Thursday, October 27, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Founding Fathers of our republic fled Europe's religious tyrannical state religion under monarchy rule.

Republicans today mirror Taliban Sharia laws with their bounty placed on the heads of Texas pregnant women, doctors, and citizens just like Iran's morality police that are murdering young women for not conforming to patriarchal religious misogyny.

Republicans have very fragile male egos where they justify promoting the killing of assertive women so their fragile egos can feel powerful.

Additionally, Republicans 2022/2024 political agenda is to give themselves and their wealthy one percent masters tax cuts, reduce Social Security for our already struggling seniors, reduce Medicare services affecting our disabled citizens.

All that just so they can use our tax dollars for their Republican pet projects, corporate billionaires forgivable loan bailouts and filling their own political coffers with kickbacks. Texans under Republicans already pay more in Taxes than California while NOT receiving the same quality of life services as Californians.

Let that sink in. Texas Governor Abbott put profit ahead of Texans welfare resulting in the death of Texans. He redirected COVID-19 Resources for political stunts and many Texans died from COVID-19 due to lack of resources. Governor Abbott is under Federal investigation for redirecting Federal funds for political gain.

Governor Abbott shut down commerce at our international ports of entry causing prices of consumer goods to soar even higher as the industries impacted gouge us to recoup the billions lost to the farmers, trucking industry and suppliers at large.

Those political stunts have proven disastrous for everyone.

Newcomer U.S. District 37 congresswoman Myra Flores supported all that activity.

Myra Flores claimed to knowing nothing about her campaign manager being a sexual predator, yet the information was out there in the public square, which exposes Myra's incompetence with vetting. It was until she was put on the spot that she said she had fired him. Later, her handlers "clarified" the statement saying that she had "misspoken" and that he had "resigned."

You see, he is the son of Aaron Pena, who with wife and son head the Hidalgo County Republican Party, and who hired Flores for its staff. It would be unseemly for the hired help to "fire" junior, don't you think?

Myra Flores openly rooted for the violent January 6th attack on the US Capital and our Congress. Police officers died. She did not back the Blue
Myra Flores is a Mexican proxy to be used by Republicans in Congress to harm our valley communities with their nationalist agenda, just like Texans did to the Mexicans who fought alongside them during the war. After the war Mexicans were denied entrance through the front door.

Republicans are no different today. Myra is bad business. Save our Republic's Democracy. Don't vote for Myra Flores.


Anonymous said...

Dallas Morning News endorses Rochelle -

Thank goodness for your recommendation of Rochelle Garza for attorney general. Your reason for recommending her, although stingy, is more than adequate. Ken Paxton is only one of many unqualified and dangerous candidates supported by the Republican Party across the country.

However, you do commit a disingenuous slip when you call Garza “a deeply progressive candidate who has embraced far-left positions on every issue from abortion to border enforcement.” Garza’s positions on abortion and border enforcement are, for a majority of Americans, mainstream positions.

Both these issues involve nuanced thinking for almost everyone. It’s complicated. But asked these questions in black and white terms, polls show the majority of American support abortion rights, streamlined legal immigration and humane asylum processes. It will take leaders of both parties to resolve these issues, and solutions will take more than building a wall or sending armed troops.

Your labeling of Garza doesn’t help our political climate.

Anonymous said...

from The Dallas Morning News -

Thank goodness for your recommendation of Rochelle Garza for attorney general. Your reason for recommending her, although stingy, is more than adequate. Ken Paxton is only one of many unqualified and dangerous candidates supported by the Republican Party across the country.

However, you do commit a disingenuous slip when you call Garza “a deeply progressive candidate who has embraced far-left positions on every issue from abortion to border enforcement.” Garza’s positions on abortion and border enforcement are, for a majority of Americans, mainstream positions.

Both these issues involve nuanced thinking for almost everyone. It’s complicated. But asked these questions in black and white terms, polls show the majority of American support abortion rights, streamlined legal immigration and humane asylum processes. It will take leaders of both parties to resolve these issues, and solutions will take more than building a wall or sending armed troops. Your labeling of Garza doesn’t help our political climate.

Linda Collins, Dallas

Anonymous said...

We already voted for Myra Flores. Democrats in Cameron County have done nothing but enrich themselves and ne roads and buildings for themselves. Trevino sucks.

Anonymous said...

Politics is always good for a few laughs!
Like the sign you took a picture of.
But I am going to vote Republican anyway.
Think the guys running for office as Democrats are making too much money off us.
Viva FIJOLES!!!!
I love beans.
Very nutritious too.
Ha! Ha!
Ex Democrat

BobbyWC said...

You are wrong about the history of this country. Rhode island was the first trust religious colony. My grandfather 12 generations removed fled Mass, because he was arrested with his sons to be sent back to England as heretics - meaning Baptists. They got free and went to Conn. When the English came for them with the Conn authorities they fled to Rhode island where Rogers Williams had declared all religions would be tolerated. His son George was kidnapped from Rhode Island to be brought back to England to be tried, when the people we no call the First Nations rescued him. His brother founded the first Baptist church in the English colonies.

Now there is a good story out there against Myra. A pro Myra PAC is sending out mailers in Spanish which many people cannot read with the most hateful and bizarre claims against Biden and the Democrats. These idiots fail to understand just how many Spanish surname voters cannot read Spanish. The mailer is a waste of money and so vile for those who can read Spanish will be offended.

