Tuesday, August 23, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: On its face, the posting above seems to indicate that a Cameron County Sheriff's Department deputy merely drove on the Veterans International Bridge – Los Tomates – trying to stop a truck from crossing into Mexico, but other reports indicate that the deputy might have gone across the Rio Grande in the pursuit and was forced to use the U-Turn before he got to the Mexican inspection station.

If he had continued onto the Matamoros side where he lacked jurisdiction, Mexican federal officers could have detained him for carrying a weapon, considered a serious no-no along the border and strictly enforced. Notice that the U-Turn on the map below indicates that it is across the river, and that the deputy had already gone into Mexican territory.

The deputy, according to a press release, "unknowingly" entered Mexican territory. Interesting. So he doesn't know where Cameron County – or the United States – begins or where it ends? 
The news from the department defy all reason, and one can only surmise that deputies pretty much take the law into their own hands lacking any direction from the top. What next, an international incident? Oh, by the way, the truck driver got away and the deputy had t wait in line to cross onto the U.S. side.)


Anonymous said...

An international incident with lawless Mexico would be great, Montoya!

Clean up your corrupt, dirty motherland!!!

Go sheriff's office!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying the deputy was right or wrong but the Mexican police definitely aren't detaining an American LEO. Mexico most definitely doesn't want problems with the American government.

Anonymous said...

Did he pay the toll and is he going to get a refund? these are important question. Has the sheriff's dispatcher approved all these illegal actions? The sheriff was celebrating his most recent divorce and could not be reached, TYPICAL. What you expect from a house mouse paper pusher...

Anonymous said...

The question is, "what kind of ignorant stupid Cameron County deputies are we the citizens of Cameron County dealing with? This retard deputy did cross over to a third world county to chase a truck driver, who by the way got away?
God help the Cameron County Citizens with these iditols.

Anonymous said...

The Sheriff Department has no structure. They have an inexperienced Sheriff and an inexperienced Chief Deputy. Del Bosque is too busy waiting on Facebook for Eric Garza to post something so he can be the first one to LIKE and by 11.30 he is in the gym and comes out by 2pm and starts wondering the halls. The only answer is Jesus Rosas for Sheriff in 2024!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ruben, if you kept your mexican issued receipt you can go before commissioners court and see if they approve giving you the toll you paid to cross back into the United States. Eric Garza lets anyone go to commissioners court.

Anonymous said...

Mexican Comandante-1

Sheriff Garza-0

Anonymous said...

yea Montoya, No news here! The deputy did not even cross into Mexico. Your starting to sound like Erasmo Castro! Pinche chisme!!

Anonymous said...

Deputies going into Mexico fully armed where Mexican laws are very strict about crossing firearms into mexico. It's the wild wild West in Eric Garza's Sheriff department. Where staff know that the inexperienced and amateur Sheriff is way too lenient and inexperienced to discipline

Anonymous said...

Insane! What kind of deputies we have working for us, here at the courthouse is a mess, deputies not wearing their bulletproof vest, some of them are always sleeping, they have no sense of what to do in case of an active shooter. Sheriff Garza said he was sending a swat member but OMG he looks he can't even hold a gun. He is probably a rookie.

God please watch over us here at the Courthouse

Anonymous said...

That’s what happens when a reserve with no experience takes over the Sheriffs Office clueless idiot.

Anonymous said...

Deputy Ruben Garcia deserves to get fired plain and simple. EVERYTIME he fucks up he gets close to the CCSDA to “help” out hoping Silver Angel and Servando can save him from admin because “he’s a good guy”. Meanwhile admin is looking into Deputies, creating paper trails on Deputies to screw them over while Deputy dumbass gets away with crossing into Mexico. That’s what we get for voting for Garza and having him bring his friends along as admin. I get it, the Lucio admin fucking sucked, but at least they knew what they were doing. The truth is “Sheriff” Garza will never be known or even compared to Sheriff Lucio.

Anonymous said...

August 23, 2022 at 3:32 PM

They are sheriff dispatchers what you expect from a house mouse paper pusher, he's centimeters above the dispatchers. I heard a dispatcher was guiding ese pendejo deputy, right into mexico the dispatcher told the deputy, don't worry its another state go ahead continue the chase.

Anonymous said...

This isn’t uncommon and happens with some frequency. Remember the Mexican soldiers on Pharr bridge a few years back? They were CCTV-taped near UETA Duty Free store on US side. Not a huge deal.

