Tuesday, November 8, 2022


"That’s a bald-faced lie,” former Democratic congressional candidate Dan Sanchez said Monday evening in response to questions over whether he had flipped his political support in favor of his former opponent, Republican Rep. Mayra Flores.

Sanchez was referring to a flurry of questions he received from Cameron County voters on Monday wondering why he had switched his allegiance from Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, the Democratic candidate in the hotly contested race for District 34.

His response below:


Anonymous said...

They are all the same los cocos y la mentirosa.

Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez knows as little about the law as his brother. If he files suit he better get ready for an anti-slapp motion and sanctions. Right now is he just looking like an idiot who cannot stand he lost to a woman.

Anonymous said...

Y, haber, cuando van a tirar chingasos?

Aceptar el dedo en el culo es peor!!!

Anonymous said...

It very funny what D. Sanchez said, that Ms Flores has no experience yet V. Gonzalez has plenty of experience for years and done nothing to help this area. V. Gonzalez has said, billions of dollars for the valley but where is it. Not in Brownsville, still the stupidest city of the valley. For all those billions of dollars and D. Sanchez has used for the past years, Cameron County still floods. Where did all that money go Sanchez from Gonzalez? Democrats only know how take money to the bank and where does it go?????

Anonymous said...

SNAP recipients will see a change in their accounts this month.

If the racist repubican wins all you huevones will HAVE to work - REGARDLESS. Para que se le quiten lo idiota
VOTANDO por una racista republicana.

Anonymous said...

Just buy fat Dan a taco plate and he will drop the lawsuit. He should be suing the democrat party for abandoning him because he never had a chance in hell.

Anonymous said...

He lost to a LATINA Women. Same LATINA that is going to kick Vicente’s ass today.

Anonymous said...

Lying has always been done by politicas
Say Astros fans
It's ok
Just like sign stealing

Anonymous said...

Defame your good name? Give me a break, what a damn politician wannabe, trying to live off the public's money, typical democrat.

Anonymous said...

Typical racist republicans fake it and the stupid people will agree. The majority of stupid people are embusteros, deceitful, fraudulent y racist republicans. fact any questions as la mentirosa

Anonymous said...

Is she a hillbilly? Sounds like a lost cause when she speaks.

Anonymous said...

Vieja Sin Vergueza pero si asi es El Cheto. By hook or crook.

Anonymous said...

It's getting to the point if you vote for MAGA Republicans it's reflection of who really are. It's says your accepting of lying people with no integrity, your very gullible, you have no sense of the rule of law (Jan 6) you accept hate speech, and have no clue on when people are bullchitting you.I feel Sorry for you even if you all win it's going to show Republicans have no plans or good ideas.

Anonymous said...

Les dije que Mayra es la malinche! History repeats itself!

Anonymous said...

This is why I don't vote for the GOP anymore. Creepy, no class. They used to stand for something but now they are all swindlers, anything for attention, no morals, no honesty, no self dignity.

Anonymous said...

Mar a Pestoso needs a maid

Anonymous said...

Getting elected to any office is now "NOT" required for you to go pick cotton. A rata is more appropriate and looks better on a resume.

Anonymous said...

RED-WAVE hahahahah jajajajajaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

So GOP is all swindlers, no morals, no honesty, and no self-dignity. This is coming from a democrat who is against god and believes in taking the life of a newborn. And I guess Biden and his son are clean. So why haven’t they been investigated? You must be either brain dead or high on drugs.

A Red American! said...

I did some research into this Dan Sanchez and what I found out is he needs to stop trying to run for office. The man is a mediocre lawyer and from what people say, his clients are never represented the way their supposed to be? I don't know how he can sue this Mayra Flores or blame her for someone's attempt to shake the election tree and make him look bad in the democratic party? Looks like Mr. Sanchez is just looking for a check? Let's see if the democrat courts run with his bullshit lawsuit?
