Thursday, September 15, 2022


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If Cameron County Pct. 4 Commissioner Gus Ruiz can get two more votes to go along with his proposal, the Sheriff's Administration Building at the Rucker-Carrizales Detention Center in Olmito may be named after the late Sheriff Omar Lucio.

County sources say that Ruiz will place the item on the next commissioners court agenda for the court's consideration.

Lucio, who started his law enforcement career in Harlingen, received a double major degree from Pan American University; a degree in Criminal Justice and a degree in Sociology and  graduated from the FBI Academy. He retired from the Harlingen P.D. as captain after 35 years of service.

Lucio was first elected to a four year term in January of 1997 and served for 19 years, except for a four-year term when Conrado Cantu was elected. 

He was elected in November 2004 and began his term on January 01, 2005. During that four-year hiatus from the sheriff's office, he served as Chief of Police for the City of Mercedes. He was a member of the National Sheriff’s Association and the Texas Sheriff’s Association. 

In 2005, Cantu, after losing to Lucio, pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering and was sentenced to the mandatory minimum of 290 months imprisonment (24 years). 

In 2014, his sentencing was reduced. U.S. District Judge Marina Garcia Marmolejo in August ordered Cantu’s sentence to be reduced to 17.5 years motion because the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 2014 changed how sentencing guidelines are calculated for drug offenses. On June 2019, in response to Covid-19, he was released from a federal prison in Lexington, Ky., and was allowed to finish his sentence in home confinement. Lucio took over a department tainted by corruption and vowed to return it to its mission to provide protection to county residents.

Ironically, in January 2005, after succeeding Cantu, Lucio was instrumental in bringing back the federal inmates that the U. S. Marshal's Office had removed two (2) years before.

The sheriff's office, now held by former district clerk Eric Garza, is now facing a $3 million budget shortfall as a result of the Marshal's Office removing federal inmates because of the county's jails failing to pass Texas Jail Standards Commission's inspections and numerous violations of the county-federal agreement that governed prisoner transport and escort.

Many old-time lawmen in the county praised the Ruiz move at the commissioners court to name the sheriff's administration building after Lucio, saying that he was the moving force to buy the property and raise the funds to build the Rucker-Carrizales center.

"He was the ultimate lawman and he found the property for the jail and convinced the county commissioners that the center should be built out in Olmito," said a former constable. "If anyone deserves a building named after him, Omar does. He returned dignity and respect to the office after Cantu was sent to prison. The current tenant isn't doing that well today. We're with Gus. It's a worthy choice."


Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Ruiz for reminding voters about the current sheriff's performance.

Anonymous said...

And afoot that idea should stay.

Omar Lucio was not the best of sheriffs anywhere. So he led a few raids with gun drawn at the age of 84? Didn't one of his escaped prisoners kill a Brownsville man?

Didn't vengeful Omar Lucio shit on his Democratic Party by giddily endorsing a Republican in the last election?

Here's a better idea: Name a falling Outhouse in Las Prietas after him!


Anonymous said...

Once again Erik Garza looking like a fool, pobrecito

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was a great honor to work for this man! Unfortunately we are stuck with the clerks for 2 more years, what took Sheriff Lucio 20 years to built this current "sheriff" is taking less than two years to send all to shit. What a shame

Anonymous said...

Gus Ruiz you have my vote

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe against voting for any public entity, that taxpayers pay for, to name the sheriff's office in Lucio's name. Let the public taxpayers decide that issue. They should be the ones who should decide in naming the Detention Center, they are the true taxpayers and voters who should decide. Commissioners such as Gus Ruiz are playing the CONFLICT-OF-INTEREST issue. They were and still are shown preferred treatment with protection under the immunity umbrella. Also, keep in mind that Texas has named many entities after corrupt leaders such as Stillman, Kennedy, Mifflin, Fort Brown and the list just goes on and on. LUCIO BOWED DOWN TO THE CAMERON COUNTY JUDGES WHETHER IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW OR NOT. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Take down that piece of shit name of Erika Garza and replace it with Omar Lucio!!!