Remember that the US has many law enforcement personnel deep in Mexico already. Exhibit #1, the DEA agents in Mexico City. Exhibit #2 US marines guarding the US embassy ( like most embassies).

Law enforcement entering another country via land air is not a big deal.

Anonymous said...

No secret that the Reynas are backing up Rosas. i can only imagine

Anonymous said...

We are doing a gofundme here in SIU to buy some balls for Del Bosque

Anonymous said...

I remember Rosas would let Frank Gonzalez double dip when he was still a patrol Sgt. He would have Frank on the roster for patrol but frank was at space X doing nothing. A call for service would come in for the area Frank was supposed to be covering and Rosas would make another Deputy take the call while Frank was sitting on his fatass at space X.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Del Bosque we all know you're just a show wannabe bro, ni tu vieja te cree vato..settle down pendejo

Anonymous said...

LMFAO pinche del bosque estas bien pendejo

Anonymous said...

410 cameron, I'll be 10-6 sucking my boss' cock (416) lol

Anonymous said...

Good job Delgado and Mason for showing up with solutions for you people...and Garza??? MiA probably doing school presentations with alcohol breath.. oh but no worries he sent Carlos instead hahahahahhahhaahahhaaa

Anonymous said...

Jesus Rosas running for sheriff??? OMG I remember when was the patrol supervisor and was fucking the fat dispatcher in the gym while on DUTY

Anonymous said...

I heard the deputy is in jail in mata das what I heard.

Anonymous said...

August 23, 2022 at 5:57 AM

maybe 20 years ago mesko now has nuclear guided bullets and special war equipment. its a secret.

Anonymous said...

Garza, just check into Frank Gonzalez Space X timesheet and compare it with his regular timesheet, double dipping allowed by Jesus Rosas your CID Sgt... there is intent there LMFAO

Anonymous said...

10,000 Ukrainian refugees expected to arrive in NYC: immigration official.
Is this illegal immigration ooooops so sorrrrry they are gringos its ok, but don't let meskins in they are rapist murderers and thieves...

Anonymous said...

Damm ruben. You shoot an unarmed citizen, assault a viejita, and pursue a vehicle into Mexico and have international incident. Some huevos.

Anonymous said...

In SIU we know what's up with Del Bosque, he pretends he has your back but he doesn't..even Garza says he is easy to manipulate because he doesn't know what a fuck he is doing.

Bring Arreola back, a real supervisor take this garbage wanna be soldier back to monitor the hallways or the gym

Anonymous said...


Go to minute 13 to 19, listen Carlos "Erasmo" Del Bosque explaining how the crime went up under Garza's administration LMFAO hilarious!!!

We had two murders in one week alone!!! Well guess why retard..instead sending your k9 officers or swat members to do school presentations you can send them to patrol the fucking streets!

"My concern is officer safety" LOL

Anonymous said...

After minute 13:17, please take a seat grab a beer and listen to this..and this is the guy that scored 50 on the last capt exam and wants to try again, after 30 years of service =/


Anonymous said...

Del Bosque how bout to tell Garza what you were told, he needs to cut the high salaries for his clerks Ramblado, Cornejo, Hoskins, Ramirez, Nereyda.. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT A FUCKING MESS

Anonymous said...

410 cameron 10-8 from 7300!!!! Who gives a fuck Carlitos, tas igual que huerta! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey Mendieta, what happened bro? I thought you said you were going to be the chief? Go take a 61 puto

Anonymous said...

Never mind the scores the sheriff's dispatcher is running the show regardless of any scores. He approved the invasion of Mejico. Now trumputo want to annex it and call it RMT country...(rapist murderers and thieves).

Anonymous said...

Jesus Rosas Jr. has always been an exemplary trooper, come on now, EVERYBODY knows that. You only wish you could be as unique as intelligent, diligent, dedicated, and hard worker that this man is. The citizens of this county are about to find out what a Real Sheriff Is. He is a respectful and well-mannered honorable individual. The type of person people select for True Leadership (no mediocres y corruptos) que disen que van aser y desaser pero luego nadamas se sientan a ver a quien abusan. Su primer nombre lo dise todo “Jesus” the savior of this county…. Amen!..

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was Almanza
Going home after his shift

Anonymous said...

Carlos del Bosque has been calling out plates on radio to justify showing up at 830 every day for years. Javier reyna was cool with it. Despite bieng a hard-line captain. Sucio lucio crew. Wait till later 2023 , when the real chisme hits.

Anonymous said...

Lt. can they still carry their weapons?

