Monday, October 31, 2022


"Elizondo has been indicted several times, and is currently pending trial for felony theft and felony misappropriation charges, see Criminal Indictments 2018-DCR-00631 (Theft property by public servant, less than $20,000) and 2018-DCR-0030 (misappropriation of $20,000 but less than $100,000.)"
And one of our seven readers reminded us that Elizondo's sins stretch all the way back to 2004, when a grand jury indicted him for stealing a wheel chair from a woman. Judge Abel Limmas (before he was convicted of judicial corruption, approved dismissal of the charge after Elizondo returned the wheel chair and paid restitution.
What could have possessed BISD candidates Victor Caballero and Frank Ortiz to form a slate with Elizondo to run in the district board election? 


Anonymous said...

Asústame two times. Gacho Bad!

Anonymous said...

Bernie Sanders stumps for Michelle Vallejo in RGV Democratic push
Y trumputo did not invite no meskins to his rally in robstown.
WHAT A DIFFERENCE is this what you call racist republicans?
Did he invite any cocos? The answer is NO why?
Because you cocos are rapist, murderers and thieves. DAS WHY!!!

Anonymous said...


Spankys hamburger.
1848 BBQ
Dodichi Pizza
Dodichi Provisions

October 28, 2022 at 3:40 PM

Anonymous said...

No shame in his game. Just like the X mayor of san bene. According to the county courts he was convicted of assault to a family member a few years back. He has run for office after losing his re-election bid and it’s heard he will run again in May 2023. No shame in the game. Get this he works at the school district and sits on the EDC Board.

Anonymous said...

Innocent until proven guilty. The COB better hope he is convicted because if not Carlos is going to hit a major pay day.

Anonymous said...

All bald dudes are untrustworthy.

liars. manipulators. cagapalos.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Juan! Finally, the proof everybody needed to see, there are still other charges that have gone unpublished but are nonetheless, actual criminal charges against this thief, AKA La Rata Pelon Carlos Elizonda!!! Let the truth be told and let it unfold for if he is elected you can be assured, he'll steal again and again and again. History has proven it over and over, for once a thief always a thief, once a liar, always a liar!!! Let the spot light burn his skin, for it is not only burning him, it is clearly casting a defined shadow of his wrongdoings in criminal shaded background.

Anonymous said...

He will win , has all the qualifications.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for him because he's a democrat!

Anonymous said...

is he convicted?

because so many of our city officials deserve to be indicted -

conflicts of interest
jobs for friends
et etc

wipe the slate clean at the local level in november

Anonymous said...

Being indicted and being found guilty are 2 different things. Carlos was found NOT GUILTY on 8 counts. The DA wants this over Carlos head because he is innocent of all charges. No matter what you say or they pay you to say, Sylvia Atkinson was found guilty, was sentenced ot 6 1/2 years in Federal Prison. I can't beleive she is still using you from Federal Prison.

Anonymous said...

This political shit ain't getting any better ratas galore running for office. WOW is there a law against ratas running for public office?

Anonymous said...

Juan you know the drill, voters love these type of candidates and I would not be surprise if at the end of the day-voting day that is this guy wins. Y a Robar un poquito mas. thats the brownsville way, cameron county way, hidalgo county way and so on.

Anonymous said...

Instead of the 3 stooges actually the "3 pendejos" legends in there own minds!

Anonymous said...

It's funny how the COB is guilty of lying and hiding the Tanaka mess from the public. What comes around goes around to everyone. What's the difference between Thousands of dollars and hundreds of millions of dollars missing? We are talking about conspiracy against all the people of Brownsville, Texas.

Anonymous said...

Should have gone to BPUB, they like RATAS

Anonymous said...

It the camera ratas are mystified by cameras they love being photographed.

Anonymous said...

Squeak Squeak Squeak and they all come a running. Squeakville texas 78520 also known as Ratasville texas 78521

Anonymous said...

Ta wena la chiche!

Pero si kieres leche....

Anonymous said...

From what I hear Caballero and Ortiz are good but why hang with the Rata Pelona? Will it be a case of monkey see monkey do?

Anonymous said...

A product of the 956

Anonymous said...

I hear the feds are going to build a wall around brownsville and call it a jail...


Anonymous said...

November 1, 2022 at 5:41 AM
no guey its 78520-1-2-3-4-5-6.

Anonymous said...

Ese PELON nunca valio VERGA. He is most likely the author of all the comments that support him. Sin verguenza ese Caga Palo.

Anonymous said...

You used that political poster of Elizondo looking like he wants to stick his head up our ass. Say no to gerbils.

Anonymous said...

The land of opportunity for everybody sean ratas, mamones, lambe huevos, lambiaches etc etc and etc.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

He deserves jail time. No tiene verguenza Rata!

Anonymous said...

This blog helps you learn new vocabulary:
1. rata de dos patas
2. caga palo WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
3. lambiaches etc
4. wena
5. guey

Anonymous said...

6:12 am go back to bed. Caga Palo is Shit Stick.
