Monday, August 8, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Senate gave final approval to a bill that expands healthcare benefits for veterans who became sick after being exposed to toxic burn pits, with dozens of Republican senators including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz voting in support following widespread outrage over the GOP torpedoing the bill in a vote last week.

The bill, called the PACT Act, passed in a 86-11 vote, with Republicans, making up all the "no" votes.
Shamed into voting yes was our own beloved Sen. Cruz.  

The legislation failed to overcome filibuster in a 55-42 vote last Wednesday, after numerous Republicans objected to what they dubbed a “budgetary gimmick” Democrats included in a House-passed version of the bill that would have exempted $400 billion in Department of Veterans Affairs spending from appropriations processes.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said he struck a deal with Senate GOP leadership to overcome the issue, with Democrats allowing votes on three amendments introduced by Republican senators.

Burn pits were commonly used by American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to quickly clear out waste, which often gave off toxic fumes that many veterans say led to severe health problems.

The Senate passed an earlier version of the PACT Act 84–14 in June, before dozens of Republican lawmakers changed their votes last week, claiming they still supported the gist of the bill but objected to the spending measure added to the House bill. Activists blasted their reasoning, most notably comedian Jon Stewart, who made repeated public appearances in which he fiercely – and sometimes profanely– lambasted Republican senators.

Then, lamely protesting the onslaught, Cruz and his GOP cronies folded and joined their colleagues to help the vets.


Anonymous said...


Ted Cruz doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. Don't forget that. Don't ever forget.

Anonymous said...

This is clear, crisp, succinct writing, unlike your usuals. Credit the source properly, Montoya.


Anonymous said...

op scientist admits 'space telescope image' was actually a slice of chorizo
At least meskin food made it to space. Don't expect meskins to be up there any time soooooon.

Anonymous said...

Curbside recycling being offered to Brownsville, Rancho Viejo residents
Let them walk

Anonymous said...

The 740 billion ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ has 375 billion going to climate change. How much is actually going to the vets? These bills are full of waste. That’s the reason Republicans were against its passage. Not that they are against vets. Democrats don’t care about vets. They just need their votes in November. The Democrats have been on this climate change since the presidential elections. If there was a winner here it was the extreme left with its green new deal. Should we start working on cleaning our act? Definitely! But we’re not the greatest polluters in the world. Why doesn’t China take lead? Spending more money when we’re in debt 6.2 trillion dollars to the world doesn’t make any sense. We’re in a hole and just digging ourselves deeper. Stop this madness vote Republican.

Anonymous said...

Vote Republican, really ? The last two republican presidents left us in a recession. Just last week, 500K new jobs, lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, killing Al-Qaeda leader and passing a bill that will allow Medicare to negotiate RX prices. The largest US companies will now have to pay some taxes. What do republicans have to offer ? Wiping out a women's right to healthcare decisions concerning their own bodies, attacking LGBTQ community insisting that the election was rigged and stolen. Keep watching Tucker, Hannity and Fox. You deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

Ted Cruz is about Ted Cruz. He does not even value his wife. . . Loser!

Anonymous said...

The penalties for breaking that law include disqualification from holding any federal office.

bye bye idiota trumputo

Anonymous said...

Todos los pinches cubanos son puros llorones y mamones, se creen gringos TODOS....

Anonymous said...

Will trumputo be allowed to take his buddy guards to sing sing or levenworth?
