want the FBI to "how you say," Melania Trump quote, "lock him up."

Anonymous said...

Another of Bernal legacy was that he, along his entire staff including secretaries, parked their personal cars on metered parking spots daily. Something his staff learned very well as they all continue to park on metered parking. They are short changing city revenue by not feeding the meters. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget about the directors in every department that now make over $100,000 per year. They keep promoting themselves and there puppets.

Anonymous said...

city stuff never changes it dont mater who comes and who goes as City manager, its all taxpayers money and NO ONE cares or LOOKS OUT for the TAX PAYER, it is always how much i can put into my pockets.

Anonymous said...

Noel and Helen should of made a baby.

Anonymous said...

The problem is and has always been they stay there 50 years like el pendejetes pete shit. Hiding and kissing ASS PINCHE MAMON... culo...

Anonymous said...

And to top it off, you have assistant city manager James Walker receiving a monthly car allowance but using a city truck (and fuel) daily to conduct "city business". If this is not considered fraud, I dont know what else to call it. Way to go for "Total Alignment". Pura pinche rata de dos patas.

Anonymous said...

I heard she quit her second job.

Anonymous said...

Y la viejita en el gran southmost saving her pennies so that racist organizations like mitte spend it all on gringo projects ITS NOT FUNNY help them, start programs to fix their houses theirs homes. PINCHES MAMONES GRINGO LOVERS... COCOS!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan so when is Helen leaving for Colorado too? inquiring minds want to know. Ya apesta.
