Monday, November 7, 2022


By Claire Moses
New York Times 

(Astead Herndon is a national political reporter who joined The Times in 2018. He has been covering this election cycle for The Times.)

Claire: Hi Astead. I live in Europe, where many people are only now starting to tune into the midterms. How would you explain to them, and others who need a refresher, why this election matters?

Astead: If the Republicans take back the House, it would change the scope of U.S. policy. We know

they’d try to stop President Biden’s agenda. A Republican House would hurt Biden’s ability to respond to domestic challenges on his terms, like inflation, and to global crises — Kevin McCarthy, the Republican House leader, has signaled that Republicans might stop approving aid for Ukraine.

We’ve also seen a global rise in fears of democratic collapse. If the U.S. elects lawmakers who spread conspiracy theories about elections and who promise to tear down tenets of democracy, that will embolden autocratic leaders in other countries and weaken the United States’ standing in the world.

These midterms also matter because they could signal the start of an even more divisive era of politics. We should not assume we are at the floor of division –  we’re going to get lower.

Claire: When you say Republicans would try to block Biden, what could that look like?

Astead: If Republicans take over Congress, some members will push their new House speaker to start impeachment proceedings of the president and members of his cabinet like Merrick Garland, the attorney general. Some Republicans have been ready to impeach Biden since he took office. 

Their complaints are about policy and politics, not accusations of the kinds of abuses of power that have historically been grounds for impeachment. McCarthy has tied to minimize talk of impeachment lately, seeing it as polarizing, but the hard right rank-and-file will almost certainly press for it.

You’ve been covering politics for years. What do you think we should be paying more attention to?

Astead: Democrats are asking their base to rally behind the idea of protecting democracy — that’s what Biden has said. But that base is mostly working-class Americans and people of color. And many of those people feel like the system has not provided tangible and meaningful change on issues that most affect their day-to-day life — like housing, wages or public safety.

A woman on last week’s episode of podcast “The Run-Up” told us that democracy has never worked for her. She’s borne the brunt of poverty. Her top issue was housing. That’s not what the Democratic Party is talking about. While Biden and Democrats did pass funding related to housing, that money was drastically cut from the levels that most people who focus on the issue say was necessary to effect lasting change.

I also think that the media has done too little to explain Republicans’ built-in advantages. Their control of legislatures in some battleground states is backed by gerrymandering. We recently did an episode on the podcast about Wisconsin, and how Republicans have gerrymandered the state legislature in such a way that they have effectively shut Democrats out of power.

Claire: There are so many races that it can be hard to keep track. Which are worth following?

Astead: It depends on what matters to you. Let’s say it’s action from the White House on codifying abortion rights into federal law: Look at races where Democratic control of the House hangs in the balance, and Senate races in states like Nevada, Wisconsin and Georgia. If Democrats don’t hold both chambers of Congress, that’s not going to happen.

If your concern is about the strength of democracy, look at state races, like for governor, secretary of

state and statehouses – especially with the looming Supreme Court case that could give more power over elections to state legislatures. You can also look at Wisconsin and Arizona, where there are huge stakes, not just for this election but for the Democrats’ ability to win future races. 

The Republican candidates for governor in those states, Tim Michels in Wisconsin and Kari Lake in Arizona, have been openly hostile toward elements of our election system – including mail-in ballots and early voting – that many Democrats say are necessary for them to have a chance at success.

Claire: When might we know some results?

Asetad: The initial numbers may give us hints of larger trends. In 2016 and 2020, results in Florida gave us good signs of the level of enthusiasm of particular voting blocs. If the Republicans win Florida by a lot, that’ll be a bad sign for Democrats. The margins of Virginia, for example, could tell us whether young, college-educated white voters are going back to Republicans, because they make up a sizable chunk of voters there. But for a lot of results, we will have to wait for the total count, which might take days.


Anonymous said...

So far, it's all a laughing matter. But fascism is Hell, and Americans have never lived under dictatorships.

It's not funny.

BobbyWC said...

Another scam - in mine it said I needed to sign a document for a prominate local attorney.

"DocuSign Email Virus" is another spam email campaign used to proliferate a high-risk trojan called TrickBot. Developers send thousands of emails stating that users have received a "secure" document and must review and sign it. This is a scam - the opened MS Word document will stealthily download and install the TrickBot trojan.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party is for White people.

All others are dreamers, wannabes and losers.

No pride in their culture.

Anonymous said...

"White people are the cancer in society."

- Susan Sonntag

Anonymous said...

Democrat President Joe Biden will NOT sign anything the Republicans pass!

Bet on it.

Assholes will only make noise.

Anonymous said...

Total fake news.

Anonymous said...

Mexico's president plans regional meeting of leaders
How can he do that if all of them are in prisons in the united states?
Pinche idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

If he were black they would have shot, him and in - florida,

Anonymous said...

Anyone who still backs up this coo-coo of an idiot should have their heads checked out. How can anyone in their right mind function like the idiot he does. When the ex-president of our great country stands and shoot his finger in the air and his lips form the FU word, what can you expect?


Anonymous said...

Poke a Republican in the culo.

with your finger.

"Ay, tu la traes!"

Anonymous said...

May the best man or woman win from either party, hope it makes a difference.

Anonymous said...

They won't know how much to cheat by until after all the real votes are in. That's the Democracy the leftists are protecting.

Anonymous said...

What a pack of lies this blogger is putting out to the stupid democrats of South Texas. Biden agenda is a failure with hurting everyone American citizen by giving out free money and come on over to this country without care in the world for illegals. Free money, free everything you want by breaking thaws of this country. Blame the problems on the hard working people because the people who don't want to work, take drugs, sell drugs, cause problems, welfare kings and queens will get mad if they are not spoon fed. Look at the democrats did for Brownsville, a shit hole of the RGV. TSC destroyed by a crazy idiot woman and gets a medal by a president that has no ideas how stupid his own party has been doing in the RGV. Millions for bike and hike trails that lead to no where but hell.

Anonymous said...

Pedophiles are voting Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Knowledgeable Hispanic Voters rallied behind the party of Lincoln. Not the party of slavery, Jim Crowe, degeneracy, corruption, deception etc. The fear the Democratic Party had come from the turnout expect on the day of. WE STILL USE THE MACHINES DOWN HERE!!!!!! The magic box that you vote into and it tells you who won.
