Sunday, September 4, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Al the chotas, zorillos, and minor placas like constables and city cops from departments throughout the county were on hand to launch Cameron County D.A. Luis V. Saenz's "No Refusal Labor Day DWI Weekend"  except for, you guessed it, Sheriff Eric Garza. Garza, who doesn't miss a chance to strut his stuff on social media, was conspicuous for his absence from the big show. During his runoff campaign against the late sheriff Omar Lucio Garza charged that the old man didn't like to prosecute DWI's. Does his absence indicate he is following on Lucio's footsteps? O estaba crudo and didn't attend? Whatever the reason, drivers are warned to take special precautions on the road during the Labor Day weekend because the overtime boys will be out in force.)


Anonymous said...

Montoya you should look into the jailers that were carrying weapons without the proper state certification, meaning they were illegally going into places like hospitals with weapons.

They can't blame the dirty Lucio's administration because the course was put this May and July to certified 20+ jailers but his dumbass "Lt." De Bosque didnt know any better and the application + payment was never sent to TCLOE.

Can't fix stupid

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio is not exactly Tom Terrific as a prosecutor. He's slow.

What BIG CASE has he handled?

No, pos, no.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was busy with the pregnant sancha, just like the video shows leaving her house drinking a beer while a CID unmarked unit picked him up. What a fucking disgrace

Anonymous said...

Garza doesn't have control of shit! His own patrol acting "captain" Robert Rodriguez having sex with a Primera PD officer while on duty! Oh and yes..there is video!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't FOX News call Donald Trump out on his hate filled polarized speech? Oh wait, I forgot. It's okay when Trump does it, but it's an outrage when Biden does it.

Unlike the network stations, FOX News is not regulated by the government (FCC) because it is only on cable-TV. In other words, there is no broadcast license involved (to lose, say)

Something should be done about it. FOX News is un-American.

Anonymous said...

You know about DWIs, Montoya.

No te hagas el sonso.

I mean DWIs that are not prosecuted, guey.

("Buenos dias, chata. Si, se encuentra Ben Neece. Si, lo necesito rapido. Rapido!")

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

easy pickin' go for the real hard crimes not DWI's PINCHES MAMONES...

Anonymous said...

Ex-NFL QB Brett Favre (A Republican and close friend of Donald Trump) in deep shit over taking millions in welfare payments from State of Mississippi.

The American White males are now getting caught left and right but what are the laws going to them? Clap them on the hand? They need to pay back every cent with interest. Corruption in high places. Families are falling apart because people are unable to take care of them. My tax dollars are just being used by millionaires. The greed in this country is sick. When we vote in this coming election we need to see publicly where money is being spent. No more secret voting on bills we don't know about. NO MORE UNDERCOVER STUFF!!!

Make Favre pay it back, every single penny!!!

- Whites are amok.

Anonymous said...

I heard he was with gracia trying to make up maricones

Anonymous said...

Trump and consequences: After an amazing series of unforced errors, indictment is coming

Donald Trump and his lawyers keep making things worse, and he's now the DOJ's target: The irony is dark, but delicious......


Anonymous said...

Precautions should be taken against those who drive drunk. Most drinkers in the valley prefer to drive drunk. Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the 5 Pig Lieutenants and save Money in the kitchen area.

Anonymous said...

Robert showed us all the video come on Robert you can do better than that Primera pd officer and Rosie is probably pissed because she's supposed to be your only side chick 😂

Anonymous said...

Ese pinche DA nomas le hace a la mamada,he knows first hand all the wrongdoings of Gracia and Garza and didn't do shit! we need to vote his fucking ass out!

Anonymous said...

I drove from Raymondville to Brownsville on Sat and not a cop car on the road.
Yet, I get to Brownsville and I saw 3 highway patrol cars parked at 3 different homes, idle and not protecting the public. Shouldn't those cars be
out in the open and being driven by cops who are not on their cell phones and do nothing when someone speeds pass them? They don't notice since the girlfriends picture on facebook is much better.

What happened to Luis Saenz's relative that was caught DWI??

Anonymous said...

Da Blimp will never leave Juan. He is too much in love with himself. Blogging gives him the idea of him having a voice on issues. He denies posts like judges de yes him his views in the courtroom… a power trip, I know! There is no way in hell el mantecoso de el blimp will leave blogging. He will be back like herpes, trust me. He will be bashing Mayra Flores before election time comes. Just wait and see… the blimp has no social life… he lives vicariously through the keyboard… because humans shun him at every turn. He will be back telling us that the fluid in his brain 🧠 has been drained again or that he has had his thousand colonoscopy or whatever other procedure he has milked the VAH out of. He will be back, Maria, yes.


Anonymous said...

Former Ass. DA needs to be investigated here, to see if any crimes were committed by her just like the pervert at that mamones organization.

Pero son gringos, pero si fueran meskins olvidate. Take the easy route go after DWI's is easier y son local citizens people the DA don't like only during elections.

Anonymous said...

Our honorable sheriff was not in attendance because he was out patrolling making sure we were all safe. Being that most of you are democrats I know you believe me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Imagine Garza at a family violence call or any fucking call for service! LMFAO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How can a paper pusher house mouse do the job of a sheriff? IMPOSSIBLE now everybodys knows that... amd hires a dispatcher to run the department...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much Carlitos "410" made $$$ over the years from ordering all the equipment, he was getting his cut.

Anonymous said...

