Friday, August 5, 2022


By Tina Burnside, Amanda Jackson

(Ed.'s Note: A local Brownsville resident whose two sons and grandsons were present at the parade in Gallup, N.M. has sent us this video taken when a SUV plowed into the crowd celebrating the state's Native American heritage. When will this home-grown, violence and domestic turmoil end? The Brownsville woman's relatives emerged unscathed and we can thank Providence for that.)

(CNN) Multiple people were injured, including two police officers, when a car drove through a parade in the city of Gallup, New Mexico, on Thursday night, authorities said.

Several people were being treated on the scene, where people were enjoying the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial Centennial Celebration, the New Mexico State Police said in a Twitter post. The extent of their injuries is unknown.
he driver and passengers are in custody, officials said, and state police are investigating the incident.

Thursday night's ceremonial parade was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. in downtown Gallup, according to the event website. The parade was part of a days-long celebration of Native American culture and heritage, according to a news release on the event.

A video taken by witness Sean Justice shows a group of people performing in the street when the crowd bursts into screams, with people leaping up and rushing in the opposite direction of what appears to be a moving car.

Another video captured by witness Keisha Joe shows what appears to be the SUV that was driven through the parade. In front of the SUV is a damaged car on the sidewalk, its front door crumpled in.

Navajo Nation Council Speaker Seth Damon released a statement saying, "The Navajo Nation stands with resilience against any acts of violence and sends prayers of protection to those affected. This was a traumatic and triggering event for many, especially for our youth, elders, and our veterans who acted quickly."

"Hold Gallup in your prayers tonight as we come together in faith and strength for one anther. May the Creator and Holy People bless you all tonight as we move forward together," he said.


Anonymous said...

Gallup, New Mexico is the same fucking town that closed its doors to Native Americans when Covid-19 hit. It said only local residents (not reservation people) could shop in its stores and visit its doctors and hospital.

Fuck Gallup!

Anonymous said...

Pocos países como México..sus habitantes se divierten en donde sea es bonito ver esa forma de gozar la vida me gustaría ver en mi pais esto y no la zozobra en q vivimos x la violencia.....Gracias México por el ejemplo y x ponernos a gozar atraves de la pantalla nunca dejen de disfrutar......

Anonymous said...

Galluup did not close its doors. Gallup is part of Navajo Nation. The INative American Hospital is located in Gallup. Get your story straight.

Anonymous said...

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson wants to cut Social Security.

They'll do it if you elect them.

Say NO! to all Republicans - locals especially!!!

Anonymous said...

Si los habitantes de mexico se divierten en donde sea y desfrutan tanto de la vida porque muchos mexicanos riesgan sus vidas par vinir a este apais? Ya eliminaron los carteles? Mexico es un pais corrupto. Pero si usted piensa que es muy bonito Mexico vaya a vivir a Mexico y despues dicutimos.

Anonymous said...

@10:17 AM

That's true. And when the US government failed to tend to the reservation as Covid raged, it was "Doctors Without Borders" that came to help - a FIRST for America!!!

you can look it up.

Anonymous said...

Republicans Horse-Collared -

Days After ‘Recession’ Threshold Crossed, Biden Takes 500K Jobs Growth Victory Lap. “There are more people working than at any point in American history,” Biden said of the new report, adding it signals recovery from pandemic job losses.

Republicans flummoxed. Assholes.


Anonymous said...

Republicans Begin Adjusting to a Fierce Abortion Backlash

After Kansans voted to preserve abortion access, Republicans who once said the economy reigns supreme are acknowledging the issue will be a centerpiece in the fall campaigns.

Oh, and the July jobs report had the U.S. adding 528,000 new jobs - more than ditzy Trump ever managed!

Anonymous said...

Chorizo in Space -

A French scientist has apologized after tweeting a photo of a slice of chorizo, claiming it was an image of a distant star taken by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Étienne Klein, a celebrated physicist and director at France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, shared the image of the spicy Spanish sausage on Twitter last week, praising the “level of detail” it provided.

Anonymous said...

@11:40 AM

You sit corrected, you insolent lout!

Is Gallup NM tribal land?

In northwestern New Mexico near the Arizona border is the city of Gallup, which abuts lands belonging to the Navajo Nation. A substantial part of Gallup's population is Native American, including some Hopi, Zuni and a large number of Navajos.

(Abuts means it is adjacent, next to, not part of)

Anonymous said...

MSF is an international medical humanitarian organization with programs in over 70 countries. MSF teams are preparing every project where they work to be COVID-ready as the pandemic sweeps the globe. In the United States, MSF’s COVID-19 response teams worked with migrant farmworkers in Florida; helped people who are homeless and housing insecure in New York City; supported Native American communities in the Navajo Nation and Pueblos; and trained essential workers in nursing homes and adult foster care facilities for the elderly in Michigan. In Puerto Rico, MSF has two mobile medical teams to provide care at patients' homes or at pop-up clinics and is forming a third team to handle the rise in cases. These teams are also monitoring COVID-19 patients who are asymptomatic or have mild or moderate symptoms. MSF has started a new program in Texas providing IPC trainings to staff and residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Anonymous said...

monkey pot anyone?

Anonymous said...

5 de agosto 2022 10:26 a.m.
Pues vete para Mexico si tanto lo admiras. Ni quien te extrane aqui y como canto Jose Alfredo "por que se que te vas y te vas y no te has ido."

Anonymous said...

A drunk on his ass Indian (Navajo) with his two drunk brothers as passengers did the deed. Oh yes Gallup is not tribal land.
