Monday, September 12, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: The arrest of attorney Kelley SorRelle for her participation in the Jan. 6 insurrection  has shocked her former co-workers and members of the county bar. SorRelle, who worked as a Cameron County Asst. District Attorney from 2011 to 2017 – three of those years under DA Luis V. Saenz's Children Protective Services unit with under the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services – has been charged with four felony charges for conspiring to obstruct an official proceeding. She left the county in 2017, having worked under Saenz for four years. Over that time, Saenz came to depend on SorRelle and the CPS section to protect children and families and remove them from abusive situation.

"Whenever we had a CPS issue, we knew we could count of Kelley to protect kids and take care of the kids," Saenz said yesterday. "That's why it threw us for a loop to hear she had been arrested for her participation in the January 6 insurrection. All of us are stunned to hear that. Sometime after she left us in 2017, something went wrong."

After her husband Jeremy left the DA's staff, SorRelle followed. Saenz said the couple had later split after they moved to Granbury, about 20 miles southwest of Fort Worth in North Texas. (In the graphic above, she is picture with Oath Keeper founder and leader Stewart Rhodes storming the Capitol.)  

By Marissa Sarnoff
Law and

Kellye SoRelle, 43, entered her plea Friday (Sept. 9) during her arraignment before U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta. She was indicted last week on charges relating to the group’s alleged conspiracy to obstruct Congress’ certification of Joe Biden‘s electoral win on Jan. 6 and install Donald Trump as president.

SoRelle has been charged with conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstructing an official proceeding, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, and obstruction of justice by tampering with documents. 

According to the indictment, SoRelle urged an unidentified number of “other persons” to “withhold records, documents, and other objects” from a grand jury investigation into the Jan. 6 attack, and to “alter, destroy, mutilate, and conceal objects with intent to impair the objects’ integrity and availability for use in such a Grand Jury investigation.”

SoRelle was released from custody after her arrest, and the government on Friday didn’t ask for her to be detained.

Prosecutor Louis Manzo did, however, ask Mehta to restrict SoRelle’s internet use to communications regarding her criminal case.

“The defendant has already posted memes about Your Honor,” Manzo told Mehta at Friday’s arraignment. He added that the social media posts were about not only her case but others. He also alleged that SoRelle has urged other people, through electronic means, to delete evidence relating to Jan. 6.

SoRelle’s attorney Horatio Aldrege opposed, saying that most of SoRelle’s online communications “do not approach criminal conduct” and are protected by the First Amendment.

Mehta, a Barack Obama appointee, denied the government’s request, saying he would leave it up to SoRelle’s attorneys to decide “whether it’s in her best interests” to make such posts.

“I’m not sure whether that alone is a basis to impose restrictions,” the judge added.

SoRelle has said that she stepped in as leader of the Oath Keepers group after the January arrest of Oath Keepers founder and leader Stewart Rhodes. Rhodes has been charged with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 siege at the Capitol; he and four co-defendants are set to go to trial on Sept. 27.

Mehta is overseeing Rhodes’ case as well as a second multi-defendant case of other members of the group facing lesser charges in connection with the Capitol riot.

On Friday, prosecutors told Mehta that they do not intend to add SoRelle to the existing Oath Keepers cases.

“We’re not planning on superseding Ms. SoRelle into any of the larger conspiracies,” Manzo said.

Manzo did offer to brief the judge, however, on how SoRelle’s case “relates to the larger Oath Keeper cases overall.”

Although SoRelle’s is a “standalone case,” Manzo said, discovery in her case “does span the case files of a number of people in the larger Oath Keepers conspiracy.”

Mehta set the next hearing in the case for Nov. 15.

SoRelle was among the team of lawyers who pursued litigation in an effort to overturn Biden’s electoral win. In one particularly memorable brief, SoRelle invoked the epic fantasy The Lord of the Rings, alleging that Biden had “no rightful claim to govern the American People” and stating that “Gondor has no King.”


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

juan its a free country or NO? she can do whatever she wants, so what. we are not in china or russia dude.

Anonymous said...

Hello.....It was an attack on Democracy! These Bozos along with a Giant Cheeto threatened to hang our Vice President Mike Pence and interfered with the peaceful transfer of power

Anonymous said...

Those people tried to over throw our government. Let the rot in jail.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and Juan is educating you that he can do whatever he wants!
Yes or no?

Anonymous said...

As long as its within the law. not like el pendejetes racista republican he thinks he's above the law. SOOOOOOOOOOOOn we'll see him crying in front of a judge like the rest of the hillbillys and rednecks. crying for their mommies. hahahaha y the aks? UNLOADED as usual. MAMONES

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get over it! You democrats continue to portray the January 6th insurrection as the civil war of our time. Give me a break! Only one person died. That person was shot by a scared police officer. Maybe if the democratic politicians and the crooked media wouldn’t have been lying to the people all these years this never would have happened. Man up and put the blame where it belongs. Just because you democrats have been so indoctrinated that you walk around like zombies doesn’t mean that everyone is as weak mined as you.

Anonymous said...

Juan is not threatening to over throw the government with his Runn Runn. On the contrary he is a US veteran. As long as he does not break the law he can do as he pleases and so can we.

Anonymous said...

pobre vieja pendeja

Anonymous said...

PARA EL PENDEJETES: September 12, 2022 at 5:41 PM

By any reasonable definition of the word (including the Oxford English Dictionary’s: “The action of rising in arms or open resistance against established authority”), what happened on January 6th was an insurrection. An insurrection is, generally, damnable: calling a political action an insurrection is a way of denouncing what its participants mean to be a revolution.

Be on the lookout for a official letter from the FBI or wait for a knock on your door early in the morning or at your favorite place of relaxation like a restaurant. They'll wait for you outside and handcuff your ass and away you go. Sleep tight idiota...

Anonymous said...

Just be glad you're not in russia other wise you'd be long gone.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it, with so many crack investigators on the pay, how could they have missed this lady being an agent of doom.

AAAhhhhh but don't tell them about DWI's its their bread and butter

Anonymous said...

former president Donald Trump is facing a total of 19 legal actions – about half of which allege improper conduct during his presidency.

Most of the cases fall under three themes: financial wrongdoings that made him more money; his role in the January 6 2021 insurrection; and his alleged interference in the 2020 election. Trump has denied wrongdoing in most of these cases.

Anonymous said...

Juli Haller, who represents Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs, told US District Judge Amit Mehta that she was exploring whether to argue that the Oath Keepers general counsel, Kellye SoRelle, instructed Meggs to delete text messages from his phone after the riot.
Haller said that she only learned of the allegation after SoRelle, who was federally charged two weeks ago, testified to a grand jury in June. Her testimony has not previously been reported.
SoRelle faces charges including obstruction of an official proceeding and obstructing justice by telling others to delete information from their phones. She has pleaded not guilty.
Mehta said that the allegation itself SoRelle suggested others should delete messages was not new. “I read it in the newspaper months ago,” Mehta shouted at Haller, adding “I’m not buying it” and that “it was in the indictment”. cnn wire.

and she worked her at the DA's office WOW.....