Go fuck your self Garza! And take your personal Facebook LIKER Del Bosque with you!

Anonymous said...

A chingar su madre El babosso de Garza!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet 1000 dollars Eric is going to show up with the same blue coat

Anonymous said...

Auditors should go and inspect all patrol units..there is a reason why Ramblado is hiding and not longer in charge of the fleet (getting paid while home), there is units missing.. we only have 5 deputies working per shift and we still don't have units, we have to borrow them from deputies who are off..been working for the sheriff department 18 years this is my first time seen this non-sense

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the clerk with 0 law enforcement experience is going oppose this LMFAO

Anonymous said...

September 15, 2022 at 6:53 AM

Ok erica quit being so vengeful don't worry you'll never get close to a real sheriff much less get a building named for your vengeful ass. Not a bulding but a Pit Latrine or shit hole on the ground is more appropriate.

eres pura mierda y nunca vas a cambiar!!

Anonymous said...

Since our Sheriff Garza didn't go to commissioners the commissioners took away the 2 capt and 3 deputy positions for good.. del bosque, you can stop sucking d** (we don't think you were going to pass the test anyways), Angel you can keep pretending you're a "supervisor" Mr. SwAT commander (never go to trainings or competitions, can't shoot for shit), Cruz you can keep sharing Garza's post all day long, the board is about to push you out, you have no skills other than thinking that because you're the "president" you're getting promoted (fuck off looser). Gilbert you had no chances of even getting a 50 score, can't write a simple supplement but go ahead and keep finding phones maybe one day you can learn something.

Minions, keep in mind that Garza is leaving in 2 years, if you decide to stay, you will fucking stink from here to Guatemala.

Anonymous said...

Don’t offend Lt. Diaz by comparing him to Gilbert. What’s sad is that fat fuck is still a shittier investigator compared to Diaz and that’s telling you something!

Anonymous said...

The Sheriff should name the lunch room after Silver with his muffin too ass getting fatter by the second. Then he should name the admin hall the nursery since that’s where he conceived his baby with Kleimer. Then rename motel 6 after super Trooper Cornejo and finally the space behind the SO where the donkey is being kept after Gilbert’s fat ass.

Anonymous said...

Robert Rodriguez going after everyone to please Garza, what about you dumbass screwing employees in county time while working Stone Garden... ask rosy, Karen etc etc etc

Bring Daniel Gomez back!

Anonymous said...

Gus Ruiz for County Judge

Anonymous said...

If Ramblado isn't in charge of the fleet, wtf is he doing right now? He is never at the office.

Anonymous said...

I saw Gilbert taking pictures of Garza at the Dancy building. What a fucking shame. He ain't the greatest asset but what a waste of resources

Anonymous said...

The change we need 3 million deficit

Anonymous said...

If the commissioners don't act quickly soon there will be no deputies to patrol, everyone quitting left and right.. last night we only had 4 deputies for the entire county and with no units, they need to borrow them from deputies that are off. Shame! And to think there is supervisors that aplaude this moron

Anonymous said...

House mouse paper pusher what you expect? Pinche mamon no vales quit and get the shit out of cameron county. JOTO

Anonymous said...

Deputies and supervisors WATCH OUT. Gilbert is going into master control and trying to find video footage of you guys when shit goes off at 7100. EVERYTIME shit hits the fan at one of the jails, Gilbert’s fat walruss ass (because he’s fat and his mustache is gayer then Freddy Mercury) goes to the jail and requests the video of what happened “as per the Sheriff” to throw you guys under the bus. This fucking guy is a rat wanting to throw his own people under the bus just so he can be the new chief jailer

Anonymous said...

Can we name the copy xerox room after Garza? Fucking paper pusher mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

Anyone wondering why we are short on patrol units? You guessed it, the same missing units are being used by cartel to transport... you guessed it again... yes..drugs.

Anonymous said...

BISD PD is hiring. Come over and work for more money and not have to kill yourself or put your life in danger for a guy who doesn’t give a shit about you or your families. Starting pay almost 21 an hour plus stipends.

Anonymous said...

