Thursday, November 10, 2022


 By Juan Montoya

According to Vicente Gonzalez, the eventual winner of the U.S. District 34 seat to the U.S. House of Representatives, the Republican backers of losing incumbent Mayra Flores spent more than $7 million in a failed campaign to buy the election.

And Flores, who gained the endorsement of SpaceX and Tesla billionaire Elon Musk in her race – the richest man in the world – appeared to have more than enough of the financial wherewithal to harvest the vote and encourage Republican, Independents and, more importantly, crossover Democrats, to turn the southernmost congressional district red.

But in fact, records show that Musk did not vote for Flores, or for anyone else for that matter. 

As a result of the red wave that never materialized, Flores lost to Gonzalez 59,404 votes to 70,759. At that rate, the number of votes Flores got divided by the $7 million equals to $118 per vote. 

Both Flores and Musk predicted "a red wave" would sweep through South Texas and re-elected her to the seat, a seat that she had won only five months before with her win over former Democratic Cameron County commissioner Dan Sanchez.

But despite the torrents of Republican cash that flooded the airwaves on her behalf, alas, the red wave that she and Musk predicted would sweep Democratic candidates out to Gulf of Mexico did not materialize and, instead, just a slight ripple catapulted only one of three female Hispanic Republican candidates to Congress. 

Musk himself stated back in June when he voted Republican for the first time that his vote was with Flores.: "Massive red wave in 2022." "I voted for Mayra Flores. First time I ever voted Republican.

Flores immediately blamed those "Republican and Independents" who stayed home for the red wave that "didn't happen."

In response to press inquiries, and after reviewing the early voting and election-day lists of voters, Cameron County Elections and Voter Registration Department personnel have determined that Musk –  despite his apparent encouragement and enthusiasm for the "red wave" – himself did not give Flores what she needed more than his billions: his vote in the general election.

"No, our records show he did not cast a vote," said one.

"Oh, my God," se va a enojar Mayra," said a local political observer who heard the confirmation of Musk's non-vote.

We don't know if it was oversight by the Boca Chica billionaire, or whether he just plain forgot considering his multi-billion acquisition of Twitter and other preoccupations, for not voting for his favorite Republican. Or perhaps he finally found a good connection locally for some kick-ass, red-bud spliff and it simply slipped his mind.


Anonymous said...

Freaking crybabies Republicans always blaming or complaining about something. They complain cause they got nothing to offer in new ideas so they complain. ("Marsha ,Marsha,Marsha")

Anonymous said...

Mayra back to minimum wage at the nursing home, where she works.

ja ja ja ja

federal employee for a few days.

Gacho Time, baby.

Anonymous said...

Mayra lo primero que tienes que hacer es arreglaste los es posible que tanto hablas de los ilegales que estan aqui en estados unidos, deja y te digo gracias a ellos en este pais comemos pollo,marrano,verduras,levantan las cosechas.por ultimo ponte a jalar y ganar dinero chingandole porque lo que tu ibas hacer era nomas levantar la mano aprobando todo lo que los republicanos hicieran ..

Anonymous said...

The only Red Wave some of these Republican women candidates will see is their monthly period.

Tough game, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

V. Gonzalez said, I will bring more billions of dollars to Brownsville so the PUB can build a new power plant. How lucky can the stupid voters of Brownsville be to have a new king rat on board with CC, COB, PUB, BND, TSC, UTRGV, BISD, and all the illegals from Mexico. V. Gonzalez will give the working people of Brownsville high taxes on their homes, higher food prices, higher gasoline cost BUT will give all the help to those people who don't work and who are on the welfare workforce.. viva la gente like V. Gonzalez talks about.

Anonymous said...

Ah Mayra que es eso en tu frente a ver acercate. O es una "P" pero porque?

Ay viene un caro Tesla con las llantas de carton pa llevar se a las MALINCHES a las piscas de algodon.

El Valle es de los Democratas


Anonymous said...

'It's looking better for Democrats'
What red wave? red wave of worms...

Anonymous said...

Here comes the red wave oooopps there goes the red wave. I guess its going to cockroach europe. Adios bola de pendejos cucarachos mendigos, mamones, idiotas. FUERA MACHETE PINCHES GRINGOS Y COCOS.....

Anonymous said...

De la Cruz just negated Vicente's win. Vicente's party doesn't control the agenda when they take office in January.
None of the valley Democrats support an "assault weapons" ban. FBI will have to work harder at grooming mass shooters to advance gun control.

Anonymous said...

To the numerous idiots who voted Democrat thinking they were going to get student debit relief. IT'S ON HOLD! AND MAY NEVER IS APPROVED. Typical Democrats PENDEJOS!

Anonymous said...

November 10, 2022 at 6:39 PM
Look at the results pendejo he won no fake news here and he will not bus nobody to the north, will treat people with dignity and not call them rapist, murderers and thieves.
Unlike you a racist republican coco you ought to be glad he won otherwise your racist republican friends would have sent you and your familia back to mesco... guey

Anonymous said...

Why do you need new ideas from Republicans? Democrats control both houses along with the president. Don't you all have any ideas? It's your game run with it. It appears that it’s the Democrats crying for help.

Anonymous said...

