Sunday, August 14, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

 With 45 days left before the awarding of an insurance contract by the San Benito Independent School District to competing companies, it is eye-opening to see that its president Rodrigo Moreno posted this selfie of a majority of the board (a quorum) being wined and dined Alberto "Bob" Treviño, owner of Treviño Insurance of Brownsville, one of the the current holders of a health insurance contract with SBCISD. 

The board members were feted with a "delicious dinner" and drinks at upscale Madeira Restaurant, in Brownsville. Family members were also invited to enjoy the, as Moreno posted, "great ambiance and atmosphere."

Treviño lives in San Juan, Texas, in Hidalgo County.

Treviño, who was "sponsoring" the banquet is one of the vendors submitting a proposal to the board for the health insurance contract for the upcoming year. 
He is the gent in the white hair and white shirt on the middle right.  He is listed in the Directory of Insurance Carriers and Contact Information effective October 1, 2021.
Board member Janie Lopez, SBCISD board vice president sitting on the left of  the picture, is also the Republican candidate for U.S. Congressional District 37 against Democrat Luis Villarreal in the November general election.

Interim SBCISD Superintendent Theresa Servellon is sitting directly against Lopez. Members in the photo include, Oscar Medrano and Mario Silva, and Moreno, count them, four, a majority of the seven-member board. 

It is instructive to see that Treviño also contributed $2,000 to SBCISD President Ramiro Moreno and Vice President Lopez's candidacies when they ran for the SBCISD board in 2020. (See graphic) Not long after they were elected to the board, Treviño got the SBCISD contract.
$2,000 to President Moreno

$2,000 to VP Lopez
(We are currently searching for campaign finance reports for the other two members who attended the Madeira Restaurant and will post them as soon as the tight-fisted SBCISD releases them. Moreno has since removed the post above from his FB page. Lopez justified her partaking of the vendor's wining and dining her saying Treviño had "invited everybody."  So if everybody does it it's ok? THat's curious for someone whose website states that if she is elected she will "will fight against corruption and...will support our schools." For a small contribution, it appears.)

If a majority of the board constituted a quorum at dinner with the superintendent and vendor, is that a crime? And if they argue that it wasn't improper to be wined and dined by a vendor competing for a contract, isn't the appearance of impropriety sometimes worse than the impropriety itself? 


Anonymous said...

Janie Lopez and her majority are really bad for San Benito and themselves. They misappropriated COVID funds that the taxpayers os San Benito will have to pay because of their lack of experience and la k of leadership. Almost a million dollars were spent illegally under their watch. Now this obvious quorum is a crime, plain and simple! Will D.A. Luis Saenz do his job and prosecute these culprits of a walking quorum, with a vendor and superintendent present? Did they vote on the insurance contract at this dinner? Do any other vendors need apply? Mr. D.A., you have more than enough evidence to prosecute these individuals. It is shameful that not only do they sell their vote and break the law…. The flaunt it! They take pictures and post them rubbing it in the face of the voters! Are they above the law? And some have aspirations for State Office… unbelievable

Anonymous said...

Doesn't affect me personally.

ho hum.

how does it affect you, Montoya?


Anonymous said...

What’s in it for me? Blatant corruption by unprofessional board members. They are all rats and on the take. Sick,sick,sick!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do the school districts need a third party to recommend an insurance company? Why not straight with the company. What is his take? Millions of dollars like the the king of insurances for the BISD. Remember that guy getting Millions year after year to do nothing. He finally die and another rat came in. Also save Millions by not have a director of insurance in the with a staff that do what? Let only the parents who have children going to a school pay school, if you don't have children, you don't pay school taxes.

Anonymous said...

That Silva guy is on all the city boards and now the school. He must be a one man gang or something. Ratas.

Anonymous said...

What happens in San Bene belongs to San Bene, not to you Brownville slimeballs.

- Rockford Galvan

Anonymous said...

It sure does not affect Montoya or the virtual newspaper. The affected are the residents of San Benito. This gathering of an ISD quorum, without a newspaper public notice, is illegal. To remedy this "now" issue is to disqualify Trevino proposal or to re-advertise.

Anonymous said...

Como mi mexico 🇲🇽 no hay dos!

Anonymous said...

Es una pachanga en San Benito
Entre chelas y caderas yo me quiero reventar.

Anonymous said...

Como le admiro a los mexicanos como apoyan a sus politicos, repito es de admirar!!!

saludos desde Reynosa, Mexico!!!

Anonymous said...

Why are any of you shocked. With our DA Louis Saenz taking his cut they all know nothing will be done about it.

Anonymous said...

I recommend Escobedo insurance

Anonymous said...

This is just plain corruption. But who is at fault? The voters. We continue to vote for corrupt politicians because they’re representing our own political party. People need to think outside the box. Forget the political party. Think and study the individuals running for office. Vote for someone who is honest, conscientious, and honorable. We complain about the corruption in Mexico yet we’re just as bad if not worse. Think before you vote. Isn’t that why God gave us a brain?

Anonymous said...

El pendejo que dice what happens in san bene belongs to san bene…. Well san benito is in Cameron county… and we have a district attorney…. Be expecting a call soon, ratas 🐀

Anonymous said...

Don’t think the D.A. will do anything. San Bene is the city that carries him to victory.

Anonymous said...


Keep dreaming, pendejo.

You and your mother know that nothing will come of this. It never does.

pero sigue con tus mamadas, puto!

Tienes hambre, Guey?

Pos, si. Siempre.


Anonymous said...

San Benito...being San Benito.

But lately our city aint much different...."hot tax-gate" "musk-gate"'s the battle of the nonprofits.

If you ain't got a commissioner on the board you are OUT.

Anonymous said...

brownsville rubbing off on sanbene pinche cenote...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Rockford? and with a meskin last name, so seas mamon and seems very proud. racist republicans want you as an example to all meskins, TU GOVERNADOR will deport your ass in a new york minute, estupido, and that name will not help mamon, hint and not even in mesco. LAMBISCON!

Anonymous said...

The majority of gringo/cocos are from el cenote sanbene, verdad randy!!! Hahahahahaha se creen gringos, GRINGOS HATE YOUR ASSES PINCHES MOJADOS!

Anonymous said...

El ke no transa no avanza. Animo

Anonymous said...

"rodrigo moreno" took the selfie?

now we know where this story came from.

this story won't help luis in brownsville or san benito. at all. luis, you're reaching. you will lose.

Anonymous said...

Juan No Es Bribe.

Anonymous said...

When you all in San Benito thought no one was looking lol Remember you idiots are party of law and order get ready for FBI.

Anonymous said...

Puro Doppelgängers in that picture. What is said n done in San Bene stays in San Bene.