Who’s the Primera PD Officer? I’d like to see that video!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Carlos Martinez is a JOKE!!Pinche Cebolla apestas. Robert Mata for CONSTABLE PT2.

Anonymous said...

That's what you get for hiring gringos/as. Keep doing it pinche mamon get out of the valley and no gringo/a will hire your ass PENDEJO...

Anonymous said...

The sheriff office is a joke. Do you know hoe EASY it is to bring in drugs? Guards do not pat you down nor do the make u squat and cough.Guy came in with crack and was selling it in there. Its so very easy. Open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

The "sheriff" has no fucking control of shit. Pobrecito at the end all his minions are going to turn their back on him and he is going to get zas!

Anonymous said...

The liability for our deputies to be working with only 4 for the entire county!
Garza doesn't give a shit about our safety. El pendejo de del bosque keep sending units for presentations.

The change we need, the protection we deserve!

Anonymous said...

Just like Sheriff Guerra from Hidalgo SO said, this boy has no clue on what's he is doing

Anonymous said...

Abel Gomez for Sheriff 2024

Anonymous said...

Abel Gomez? Wait till the IA investigation comes out on how much ammo he bought with county funds that doesn't even match what deputies carry. Abel gomez has some explaining to do. And then the dog house fiasco.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what happened to Eddie Guerras fatass? Remember when he thought he was going to be the new CCSO instructor? Lmao get back on patrol you fat fuck

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza painted an almost perfect picture, using Sheriff Lucio as tactics that he would do a better job. Yes I agree, Sheriff Lucio administration was a very tough admin to work with and the moral wasn't all that great either. Eric Garza has not only made the Sheriff's department the laughing stock of departments but he has sunk the deputies in their all time low. He has endangered the patrol deputies in many ways. Less Policing = higher crime rate. Less boots on the ground = an extreme threat to us deputies. Sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side folks. At least that's what ERic portrayed himself as a new-age leader but he has failed us. He has failed Cameron County and the citizens. They only post what they want people to see on social media.

Anonymous said...

To think that morale would be lower now than it was in the Lucio administration is ridiculous. It’s blatantly obvious Eric Garza doesn’t give a shit about the CCSO, for him it’s just a little pay raise and a check off his bucket list where he can now say “he’s a real cop”. Our office is ran by his minions who are a bunch of fucking morons. He’s even said it, if he doesn’t win the re-election, he can retire. This is the type of leadership we want next term? Remember, during all these times patrol Deputies have to respond to calls without backup, get injured on the job and have to take orders from the minions, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE by voting them OUT. And don’t forget, Eric Garza IS NOT counting on the votes by the CCSO, he’s trying to target different “key” populations within the county to get re-elected (that’s why he’s soo big on social media and when the CCSO has events, admin pushes employees to the side). If he gave a shit about the CCSO and the votes the employees can gather, we would see a big difference on patrol, the jails, transport, civil process and cid.

Anonymous said...

I remember when deputies kept quitting and people said it was because Garza and Gracia were cleaning house. How about the new Deputies hired by Garza and Gracia why are they still quitting? Gracia is gone and Garza is no where to be found besides posting on social media. 2024 is very important vote Garza out!

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Garza:

Are you going to appear before commissioners court anytime soon to answer to the court regarding all issues happening at your office?

such as: Overtime, inmate meals, and the marshalls pulling all their federal prisoners?

Cameron County is now in the hole over 6 million dollars because you made a comercial criticizing Omar Lucio that he could not handle a budget!

Can you handle a budget? Apparently know because you put your office and Cameron County in the hole over 6 million dollars!

At least Omar Lucio had the balls to go to commissioners court. You apparently are running from commissioners court. Commissioners should subpoena your presence so that you can answer to the people of how badly you screwed up the Sheriff Department and what is going to be done to fix the problem.

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque swing by my office I can lend you some balls...pussy ass "supervisor"

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza has no balls and is afraid of Eddie Trevino. That's why he doesn't show up to commissioners court! I wonder if he will show up to the Attorney General Office for child support hearings.

Anonymous said...

The only employees from Sheriff's Office that make negative comments are the ones that were favored including the extra checks. Let us not forget the political contributions for Omar and Javier Reyna. Lastly, the hundreds of lawsuits that the County had to pay for all imprpprieties conducted by Lucio, Reynas and favorites. Sexual Harassments never reported with zero Accountability for preferred employees. Many preferred employees never arrested for fixing timesheets. All happened for throughput Lucio AND Reynas reign of Horror.

Anonymous said...

September 7, 2022 at 8:40 PM

convoluted idiota go back to school and learn to write. MAMON

Anonymous said...

Carlos Martinez has a face that only a mother could love. His know it all attitude is just as bad. He was and is a poor excuse for a teacher.

Anonymous said...

You fired Ruben Garcia who was actually on duty and lost sight of his whereabouts during a stressful work related misfortune.

BUT.... Nothing happened to Rick Cornejo for getting caught fucking the new female jailer at the Motel 6!

AND... Charles Hoskins gets a pass for a disturbance at his house where Servando Cruz downplaying a terroristic threat and Hoskins is passed out cold on his front yard stoned on cocaine! You could at least given him a drug test!

And Lt Rodriguez banging the Primera PD officer while working Stone Garden!

You Sheriff Garza... Wrecked your county truck and hid it for over 2 months and fixed it al purro avoid a piss test because you were mamado in Hidalgo County fucking Jessica and getting her pregnant!

The department is all fucked up!