Garza maybe you can borrow some balls from Del Bosque, oh nevermind he doesn't have any, well gather all your minions and put together two set of balls and show up to commissioners court dude! We need those positions. I can't wait till Angel gets promoted that's going to be fun.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal has tossed his name into the hat for the CITY MANGER Position. He has also asked the City of Brownsville Commissioners to rename the Police Department Building as El Culero Felix Sauceda-Bernal Building and The Brownsville Police Department.

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio is the Best Sheriff Cameron County has Ever Had!

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda City Manager...LMAO 🤣
Can't even run the Police Department!
Hell the guy is a complete failure...

Anonymous said...

Between the teachers, fire dept, police, sheriff and in gerneral the fire dept are the most llorones. Not only that, they are the most fat, overweight and always at HEB. My opinion.

9.5 - Fire dept
9.4 - teachers
9.2 - sheriff
9.0 - General

3.0 - Mojados

Anonymous said...

Rosy, Karen need to collect on service. Nothing is free anymore.
8:41am. Funny, clerk cop. This will be his new name. Clerk cop.

Anonymous said...

Name a urinal in his honor at the courthouse… so they could piss on him. What did he do that was extraordinary… what ever he did was part of his job n got pay for it… backstabbing jerk

Anonymous said...

“JESUS” Rosas, VEN, VEN, Señor….. a salvar este departamento con tu saviduria y tu experencia. He is the only savior for this Sheriff department. His exemplary record speaks for its own. VOTE for Honorable Jesus Rosas 2024.

Anonymous said...

El baboso erica will never come close to sheriff lucio. You will go down as the most stupid pendejo sheriff in cameron county texas das a fact guey!!~!!!

Anonymous said...

Can the next agenda item be about who will be Kleimers baby daddy? The sheriff or K9 Vidal let them decide Or Karen baby Daddy lietenantRodriguez or lieutenant Guerra the drama series is getting better and better

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Gus "da Pussy" Ruiz needs to take care of his district instead of coming up with an idea like this. Does he not know that the building is already being named Chief Chapo Sauceda? He needs a place where he can take even more selfies with his staff. Maybe someday he can wear that old Porter Cowboys cheerleader outfit!

Anonymous said...

Sadly the Sheriff's Office is going to shit, quick. The rest of us deputies are the idiots for staying hoping something will change. The only hope we have left is a new Sheriff, a true LEO who has experience and knows what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

@ September 15, 2022 at 6:53 AM

Jealous much, Barney Fife?

Anonymous said...

Every division is so short and they continue to lose deputies literally every week. They gonna continue to lose more staff and half of what’s left in the department are applying at other places, then a slap in the face because you got make shift positions which could be used for patrol. Valv! Ah pero para facebook los de Sheriffs office son las mas verga de todo el mundo shatafakup. Patrol so short and got admin minions taking vacation while everyone is getting slaved. Seems like the only way to succeeded in the department is to kiss ass, suck dick, run cleat, get votes, donate money, get pregnant, be corrupt, throw ppl under the bus or get shot in the face. Anyone else 2024

Anonymous said...

Why the constant attacks on Eric Garza? Didn't you all vote him into office? Lucio was too old! Humorous!!

Anonymous said...

From a paper pusher and a house mouse, how can you be a sheriff in one year? IMPOSSIBLE, not even four years. vote this pendejo OUT.

Anonymous said...

18 people assigned to C.I.D meanwhile Patrol needs to handle the county with 5 deputies. Good job Del Bosque! You're a great leader

Anonymous said...

We have to do double the work covering extensive areas due to lack of manpower but SIU and CID have more than 30 investigators assigned WHAT A FUCK!

Anonymous said...

What erica should do is remove all the computers at the office so you pendejos can go outside and work. Do some LAW ENFORCEMENT for a change.

Anonymous said...

El sheriff post

"Deputy Longoria gave a presentation this morning about CRASE (Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events) for the staff at Harmony School of Innovation.For information on having the CRASE Training contact the Cameron County Sheriff's Office at 956-554-6700."