Del Bosque: "Yes, as long as their supervisor approves it"

LMFAO!!! and thats who Garza wants for Captain what a fucking joke this guy is

Anonymous said...

There is no money to fix out units, not even for an oil change but Garza bought a 200k boat..no mames!

Anonymous said...

Eric, Roberto flipped you map vato

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque admitted during commissioners court crime went up during Garza's administration.. but del bosque continues to send K9 units to school presentations.. what a fucking dumbass

Anonymous said...

Jesus Rosas aka Steve Harvey for sheriff!

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque, you complain about being short staffed and how dangerous it is for the citizens yet keep “investigators” like Narcedalia, who doesn’t even have a year in siu and hasn’t even had a self initiated case on your roster. If you really cared about the Deputies you would send her back to patrol to help out with the shortage. How about Walker? He hasn’t done shit in SIU yet is given a free pass because he sucks Hoskins dick and is part of the “boat” team. Why the fuck would we buy a boat and send Captain fat fuck (no not you Gilbert we all know your fatass would sink if you try to swim) to get trained on it when we have patrol and cid guys leaving for other agencies? K9 Deputies, Angel, Hector Hernandez, Narcedalia, Gilbert, Courthose Deputies and more useless Deputies working 8-5 schedules because they’re too busy sucking dick while cid and patrol are short. What a fucking joke you are Del Bosque grow some balls

Anonymous said...

@4:04 pm you sound like a disgruntled employee lol.... jealous much....

Anonymous said...

The Sheriff's Office "The Titanic"

Deputies without a unit, they need to ask another deputies for theirs to work

We cant take our units to service, even an oil change, because there is no money

Meantime clerks like ramblado, cornejo, hoskins, Ramirez driving brand new unmarked police units

4 CID Investigators leaving. When have we seen so many investigators leaving at the same time??!!!!!

Garza's own CID Sgt running for Sheriff

Patrol Deputies (20+) leaving to another agencies because all the non-sense

90+ Jailers left during this administration

Patrol understaff... working with 4 deputies for the entire county, but Garzaand del bosque continue to send them to school presentations, they don't give a fuck about the safety of our officers

CID cant longer work OT because they need to be in a marked unit, which unit???? there is none!!!!

Garza buying a 200k boat that we can't use but we dont have money to fix our units

Something needs to be done before someone gets hurt.. The Incompetence of this "Sheriff" has no limits

Never in the history of the SO have seen so many officers/jailers leaving, especially in a year and a half!!!

Anonymous said...

Garza do you want to blame someone for the mess with the transport jailers???

Guess who said it was ok for them to carry as long as their sup "approves it"...yes you guessed it right.. Del Bosque the wannabe...ask Longoria.

Anonymous said...

Lt Mejia te manda saludos Manuela. Pregunta si todavia vas a dejar a tu vieja por ella or era puro PERCEPTION

Anonymous said...

No te aguites tocayo (carlitos) todos sabemos que no vales verga

Anonymous said...

Del bosque pidiéndole al County patrol Deputies mientras el vato tiene a puros pendejos en SIU jajajaja cid jalando OT en uniformes mientras SIU pelándosela con “HSI”. Pero como siempre no encuenta el vato, el pendejo no entiendo español. Que se vayan ala v SIU junto con admin

Anonymous said...

We know for sure Del Bosque doesn't have our backs he is going to let Angel become Sgt of SIU but we are ready to get that worthless piece if shit out with you too Carlos

Sheriff, understand that this Lt has no clue what's he is doing, take action before is late we are better of with Rita

Anonymous said...

Garza buying a 200k boat that we can't use but we dont have money to fix our units



Anonymous said...

Del Bosque why were you left out of choosing who the new K9 is gonna be? Because you’re not in charge of SIU and you’re only being used because your Garza’s bitch. Garza only keeps you there because Silver doesn’t wanna be in charge of purchasing and Ram doesn’t wanna be in charge of the units lol. And Angel jumps chain because what the fuck are you gonna do about it? And even with all this going on, your boys in siu do whatever they want while you’re left scrambling whenever anyone asks you what they’re doing. A division is a reflection of its leader. Your division sucks, only Lerma and the rookie K9s work the other lazy fucks just ride your dick or admins dick (Narcy and Walker) so they won’t get sent to patrol. And to top it all off, Angel runs siu because you don’t have the balls to be an actual Lt.

Anonymous said...

Damm, someone in SIU is pissed. I'll stay in cid. Lol
