Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

She lied to us about working in the cotton fields of Memphis, Texas when she was 13 so she could pay for her school supplies and clothes, and refused to be interviewed by a reporter so she could prove it.

Later, when, it became untenable to keep up the lie because when she was 13 it would have been 1999 (she was born in 1986), her story has changed. 

And it's a lie that she and her handlers have been trying hard to finesse after it was questioned by media types. How can she claim to work in the Texas cotton fields at 13 in 1999 to earn money for school clothes and supplies when the entire cotton planting, harvesting, and weeding was done mechanically and with the use of herbicides since before 1970, almost 30 years before? 

Here she is, an immigrant, an Hispanic woman (Latina) even, who came to this country with humble (but honest) parents to work in the cotton fields and pull themselves up by their tirantes.

Can't beat that with a cotton stalk, can you?

It almost makes you feel all patriotic and fuzzy and to yearn for Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, except for one thing. It's a lie.

Her literature says that she was born January 1, 1986, and that her parents (humble but honest) brought her to the U.S. at the age of six (1992). (See graphic below)

Flores' supporters defended the claim saying that perhaps she hoed weeds then, but why use hoers if there are plenty of herbicides?

But it sells and that is what mattered to Flores.

When asked her for an interview to ascertain her bona fides as a farmworker in the cotton fields, she refused to talk to reporters or to provide proof and directed them to talk to "the farmers" of Memphis, Texas instead, repeating her farmworker status claim. 

And when anyone is skeptical of her claims, she says she is being "victimized" because she is an Hispanic woman. 

Now it appears that in one of the latest Texas Republican Party mailouts that appeared in local mail boxes this week, the "cotton picking" narrative has changed yet again. 

You see, she "misspoke" about working in the cotton fields in West Texas. She actually worked in the fields in Burgos, Tamaulipas to buy school clothes and supplies. 

Yeah, that's the ticket. (See graphic at right.)

Ok. If she came to the United States (legally) at six, that means that her father had her working along his side in the hot cotton fields in northern Tamaulipas before then, say four or five? 

What a monster! Do you think any Mexican mother would allow her baby girl, la Niña, to be put to work out in the 90- to 100-degree-plus heat in the fields of Northern Tamaulipas?

And at four or five, what clothes and school supplies does a child need when they don't even attend school yet?

Mechanical cotton pickers hadn't been introduced there yet in 1991? Of course they had. They just got caught in a lie.

That's just the first of many lies. 

She now denies she hash tagged the conspiracy Kool Aid drinkers at  QAnon, when plenty of evidence exists that she did. And she'll also deny that she believes that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump in the face of proof that she did and that she considers Democrats "traitors" and Biden a "criminal." 

Her opponent Vicente Gonzalez – in response to a self-serving letter by Flores (see graphic at right) decrying the cutting of  energy assistance to low-income seniors and demanding that funding be restored to the The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) which she voted against – wrote that:
Mayra Mentiras is lying again! 

She Voted AGAINST the continuing resolution to extend this funding. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps keep families safe and healthy through initiatives that assist families with energy costs. 

Mayra is deceiving and denying relief for South Texas seniors. Shameful! 

Buena con Chente!


Anonymous said...

One more week; that's all her silliness will last.

Then back to reality. Inhale/exhale.

Anonymous said...

El RRun RRun sold out for $$$. Obvious. No pride.

Anonymous said...

She'll never be invited to no racist republican gatherings. any bets?

Anonymous said...

La Mayra es la malinche!

Anonymous said...

How much money is been paid to keep on trashing Ms Flores. The democrats are so afraid and must show hate and paid anyone plenty of money to put out trash or garbage about this woman. Remember that V. Gonzalez brought millions of dollars for veterans but most of the veterans programs were taken away from the VA Clinic in Harlingen. Where did all that money go? Years in office in congress but Gonzalez has shown nothing to the people of South Texas. Hope all the trash goes to your house because Eddie Trevino will be needing your help Gonzalez and this blogger to put out trash about helping out the stupid city commissioners of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

@9:19 I agree,Your right , she will never go to those.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Spankys hamburger.
1848 BBQ
Dodichi Pizza
Dodichi Provisions

son compadres de BPUB y la vieja fea y panzona.

