Saturday, November 5, 2022


2022 EARLY VOTING TOTALS (Mail ballots not included)

2018 EARLY VOTING TOTALS (Mail ballots not included)
Difference: + 900
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

An astounding 11,786 surge of ballots cast during the last two days of the 12-day early voting period in Cameron County pushed the totals this year over the comparable period during the mid-term elections of 2018.

Remi Garza, CERA, Cameron County Elections Administrator, released the totals Friday night after the close of the early voting period and said that: "Total In-person Early Votes is 51,816, which surpasses 2018’s In-person total of 50,916, which at that time was the highest early voting turnout for a Mid-Term Election."

Out of all the Valley counties (this is counting mail-in ballots, too), Starr County voters turned out the most, with about 27.2 percent casting their ballots or sending them in by mail. Hidalgo County saw about 24.93 percent, Cameron County came in close with 24.06 percent and Willacy County followed with about 15.16 percent, according to data from the Texas Secretary of State’s Office.

The totals released by Garza included 19,951 cast in the Brownsville Independent School District. 

In the 2018 midterms, early voting turnout of 50,916 (not counting mail-in votes) amounted to 64.2 percent of the total number cast (79,358). 

If the same hold true for 2022, – and barring bad weather – we can expect an estimated 80,710 election total after the final votes are cast on election day. In close races, election day turnout could make the difference between victory and defeat for many candidates.

According to Garza, there are an estimated 228,000 registered voters in Cameron County, If 81,000 votes are cast in this general election, this would signify nearly a 35.5 percent turnout.

If you haven't voted yet, please vote this coming Tuesday. The candidates are counting on you.


Anonymous said...


get real, Montoya.

What's the county population? Yeah.

Anonymous said...

Great! People went to vote. Que bueno.

Anonymous said...

It's always going to break a record!!!!

cause there's always more and more fucking people on the planet (and here).

Fake news!!!!

Anonymous said...

The wave in the Valley should be brown skinned. Just do it! Go out and vote! In Vicente Siempre Miente wins great. If Ber-go-s Mex-i-co wins great.


Anonymous said...

A simple google search would have shown you 19651 people vote in the BISD election in 2018. The question is, between 2018 and 2022 how many new people registered to vote. That number tells you if the number of people actually went up. You look at percentages not merely numbers.

In 2018, 39% of the voters voted.

That is more than you are projecting now. Also there are about 15,000 new voters since 2018. When you do the percentages, fewer voted in 2022 early voting than 2018.

You should have paid Tadd Hasse to crunch the numbers for you.

Anonymous said...

In 2018 25% voted early. Based on 228000current registered voters 57000 should have voted early. 2022 early voting based on the number of voters is way down.

Anonymous said...

Prepare your anus Montoya!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

RED WAVE COMING YOUR WAY YOU FUCKING DEMOCRAT SCUM! That’s what you get for turning woke! How did Biden work out for you? Still waiting for Francis to come take my AR.

Anonymous said...

Its the sysytem here you can vote as many times as you want. As a family here there are 10 people in the house so we can vote 5 or 6 times that makes it 50 votes. fact no wonder...

Anonymous said...

Edinburg firefighters rescue newborn pups
Aren't they suppose to rescue humans? IDIOTAS....

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk's inner circle hints at a very different future for Twitter on policy and politics
If you want to use twitter you're going to have to pay with the exception of the local county judge el enano.


Anonymous said...

No one gave Elon Musk anything. He paid for Boca Chica. Just check the bank accounts of the politicos and you’ll find out how much he paid.

Anonymous said...

Do I hear the Republican assh*les puckering on these comments lol. Why don't that Maga moron and his crybaby cult take his ar15 and do everyone a favor shove it .

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the percentage of voters? The problem is the percentage of voters who have no knowledge as to the qualifications of the candidates they’re voting for, but yet they’re voting. Republicans plan to make a law requiring all registered voters to pass an intelligence exam before being allowed to vote. This will eliminate all Mexicans from this ghetto town from voting.

Anonymous said...

A Beto se la meto!

Anonymous said...

Who's taller?
Trey Mendez
Eddie Trevino
Tito Mata

BobbyWC said...

DMS has reported what everyone saw in Cameron county, the percentage of voters in 2022, from 2018 is way down and in especially Democratic Strong holds. A friend of mine got out of line at the library and did not vote because he could all the nut jobs outside yelling all this craziness.

The Dems are in for a Red Blood bath.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell is Bobby WC. Go to Sleep!!!!

Anonymous said...

What prime land… there was nothing at boca chica beach and there was no intention on any body building that way except for elon. You guys are fking stupid

Anonymous said...

November 5, 2022 at 9:18 AM
open up your own blog if you can idiota

Anonymous said...

November 5, 2022 at 3:30 PM
MAMON he ain't gonna give you anything pendejo mamon y lambiscon. kiss ass racist republicans...

Anonymous said...

November 5, 2022 at 11:48 PM
MAMON PIDICHE he ain't gonna give you anything lambiscon, racist repubican.

Anonymous said...

November 5, 2022 at 5:29 AM
If you don't like it open your own blog pendejo idiota

Anonymous said...

November 5, 2022 at 11:48 PM
Boca Chica Beach was in a natural state. Mother Nature still resides there in all her Glory. The ones that are fking stupid are people like you who speak through the arse holes.

Anonymous said...

Old people from the day care centers were told they applying for more benefits. The centers bus them in and show them how to fill in the forms. Democrats control the day care centers.

Anonymous said...

November 6, 2022 at 9:44 AM

Y el pendejo at November 5, 2022 at 11:48 PM uses Morse code (pedos) to communicate with el pendejetes cheetoos and THAT IS A NATURAL STATE AND RESIDES IN YOUR ASS.

Anonymous said...

The Repubs have lost their minds. Please vote and help us keep our republic intact (and yes we are a republic not a democracy)…. or we will go down like Rome did.

Anonymous said...

Former President Clinton to campaign for Vallejo in Edinburg
What ever you do DON'T take your girl friend with you to go see el manioso.

Anonymous said...

November 5, 2022 at 3:30 PM
also check the county judge's account and every county elected offical
PURAS RATAS Y PURAS MODIDAS who's better at this kind a payback? NOT THE LOCAL PENDEJOS fact

Anonymous said...

Democrats catch up to GOP in final NBC News poll before midterms
WHAT RED WAVE maybe to the toilet!

Anonymous said...

folks whatever your taste is just GO OUT AND VOTE, EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE.

Anonymous said...

The most racist republican states wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma and W. Virginia have claim that they will acknowledge that el cheeto will be their new presidente after the elections.

Anonymous said...

November 2, 2022 at 9:13 PM
Most men in positions of power over women are Clinton like. To be fair Monica was behaving naughty as well...Then there was also Kennedy...

Anonymous said...

You're stupid if you believe NBC or even the lyin' bitches on any of the local networks.

Anonymous said...


The final count just a few hous ago gave the democrats the win over ALL republican candidates. Puttin acknowledge that he will sent a nukilo palomita to the WH.