Please Sheriff stop embarrassing yourself, even Rita, yes the cleaning lady, knows Longoria is retarded, pobrecito, what experience does he have to give those type of training, he cried on his 3rd attempt of SWAT tryouts. You made a fool of yourself at the Dancy Building when Longoria gave out an speech onfront of other law enforcement entities. Chingado Eric ni como ayudarte bro.

Anonymous said...

BISD isn’t hiring ,, they will only pick ppl who have a connection with someone there. Don’t waist your time .. Get out of the Brownsville area for employment… the people are complete assholes .. as a matter of fact get out of the RGV ,, this is the dumb of the cemetery of the world .. no one cares …

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gilbert instead of walking around with your empty folder pretending you working on a big big case for the F.B.I why don't you do some real work and investigate on why Charles Hoskins is going to Carrizales to fill up the 200k county new boat to go fishing, hey! don't act stupid Matt Walker, you too, along with Mr.SIU "Alonzo Harris" Del Bosque...I put cases on all of you motherfuckers LMFAO

I can assure you Alonzo, at the end, you're walking out through the rear door. No glory for you

(2) misuses government property, services, personnel, or any other thing of value belonging to the government that has come into the public servant's custody or possession by virtue of the public servant's office or employment. (b) An offense under Subsection (a)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor

Anonymous said...

Gilbert when was told to spy on everyone at the jail hahahhaa get a real job puto

Anonymous said...

September 16, 2022 at 10:09 AM

Sent the dispatchers thye know the law just like an attorney....

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police dept imo have been crying there asses off for years and there's alot to cry about.BPD IS over 55% of the cities entire budget. Like any dept there's good and bad moron so stop sucking yourselves. SOME are legends in there own minds!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Patrol supervisors have to put up with stupid shit from his baby momma Kleimer " I need two deputies for a presentation" at the same time patrol with only 4 deputies for all county, ending up with a bunch of reports to do. Man I'm definitely leaving to BISD

Anonymous said...

County commissioners and the county judge should be liable if something really bad happen to one of the officers. They know how eric is handling the office and they are turning the other way for political reasons

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque borrow some balls from Debbie and pick up the phone

Anonymous said...

Let’s talk about Eric Garza nephew Cantu working on Carrizales. He got bored of every position that many jailers with experience and time never got the chance to get. Let’s talk about how this mother fucker has Monday thru Friday 8 to 4 getting his police academy paid for by Garza. Let’s talk about him always jumping command when something doesn’t go his way or lo miran mal. Let’s talk about him have a unit to drive himself from home and to work. All he does is take mail to the sheriffs office. Let’s talk about this man is probably getting paid more than any jailer on the floor. Let’s talk about him being the extra help like a Belinda Campos. Fuck Garza and his nephew. No one likes you Cantu and everyone talks behind your back.

Anonymous said...

Eric posted on Facebook

"Today, a CCSO Deputy assigned to our K-9 unit conducted a canine sweep of the halls, classrooms, and gym at Jubilee in Brownsville. Keeping the students and school staff safe in our community is one of our high priorities."

What a fucking idiot this guy is,including the so called "Lt Del Bosque" that commented on that post that those k9s were looking for gunpowder. Listen here dumbas..That one the Facebook post is a narcotics K9

The dogs are trained to find either narcotics or explosives - but never both - so that handlers know exactly what the dogs are alerting on. Once the substances are planted around the facility, an odor plume forms in the immediate vicinity that the dog must find through unpredictable distractions.

But we are not surprise you DONT know that, "keeping community safe" get a fuck out of here retard.

Anonymous said...

I heard they have a pool of dispatchers at the ready, in case of an emergency on the phones! WOW, that is great planning. Wonder who came up with that idea? Some elected official of course...

Anonymous said...

Fire is not fat it's relaxed muscle moron., at least there's one civil service sector in Brownsville that actually sweats and HELPS people.There shifts are 24 hrs of course there at HEB it's called a fire HOUSE PENDEJO.

Anonymous said...