V. Gonzalez will give it to his voters where they like it. That’s why they continue voting for him.

BobbyWC said...

What people are not discussing is no one doubted Gonzalez would win Cameron County. This issue was the counties north of us. When you go county by county it is amazing how many turned out significantly higher for Gonzalez.

We now know the red wave never happened. In the Georgia run off, if there is one because with every update the Democrats get closer to 50%, the Republicans who turned out for Kempt for good reason, he trashed Trump, they have no reason to turn out for the run off. I believe this will help the Democrats big time. Arizona is looking as a win for the Democrats, which with Georgia means the Democrats hold the Senate. With every update in Nevada for the Senate the Democrat is getting loser to the Republican and could actually win.

While I personally believe the Republicans will win the House, some talking heads are talking of a pathway for the Democrats to hold the House.

Anyone who thinks Trump lost do not understand Trump. He got behind all of these bad Republicans to punish the Party for not doing more to steal the election. After Tuesday's election if Trump announces he will destroy anyone who challenges him which will only help Biden, and that is his goal. This is why my mind is on 2024. Anyone can check the record and see I did not vote. In the new state I will eventually register. It is solid blue, but my House district is purple.

But Myra's loss was massive, north of Cameron County, which merits further study.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

November 11, 2022 at 10:18 AM

The only red left to the racist republicans is their ass - RED-ASS RACIST REPUBLICANS....hahahahaha red wave jajajajaj its RED ASS PENDEJOS.... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

The red wave that's coming is not coming from the Republican Party but from IRAN, RUSSIA AND CHINA. Haber que tan chingones son contra países que son gobernados por hombres no jotitos como aquí.

Anonymous said...

Biden will be meeting with China's Xi Jinping at the G20 summit on Monday. But before leaving he asked Nancy if he could borrow Paul Pelosi’s underwear and bat. The democrats. The party de los otros.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic party is a Chinese asset. Has been since Al Gore received money from them.

Keep proving that the valley is the idiocracy.

Anonymous said...

The red wave did come. Idiot democrat voters still don't understand they were it. Ignorant to the core.

Anonymous said...

Mayra Flores now begging for air time on TV. She's is so jealous and thought she was the darling of the Valley and now nothing. Mayra only was in it for the attention and pictures. Now sources say she is going to work with Erasmo Castro, another loser. Also, her mariage is on the rocks. The border patrol wants to leave her as he has a side lady. Mayra now has to cook and clean and eat beans like the rest of the valley.

Patton said...

Juan ok elections are over time to focus on other news items, what about the Tenaska/basket scam at PUB, folks want to know whats going on just got a $400 bill from Pub for my mother in laws house and no one lives there, she passed away a few years ago, on another topic, who are the applicants for Brownsville City manager? Dont ell me Helen (Reddy) has it in the bad? Please dont. Who will be picked, voters and citizens of Brownsville need to know. tan tan, thank you. keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Mayra was a vote for Trump, so not only no, but hell no. A very Sore loser and three-time draft dodger

Anonymous said...

Si Vicente es mi Gallo y yo soy la gallina. Yo soy quien te pone los huevos en el hocico cada manana. Y soy de rancho de manera que huevos rancheros for you every morning. HAHAHA no se te quita lo pendejo, you repube,

Anonymous said...

The love of the yellow bellies el trumputo.

Anonymous said...

Trump/ Dr Oz selectively killed off their own supporters when they went on TV and told millions of loyal Republicans to take hydroxychloroquine the miracle cure for Covid, and not wear masks, and not vaccinate. The GOP tends to skew older, meaning elderly GOP voters most vulnerable to dying of Covid were the ones following Trump's orders, not vaccinating and not wearing masks and dying at higher rates than Democrats. GOP followers laughed at face diapers, ended up in the ICU, then in the refrigerated morgue. Darwinian selection.

Everyone seems to want to forget 2020 and the lockdowns but I do recall clearly that my Democrat friends were the ones buying the N95 masks and refusing to have visitors, self isolating. They're still here. My Republican friend said Covid was a hoax and went to a bunch of BBQ's and parties and she died of Covid. She would have voted for Trump in 2020 and Mayra in 2022 but she is dead thanks to them.

To see Republicans red wave fizzle again in the midterms when frankly, inflation is at a high and Bidens' polling at a low, appears to reflect a net loss of Republicans from the voting pool. Trump's people stormed the Capitol in 2020 squealing about a steal but history will show, the underlying reason the GOP lost 2020 and then the 22 midterms was the aggregate loss of Republican voters to Covid deaths.

Anonymous said...

Democrats Retain Power in Senate
que paso con sus pinche red wave hahahaha
y la mentirosa que???

Anonymous said...

As a Republican I am glad the so-called red wave didn’t materialize. I too have a dream. I dream that the Democratic Party ruins this country. I want to see this country broke. No money in the bank and no one to lend them any. You see you can’t fix a broken glass. You have to make another.

Anonymous said...

So where are these idiots who fell for the big lie of student loan relief forgiveness? They were planning on vacations, partying, new cars etc. A fool is born every second of every day. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

November 13, 2022 at 11:01 AM

and the big lies where are the believers now???? Red Wave hahahahahaaaa
