Monday, September 5, 2022


(Ed.'s Note; you've seen them. The Texas Roots ads from HEB Grocery Stores featuring middle-aged and younger white farmers picking vegetables in the fields to bring them to your local HEB and to your dinner table. They are dressed in plaid western shits or worn jeans harvesting onions and other vegetables in the fields.

In the latest ad, a young white woman is driving a tractor with a trailer and delicately picking tomatoes, cherries, and even pears to deliver to the door of a Mexican-American family who seems surprised to see her drive over in her tractor pulling a trailer filled with hampers filled with produce that she has picked by hand.

Does HEB really think that this gratuitous depiction of middle-aged, clean, white farmworkers is going over big with their predominantly Hispanic (or Mexican-American) customers in South Texas?

Those of us who have been farmworkers (and migrants), are somewhat insulted by the depiction of what is hot, dirty, back-breaking labor which leaves you exhausted and aching at the end of a day's work in the fields as a recreational pastime enjoyed by these faux field laborers. And notice that the scenes always seem to be filmed at sundown, when the heat is at its lowest. Then they drive their produce-laden tractor-pulled trailers into the sunset. Touching.

In all the years I spent as a migrant farmworker, I did not see one middle-aged white person working alongside us in the fields. In the towns where we worked, including the Midwest, the townspeople looked down on us and prevented their kids getting too close to us. Our hands were stained green from picking fruits or vegetables from sunup to sundown. And we usually lived in a labor camp outside of the town. First chance most of us got, we left farm work and sought an education and a profession.

Others, too many, remained there.

And this "I'm a farmworker" farce has also been adopted by politicians.
One good example is Republican U.S. Rep. District 34 candidate Mayra Flores who claims she worked in the cotton fields alongside her family when she was 13. There's the plaid shirt and jeans again. Sigh.

She was 13 in 1999, nearly 30 years after every aspect of planting, growing and harvesting cotton had been mechanized by 1970. Herbicides take care of the weeds. In her latest
defense, she now says that she was "hoeing" in the cotton fields. C'mon Mayra.

But it sells and appeals to potential customers (and voters), and that's all that matters to HEB and to Flores.

When a reporter asked her for an interview to ascertain her bona fides as a farmworker, she refused an interview or to provide proof and directed him to talk to "the farmers" instead, repeating her farmworker status claim. And when anyone is skeptical of her claims, she says she is being "victimized" because she is a Latina woman.

Well, some of us aren't buying.)


Anonymous said...

hey, bro, HEB donated $10 million for construction of new school in Uvalde!

Plus, it is always there during hurricanes!!

Get off your social conscious high horse and be appreciative, ese.


Comentario de mi jefito: "Hay dias que Juan Montoya vale sebo."

Anonymous said...

Trump is finished with the worst ending stage of his life. This man says I loot and let me loot without punishment because I am above the law.

God never looks favorably on the ugly or physically-eccentric. Trump is toast.


(This comment may not be copied without the expressed permission of Blogger Juan Montoya or affiliates of STIJA.)

Anonymous said...

Simpleton-face Mayra Flores was simply opportunistic.

When the RGV Democratic Party did not give her standing, she went to the accommodating Republican Party, which did.


Very much like Carlos Cascos.

Why does Cascos get a pass, Juan?


Anonymous said...

Carlos Cascos no trae lario. Hablo como una sonsa. Y su poca estatura dice mucho mas. Mejicanos enanos solo para comedias infantiles.

- BobbyCW

Anonymous said...

@ September 5, 2022 at 7:50 AM

Yes HEB donated 10 million, but as I recall when I checked out, the mini screen asked if I wanted to donate to help Uvalde. Are the customers given credit or the tax break for donating? HEB will receive the tax breaks amongst many other businesses that will ask you to round off to the dollar and that company will benefit, as well.

Anonymous said...

@ September 5, 2022 at 7:50 AM

HEB needs to thank their customers for the help in donations collected at the checkout, they're good fundraisers and get the tax breaks.

Anonymous said...

September 5, 2022 at 7:50 AM

You can tell los cocos mamones, hurt or insult a gringo and they jump, HEB and other racist republican WHITE owned businesses are there to make money y los pinches coco/gringos are there to protect them even against their famalies. BOLA DE JOTINGOS MAMONES...


