Wednesday, November 9, 2022



Anonymous said...

This was a referendum on Trump. Just like 2020. As long as Trump is in the picture, Republicans will reap only disappointment.

Cheeto is bad news.

Anonymous said...

What's next dog catcher?

Anonymous said...

Now that he'd won election, we won't see Republican Greg Abbott down here very much.

Stay away, asshole!

Anonymous said...

Red Tsunami? More Like a Red Ripple.

REPUBLICAN midterm dreams crash as Donald Trump’s candidates stumble and voters defend abortion rights.

DeSantis to fuck with Trump. Trump will quit.

Anonymous said...

Loser Donald Trump is 'livid and screaming at everybody' this morning after lackluster midterms results: Republicans turn on ex-President and say it's 'time to move on' as they throw weight behind triumphant DeSantis for 2024

ha ha ha ha


Anonymous said...

Trump's the loser as Republicans falter.

Anonymous said...

Mayra and Republicans showed true colors again with there true dirty ass lying campaign and it all back fired even after spending 7million dollars more than Gonzalez camp. Hey don't feel bad at least your husband is a border patrolman.

Anonymous said...

Beto won the Magic Rio Grande Valley !!! Pura gente smart.

Los Republicanos...vayanse a robar y a mentir a su gente.

Anonymous said...

Senate Results
Last Updated: November 9, 1:30:49PM ET
51 for control

Anonymous said...

The midterm's biggest loser: Donald Trump

Anonymous said...

With any luck, we're seen the last of Cascos.

Republican, mis bolas!

Anonymous said...

Democrats are playing at politics.

Republicans are playing at Life & Death.


Anonymous said...

y que dice la Mayra hoy?

No hay un quote, Montoya?

Pos no que iba ver una gran fiesta en Burgos?

ja ja ja ja ja


Anonymous said...

One place I will NEVER go is that stupid fruit stand sprocket BOYCOTT THAT STUPID PLACE.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo winning that BISD seat is a travesty.

has the man no shame?

the community should let him know that schools are for good people. Boo him at every turn.

the old fart Phil Cowen took votes from Drue Brown!

Anonymous said...

Of course he did. Some still think he's Hispanic.

Anonymous said...

Everybody go pick up your Beto yard signs and save them for 2024. Let's see what he runs for then.

Anonymous said...

Nacho Governor still didn't win. Talk about Hunter Biden's laptop instead. It has the kind of content that Democrats in the valley are made of.

Anonymous said...

The lapdog governor on wheels will continue to suck on his idol el cheetoo, all the whites approve of that. They also suck el cheetooo

Anonymous said...

It’s scary when an idiot like cupcake Francis O’Rourke comes close to beating our governor. He used the incident in Uvalde and abortion to his advantage. And it almost paid off. Cupcake has never worked a day in his life. Nice! His family and his father-in-law have been supporting him for years. This guy knows nothing about the workingman. Yet he got a lot of votes. I once read an article that stated that every human being on earth suffers from at least one mental disorder. In south Texas it’s the opposite. Here the people suffer from all mental disorders except maybe one.

Anonymous said...

Ok so Betito oRorke didnt make it this time around, he was short by about 900k votes, they say the third is a charm, so now what is he planning to run for President in 2024? just asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

A dog catcher, he has a 125% chance he'll win that one.... fact

Anonymous said...

November 12, 2022 at 8:23 AM

November 11, 2022 at 12:48 PM

You should be proud of Beto. He exemplifies a true American: works hard, is an honest person that put Honor in the election. Beto was the best choice.
Now, he is just a regular citizen. Now it is your turn to protect Texas from the abuse of power, the corruption and the laziness of the Republicans.

The Republicans only work for their own: their families, their friends, and their party legacy.

The Republicans do not work for the people. Both of you are not important to the Republicans in power. They just used you to win and increase their wealth.

Anonymous said...

Low information voter who depend on Big government for their handouts will always vote blue. What's Beto's real name???

Anonymous said...

Next gringo running for an elected office will imitate a native or a alaskan or maybe a color gringo...hahahahhaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

The rich and famous will continue to pay the lowest tax possible thank the racist republicans for that. They call it richfare. Y los pendejos hillbillys pay NO taxes whatsoever. Most rich whites come from hillbilly country but deny it. Now even poor gringos use meskin names to try to get elected. In reality they are all gringos racist republicans that were kicked out of their party...

A Red American! said...

Mr. Montoya, you dumb ass! Your Robert O'rourke lost his third try at an elected office. You left wing liberal dumb asses who write this dumb ass up for trying, just need to find something else to write about. Governor Gregg Abbott won his third term and that' what voters wanted. Even the voters from Uvalde County voted for Governor Abbott! The same ones who kept complaining about Governor Abbott and DPS.
