Sunday, August 7, 2022




Anonymous said...

So, I see that El Rrun Rrun and Montoya has jumped on that hypocrite band wagon? Everyone including you, Montoya think that the white privilege exist still? Maybe it does but applies to the rich white and not middle class or poor. The new privilege nowadays is black, believe it or not? Ever since that racist Borack Osama was voted into office and then made it a point to tell us all, that he would systematically change this country, which he did. Black is the new privilege and it shows everyday! No one seems to complain that Chicago run by a racist experiences weekend shootings in the double figures with injuries and deaths totaling in the double digit column? Not counting other cities where majority of the shootings are committed by black hoodlums? This country has a problem and its not the guns, because guns HAVE been around long before you and I were alive. Its the technology in this world today that has corrupted the minds of weak people who for whatever reason think that by shooting up places is the answer? You know, like those shooting games that young people spend all their time on them and get ideas! The only difference Montoya, is that us Americans with Mexican heritage know better than to pull stupid shit because we know the outcome learned from mom and dad and that "chancla" discipline!

Anonymous said...

Get your ass in serious stir and start writing your own shit, Montoya.

Petering out is not an option, ese.

Too many cartoons and other esoterica shit of late here. Basta!!!

No eres de McAllen, puto!!!

Anonymous said...

Alabama City Disbands Entire Police Department Over Racist Text

The Vincent city council passed a resolution to disband the department after the racist text surfaced. Police chief and Asst. Chief fired.

Anonymous said...

Y esto?

Ahora con las caricaturas, cuando tenemos tantos aqui en este mentado pueblo?

Por favor.

Anonymous said...

Without more immigrants, Social Security and America are Toast -

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office says that the U.S.-born population is going to start falling from around 2043. That’s when deaths will exceed births. After that, says the CBO, all population growth in America will come only from immigrants.

But the issue is already here. “Over the course of the next decade, immigration accounts for about three-quarters of the overall increase in the [projected] size of the population,” the CBO says. And after about 2032, the share of immigrants to new births rises even higher.

This matters for a number of reasons. Among them: The stability of Social Security and Medicare. These programs depend on America having plenty of working-age people. The more, frankly, the better.

Yet instead, between now and 2052, the CBO predicts that on average the number of people over 65 will grow six times faster, per year, than the number of people of prime working age, between 25 and 54. Over the next 10 years the CBO thinks it will grow more than 20 times as fast, per year, because it expects the number of prime working age Americans to hardly grow at all.

Open Borders is great! Immigrants work!!! (Rednecks do not)

Anonymous said...

Viva mayra!!! WHAT? SHE'S MESKIN!!!! Oh my God, its true, she is meskin, they know they are NOT suppose to carry arms or stand their ground... SENT HER BACK, SENT HER BACK, SENT HER BACK!!! TELL TRUMPUTO!!!

Anonymous said...

Pos si, Apa, ahora ya si se chingo todo el pedo. Ya valio aqui.

Anonymous said...

Uncalled for. You're such a racist. You hurt my feelings, Typical Democrats. no answers for anything just the blame game and excuses.

Anonymous said...

My first time at a Carnitas El Momo food truck, parked in a weedy, vacant lot in La Southmost, I ask for each of the four tacos listed on the sidewalk placard menu: maciza (chopped pork shoulder), cuerito (plush, translucent slivers of pork skin), buche (tender, wishbone-shaped slices of pork stomach) and carnitas mixtas, a combination of all three.

“Our tacos are big,” warns the woman taking the order. “This is too much food for one person.”

I hear her repeat the words to almost every customer after me. No one much heeds the advice.

- check it out. Nice in the evening

Anonymous said...

What state has the most NFL players?

Texas, when you factor in population. In research done by Sidelines, a sports technology and digital media company, it found that Texas has produced the most NFL players (2,515) of any state. Nov 1, 2021

Anonymous said...


Much of the history of the American West depicts Native tribes as hapless and taken advantage of by white settlers at every opportunity. While much of that is true for many of the Native tribes of the Old West, it is definitely not true of the Comanche tribe. Aggressive, adversarial Comanches didn’t just stop American expansion like they did against the Spanish and Texans, the western frontier actually receded because of them.

Anonymous said...

Birthday - Barack Obama the 44th U.S. President was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961. His father was from Kenya, Africa, while his mother was originally from Kansas. Upon completing his college education, young Obama moved to Chicago, becoming active in community affairs. He then attended Harvard Law School, becoming the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review in 1990. He returned to Chicago, worked in a law firm, then entered politics. Elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996, he went on to become a U.S. Senator in 2004. Four years later, he successfully challenged former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination and went on to defeat Republican John McCain in the general election, November 4, 2008, thus becoming the first President of African-American origin.

August 6, 1945 - The first Atomic Bomb was dropped over the center of Hiroshima at 8:15 a.m., by the American B-29 bomber Enola Gay. The bomb detonated about 1,800 ft. above ground, killing over 105,000 persons and destroying the city. Another estimated 100,000 persons later died as a result of radiation effects.

August 7, 1964 - Following an attack on two U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin off North Vietnam, the U.S. Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, granting President Lyndon B. Johnson authority "to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression."

August 7, 1990 - Just five days after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, President George Bush ordered Desert Shield, a massive military buildup to prevent further Iraqi advances.

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2022 at 12:57 PM
They were all black

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2022 at 3:51 PM

Pendejo ever heard of racist republicans? idiota

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2022 at 5:16 PM
print the address I want to go.... carnitas ummmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

scientist has apologized after tweeting a photo of a slice of chorizo, claiming it was an image of a distant star taken by the James Webb Space Telescope.
The taxpayers getting conned again!

Anonymous said...

The majority of illegals coming to this country are not coming to work but to receive our social service programs we so readily provide. This is how Democrats get more votes. And who pays for all these social service programs? Not the rich or the poor but the middle class of this country.

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2022 at 9:37 AM

At least they read and write unlike los pendejos hillbillys dumber that a gringo eating a tortilla. Can't read and can't write shit. BOLA DE IDIOTAS GRINGOS/COCOS.

Anonymous said...

So why did all the hillbillys voted for trumputo? What did este pendejo offer the hillbillys mamones? Social services, checks in their mail boxes every week, free meals, pay no taxes and as long as there are hillbillys in this country the GOP will exist. Raise taxes but for ONLY the poor and not the hillbillys and the rich and famous. GOP gordos ojetes panzones GOP. oh where's my ak its next to the empty frig idiota!

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2022 at 6:12 PM
Estupido non live here in texas idiota

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2022 at 12:54 PM, August 7, 2022 at 11:33 AM
Get your own blog pinche mamon ojete.

Anonymous said...

and if he don't like the food he can throw it at the bars on the cell doors.