Anonymous said...

September 5, 2022 at 7:50 AM

"Comentario de mi jefito: "Hay dias que Juan Montoya vale sebo."

No seas mamon cocos/gringos don't think like meskin IDIOTA. tu jefe como tu no valia sebo pinche coco mamon...

Anonymous said...

If it were a nationally recognized company, they would have blacks playing the roles of those white people that you are criticizing. They would also have them speak with a British accent. Like the guy in those commercials.

By the way, are Hispanics noticing that there are hardly any Hispanics in commercials on English speaking television channels? So many blacks you'd think that we live in South Africa.

Anonymous said...

Ya deja a Mayra Juan! She is going to beat Vicente! Accept it, MAMON!

Anonymous said...

Red Wave crashing. Republican momentum slips as fall sprint begins

Say "good night," Mayra.

brief ride aboard the merry-go-round, honeybun. ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Why don't you talk about crooked Joe Biden and his son. All is so quiet when it comes to them. Or all of you guys that narrow minded?

Anonymous said...

Again with Myra and Carlos Cascos? Ya suelten ese pescado!

Anonymous said...

PURO jinetes sin Cabeza(conscious)
No matter how I get long it's a short cut..Even Then Its Still Worthless.
Do the Talk Do the Walk.

Ya le voy a Juan Montoya..
Con zsafos!

Anonymous said...

To the gentleman who quotes "God never looks favorably on the ugly or physically-eccentric. Trump is toast." Guess what? God also doesn't like liars and that's all you democrats are!

Anonymous said...

Da Blimp is still gone.

Brownsville's IQ rose by 100 points!

Pos, que se vaya. Aqui nadie lo necesita. De eso esyoy seguro.


Anonymous said...

@ September 5, 2022 at 10:15 AM

You don't like it? Open your own blog and write your own articles. Dale gas !

Anonymous said...

Cocos mamones can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen MORON. Biden might stay there forever if he wanted to. COCOS MAMONES. hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

gringos work on fields hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Personally I prefer biscuits to toast!

Anonymous said...

Question to Democrats. Are Hillary and the Biden’s crooks?

Anonymous said...

Rumor Central -

Has Blimp gone to work for Mayra Flores? Poor Mayra if it's true.

- Rumor Central is an occasional Blog Commenters Union (BCU) offering, supported in part by a large grant from The Juan Montoya/Chelo Silva Foundation.

I'm not a Robot said...

The net time you enjoy radishes in your salad, remember the farm-workers who harvest the food that we eat.

NOT the fake people who claim to labored in the fields picking cotton when cotton was harvested by automated diesel-powered cotton-pickers.


from United Farm Workers

Anonymous said...

Mayra was a farm worker she told you she was "hoing." I understand you thought she meant "hoeing" but no it was "hoing." Isn't this what politicians do "ho" themselves to the highest bidder. Isn't this what she is doing now?

Anonymous said...

Re: “Lindsey Graham’s testimony put on hold — Appeals court sends order for 2020 election case back to judge,” Aug. 22 news story.

If you have nothing to hide, why are you hiding? If you are accused of a crime you didn’t commit, you should look forward to being given your day in court. Of course, we are a long way from court. We’re just trying to determine if a crime has even been committed.

But just like all of Donald Trump’s allies before him, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) is running as fast as he can from telling the truth. We watched dishonest Trump hide behind the Fifth Amendment dozens of times in his testimony, essentially admitting, “If I answer your question, it will incriminate me.”

The more you hide, the more reason we have to find you.

Anonymous said...

"Why does Cascos get a pass, Juan?"

we know why juan. te gustan los billetes y la picha de valadez.

Anonymous said...

Limpia La Grasa! To the Useless Field Wankers.

Anonymous said...

About time you people answered, From the UNITED FARM WORKERS
VIVA LA RAZA, the last time you did that Chavez was still fighting...

Anonymous said...

Mayra has my vote! Haha! I don’t care if she picked cotton or her nose, she’s not a DemoCRAP and that’s what matters to me and everybody else who is going to help get her elected,

Anonymous said...

To mayra, read what your racist republican friends are commenting here "September 6, 2022 at 4:13 AM, 'Limpia La Grasa! To the Useless Field Wankers'".
must be from an AK carrier racist republican friend of your.