Alll this bitching and can't you all see how Eddie and the commissioners keep messing with the S.O.... it's them Now u all like Ruiz lmaoooo dnt forget that he uses his power to fix his own streets his house using the commissioner seat as power lol..... Eddie just stoleeeeee our positions so you can thank him for S.O being short..... Cascos for county judge......

Former RGV LEO said...

9-15-2022 at 6:53,that' what you democRATS do! You shit on each other and still vote for the POS'! Remember, you member that quitter filemon "coat tail rider" Vela? He was a Republican in Nueces County and then move to Cameron County and turned democRAT because he knows you ignorant voters would put him in office because of daddy' name! He was so arrogant, that when he ran for the first time? He didn't put a single campaign sign anywhere in Cameron County! Then, what does he do? He quits to be a money grubbing lobbyist!

Anonymous said...

September 15,2022 11:56 am

Can we name the front lobbies after the pig lazo, he's always there with the clerks anyways

Anonymous said...

Lucio was an no angel.. . He allowed Reynas to run the department blindedly. Lucio was a pervert and was known to sexually harass clerks. Facts. Gus Ruiz and County Judge want to do it for political reasons.

Anonymous said...

CID and SIU have a total of 19 investigators to include supervisors. Half of SIU if not all of SIU don't do shit all day. They walk around the office in a (fast pace) to make it look like they are busy but have yet to actually work on a case or build a case. The same three investigators are outside together more than half of the day taking smoke breaks. But patrol has to cover the whole county with only 4 deputies sometimes. If patrol is lucky they will have 5 deputies and it they are really lucky they will have 6. The concern for officer safety isn't there. This admin has messed up everything.

Anonymous said...

The Level IV Protech Tactical Vests began being issued to all law enforcement including deputies back in 2020 when you were filing papers at the clerks office you dumbass. Stop trying to take credit for something you know nothing about. Just like you took credit for the body cams that Omar Lucio received funding for.

Anonymous said...

Carrizales is corrupted by dinisour Villarreal el panzas de castillo y el feo de corporal torrres chingado y cameron park trash sgt olivares que pedo pura basura y los narcos de matamoros

Los deputies S

Los jailers R

Lt L

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Every division is so short and they continue to lose deputies literally every week. They gonna continue to lose more staff and half of what’s left in the department are applying at other places, then a slap in the face because you got make shift positions which could be used for patrol. Valv! Ah pero para facebook los de Sheriffs office son las mas verga de todo el mundo shatafakup. Patrol so short and got admin minions taking vacation while everyone is getting slaved. Seems like the only way to succeeded in the department is to kiss ass, suck dick, run cleat, get votes, donate money, get pregnant, be corrupt, throw ppl under the bus or get shot in the face. Anyone else 2024

So nothing has changed since lucio was there. Sums it up I’m glad most of the people have left cause most of those pussies were actually pussies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sheriff Office "The Titanic"

Anonymous said...

La mera verga al rescate

Anonymous said...

Lazo el Payaso AKA el marano mojao, Hoshkins Jr, el rosado, el peste de chicharon pudrido, el peleo nomas con viejas, y la covija de mijo tapia ( aka) tattoo de fantacy island

Anonymous said...

Everyone that left were true pussies. Bollenger, precious,

Anonymous said...

Fucking department is a disgrace. Eric has mad a laughing stock of the S.O and a fool of the voters. I little boy who wanted to play dress up and exactly how to manipulate everyone along the way. He was bringing back honor. He was ending the buddy system. He owes no favors... lmao not even Conrado was this blatant and yet he's nowhere to be found. What a great leader. Bravo Eric

Anonymous said...

You CAN'T manage a budget!

You were 6million dollars over budget!

You failed the Sheriff's department because you didn't have any balls to appear and explain why you were 6 million dollars over budget!

Now you're crying????

Too late for that!

Grow some balls!

Anonymous said...

Getting rid of Carrizalez and Rucker names? Has anyone even worried about that. Yea, Omar led the dept. kinda ok. But these two fallen officers lost their lives while on duty. Shame on all y'all. I will never forget them. So many other new buildings they could've named after the naturally caused death of that fine man.