Anonymous said...

Yo ya vote por mi gallo Vicente.

Anonymous said...

It’s apparent after reading the comments on this blog that ignorance in Brownsville remains strong. We can blame in part the teachers for their lack of educational skills but in most part the blame falls on the family upbringing. It’s obvious that a majority of you commenting on this blog was never taught respect. You continue to viciously and verbally attack a woman because of her race and beliefs. How low can you guys go? NO CLASS! And the worse part here is that your kids will inherit your stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Just voted against every effing Democrat on the ballot. Break a leg Montoya!

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2022 at 3:46 PM
good for you soon you will be speaking russian and living in alaska that is if el cheeto wants otherwise you go straight to mesko your tiliches and tu familia IDIOTA

Anonymous said...

la mentirosa..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A vote for Mayra is a vote for Trump so, not only no, hell no. Tired of countless lies and baseless conspiracy theories.

Anonymous said...

Loved "son compadres del BPUB y la vieja fea y panzona."

Thank you for the great 😂. You are so right!

Anonymous said...

People should allow others to express their opinion on voting. Forget the a person is Democrat or Republican because I would bet my bottom dollar that if you saw the person in need,example a flat tire, you would help if you could. Not only that you would accept the help.

Do not help Las Ratas de PUB just look the other way. You did not see anything.

Anonymous said...

A vender hamburgos a Burgos o a la pisca de algodon en Memphis. La Malinche de Cortez y La Mentirosa Mayra de Trump. Que poca de verguenza y dignidad. A ver en donde te escondes?

Arriba con Chente

El Valle es de nosotros los Democratas

A Votar mi RAZITA

Anonymous said...

Trump lives by the motto "by hook or by crook." He started planning his inserection in October. He knew he lost and Hispanics still support him? "No manchen" and I totally dislike the phrase.

Personally I will respect whom ever is voted in by the people...

Anonymous said...

Now she can get a dentist (at your expense,of course) to fix her colmillos and not look meskin. She's been told "fix em".

Anonymous said...

Trump's Russian collusion story has already been debunked. It was fake opposition research paid by the Hillary Clinton. You can't even read, write, or speak English. What makes you think that you could learn Russian? Your loyalty is to Mexico and not the USA. You ARE the idiocracy.

Anonymous said...

Voted for Myra. Tired of the same old same old. Time for change. Don't want another lawyer in office who will only line his pockets.

Anonymous said...

Don't be scared of Trump. Be scared of the current president who is lost in space. This poor man needs medical help. He just might jump out of Air Force One in an attempt to get ice cream.

Anonymous said...

Lawyers cotton pickers they are all the same RATAS...

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2022 at 3:08 PM
I guess lying and joining groups of racist organizations is ok with your ass. Not me and not the whole country. Groups that call YOU a rapists murderers and thieves is ok with your ass. IDIOTA go to russia where freedom of speech is punished by execution and feel at home.
Oh by the way teachers do what their union wants them to do NOT YOU nor the family (taxpayers). You miss a DOT, forget to cross a T, they protest, but do they help the local taxpayers fight BPUB? They don't care they get paid out of this world salaries. So quit mamon las maestras they don't need nor want your ass help.... PENDEJA/O

Anonymous said...

Racist republicans can bad mouth the democrats but if the democrats insults the republicans they get all huffy and puffy. PENDEJOS it works both ways quit your crying and complaining, what's good for the goose, no se hagan pendejos mijitos ya estan.

Anonymous said...

If and when Mayra wins and you learn that she screwed you over do not be a whiner.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Mayra has accomplished is taking orders from MAGA idiots and that she married a border patrolman like her tv commercial states and even that is really nothing to brag about.

Anonymous said...

what a place to go campaign on a food truck? No wonder you have doubts. moron

Anonymous said...

After 1960 almost the entire industry used mechanical pickers...ALMOST

Anonymous said...

Oh your tears are going to taste so sweet when Mayra Flores wins! It will be epic! She is a winner! Montoya you are literally a piece of shit!