Back to your false claim on religion, the colony of Maryland was created to deal with the Catholic problem. The first settlers were Church of England and tried everyone else as heretics.

I am going to send you something posted by the White House Liaison with the VA. the point of their post is to prove they are willing to take on the VA. the clinic nearly killed the woman and the White House is telling the story.

Try and get that mailer in Spanish. It really makes Myra and her supporters look very desperate.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

You are clueless. Absolutely yes vote for Mayra! No more corrupt democrats. We are done with you all.

Anonymous said...

That sign about voting democrat or pendejocrat is so true? Who actually knows who is telling the truth? Everyone, according to all the political ads that interrupt my favorite TV shows say nothing about how they intend to follow through with their promises. The promise the stars and the skies and have no idea how they will approach the situation. Do you think President Biden knew that all the burdens that have fallen on him were around the corner he would have had the guts to run for President? As the saying goes, "Be careful what you ask for as you may be sure to get it! Eddie was in the state legistature for 32 years and now he claims that LaMantia will be able to accomplish what he was never able to accomplish. With 32 years of experience he failed, what makes him think LaMantia can do it. Is he admitting she is better than he ever was? Did Myra actually laugh with the idiots of Jan 6th? We are sick and tired of people who make this a joke - that of being responsible for the actions that would always keep USA as the #1 world model! Is there really a Utopia in Politics? I fear not!!!

Anonymous said...

Am voting for Vicente.

He's not a pretend Republican.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Mayra Flores is a vote for Donald Trump.

He fooled her; don't her fool you!

Anonymous said...

mayra tiene el cerebro de un mosca!

Nada de cesos!!!

Anonymous said...

At 79, BISD candidate Phil Cowen is too old!

Those books he learned from were taken off the shelf decades ago. Keep Cowen on the retirement couch. HE'S TOO OLD for our kids!!!

Plus he's the guy who told his daughter's Hispanic boyfriend that he "eats like a Mexican!!!"

Too Old and Too Far Gone.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip Montoya! Stop acting like you're black.

Anonymous said...

Same-sex marriage now legal in every Mexican state

Tamaulipas was the 32nd and final state to legalize such unions, making same-sex marriage legal nationwide. Hola, Burgos!

Tamaulipas legalized gay marriage on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Typical journalist/blogger Juan Montoya. Misrepresenting the facts.

Anonymous said...

Tamaulipas had no choice but to legalize gay marriage since the majority are gay.

Anonymous said...

Ater they were all released from cockroach european prisosns and sent here. Not the best they didn't sent the best just puros rapist, murderers and thieves. FACT..................................c/s.

Anonymous said...

Just voted pure democrat to keep the usa safe from pendejos and stop russia and china from having a free hand with our democracy (freedom).

This will take care of the next four years but until than racist republcians will continue to try to bring down the US.

Anonymous said...

Trump is coming back and this time he will have full support of the House and Senate. Good times are coming back. Thank GOD! Oh I forgot Democrats don't believe in GOD. Your loss!

Anonymous said...

October 28, 2022 at 7:45 AM, PARA EL MARICON:

Gay is a gringo trait, NO manuela it doesn't mean happy, bright or merry. It means being a maricon/a, joto/a and a lesbiano/a.
The first in the world (usa) to legalize jotismo, its in their blood dna.
The romans and other cultures in europe started the jotismo culture, romans were very good at it. Hence the gringos are natural jotos/a. FACT

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, a vote for Mayra is a vote for Trump. So not only no, but hell no. Voted for Vicente already.

Anonymous said...

Save America, yes absolutely, but from Trump. Hopefully the GOP will nominate someone like Governor Desantis or Pence.

Anonymous said...

Republican all the way, except for Erasmo, ese si es pendejo.

Democrats or Dumbocrats, nothing but ratas....

Anonymous said...

Voted for Mayra this morning

Anonymous said...

Convict Labor during the Colonial Period

In 1615, English courts began to send convicts to the colonies as a way of alleviating England’s large criminal population. This practice was unpopular in the colonies and by 1697 colonial ports refused to accept convict ships. In response, Parliament passed the Transportation Act of 1718 to create a more systematic way to export convicts. Instead of relying on merchants to make arrangements on their own to ship felons to the colonies, the British government subsidized the shipment of convicts through a network of merchants, giving a contract for the service to one individual at a time. Between 1700 and 1775, approximately 52,200 convicts sailed for the colonies, more than 20,000 of them to Virginia. Most of these convicts landed and were settled along the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers. Convict laborers could be purchased for a lower price than indentured white or enslaved African laborers, and because they already existed outside society’s rules, they could be more easily exploited.

Between 1700 and 1775, approximately 1,750,000 convicts sailed for the colonies, more than 150,000 of them to Virginia. Most of these convicts landed and were settled along the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers.

Millions of convicts from cockroach europe were sent here, there is no records and most were destroyed to protect the convicts mainly because they were all whites.

The eastern coast was considered a rat cavity hole where convicts from europe could just walk in with no questions asked. Ellis Island was another rat cavity hole but for the whole of cockroach europe...

Anonymous said...


Spankys hamburger.
1848 BBQ
Dodichi Pizza
Dodichi Provisions

Anonymous said...

We're going to hook her up with George P. Bush. Bitch will side with black criminals and try to take our guns.

Anonymous said...

Please list the names of police officers killed during the January 6th “riot” at our nation’s capital.
