Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 Specail to El Rrun-Rrun

It was somewhat good while it lasted.

About 18 months ago Oneida Duberney (née Martinez, then Duberney, then Arambula, and then back to Duberney) was hired to be Cameron County District Clerk Laura Perez Reyes' Chief Deputy.

Since that time, Duberney, an at-will employee who had been with the Texas Attorney General's Office in Hidalgo County before leaving under non-amicable circumstances that resulted in a lawsuit against that office, seemed a fine fit. 

But trouble was afoot and things got to a stage internally that her boss felt disrupted the delivery of the services her office provided to the public. This morning, things reached the melting point and Perez-Reyes said she felt it was better for Duberney and her office to part ways and she was given a termination letter that simply stated that her services were no longer needed.

Some of our readers sent us messages saying that two men had escorted the chief deputy out of the District Clerk's Office and to her car, leading them to speculate that she might have been arrested.

Perez-Reyes denied that version of events and said that the only reason she was accompanied by the two men to her car was because they wanted to make sure that the key to the private entrance to her office was returned.

"This office will continue to provide the services to the public that they deserve and we won't allow any distractions that would affect the delivery," Perez-Reyes said.


Anonymous said...

Who hired this wack job?

Anonymous said...

Great Job Ms. Perez ! That horrible woman had NO business working in your office …she has mental problems

Anonymous said...

If she does have mental health problem, let it be.
May life get better for that person.

Anonymous said...

They are public servants nothing else but because they make high salaries they they think they can bad mouth and mistreat the public. There are a few of these willas running around in several elected officials offices and they all need to go specially the one over at Linda's JP's office una guerra. She needs to go...

Anonymous said...

Too much favoritism in that office.

Anonymous said...

Was she at the jan 6th revolution? Seems like most of the protesters were from texas bola de mamones

Anonymous said...

Laura Perez had more balls than Sheriff paper pusher Garza.

That's how it's done Eric. With balls!

Anonymous said...

No chinguen dejen a Linda. She didn't even ask for a raise.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of that guerra at linda's office unprofessional, bad mouths the public the taxpayer and voter - SHE NEEDS TO GO or linda will be voted out.

Anonymous said...

Cleaning house. Great job laura now get someone qualified for The chief Deputy position don't Appoint one from the pack of Vultures that would Circle around her.
