Friday, November 4, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Republicans in Austin and Washington knew how to attract Democrats-in-name only charlatans like 32-year District 27 Texas Senator Eddie "Sucio Lucio Jr. over to their side.

Dangle a few dollars, let him sit on some important committees where his vote was sure to be outvoted by Republicans and you had him eating out of your hand.

And now, as he faces retirement at the end of the year, Lucio is showing all the Democrats in South Texas – the majority of them Hispanics – that he willingly duped them for 36 years running as a Democrat for state representative and senator while all along he has sided with his predominantly white Republican patrones.

Republicans relish blatant contradictions to befuddle gullible voters. 

They blithely claim that Sucio, our "very best Democrat," is endorsing Trump-obsessed Mayra Mentiras Flores, and urge Democrat voters to "look past our political history" and vote for her to the U.S. House of Representatives District 34 instead of for the Democratic Party standard bearer Vicente Gonzalez.

Well, now, maybe Flores wasn't really lying when she called Democrats "traitors," was she? Dangle enough money and personal and political favors and you'll have them lining up like Lucio at the cheese line for the crumbs that fall from the Republican table.

If it worked for Lucio, why not for the rest?

Now we see that the Associate Republicans of Texas (ART) have caught on to the idea and are hoping that if you throw enough money toward South Texas, enough Democratic voters will be willing – like Sucio and his pals – to overlook their MAGA platforms which favor absolutist gun-rights over human life, white nationalist yearning to "conserve" their privilege over minorities and women, to control a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body, and embrace conspiracy theories like "Stop the Steal" and calling the January 6 insurrectionist mob patriots who were merely "engaged in vigorous political discourse."

So far, according to campaign federal finance reports, the ART has dumped $1.49 million in nine races where seven candidates are Hispanics, like Sucio, and only two are not. In our area, Janie Lopez, running for the District 37 against Democrat Luis Villarreal, has been the beneficiary of $247,000 in the last 30 days.

And in those same last 30 days they have thrown a $213,000 bone to Nueces County's Adam Hinojosa who is running against Democrat Morgan LaMantia for Sucio's Senate District 27.

Lopez, a board member of the San Benito Consolidated Independent School District, has garnered the highest ranking of the National Rifle Association, which means that she is against any common-sense gun safety legislation, exhaustive background checks on gun purchasers, and against raising the legal age to buy assault weapons like the one used at Rabb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas where 19 elementary children and two teachers were massacred by a gunman who had just turned 18.

This from a school board member who lives in the same region of Texas where the Republican governor and Republican-dominated legislature choose to protect the Second Amendment rights of the gunman over the right of unarmed elementary-school children and teachers to live. 

The Republican Congressional Leadership fund, in their appeal for donations for Flores, make no bones about where she stands. They ask for money so the "Pro-Trump, Pro-Wall, Mexican American can hold her seat in a critical border district!"

Flores spent $3,472,862 to win the June special election called by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott against Dan Sanchez for District 34, most of it from Republican PACs from outside the Texas, according to Open Secrets. 

With the final campaign reports still unavailable, it is difficult to know what the final Republican investment on her candidacy to flip traditionally-blue South Texas red. But you can bet your bottom peso that it will be more than the $3.5 million they spent to beat Dan Sanchez in the special election.

The Republican narrative has taken on an insidiously regressive tone. In the Flores race against Gonzalez for U.S. District 34, they paint the Democrat defense attorney as being against "you" and for "them," saying that as an attorney who – like his fellow Republican lawyers – he has defended clients and made "dirty money" from dealers, human smugglers, etc.

And in the state senate race between Corpus Christi Republican Adam Hinojosa and Morgan LaMantia for Sucio's District 27 Texas Senate seat, they reveal their ill-concealed, anti-immigrant, white nationalist stripes, and paint her as an outsider who "is actually of Swedish and Italian heritage" who "used a fake Spanish accent" to run for "one of the few majority Hispanic senate seats" in Texas.

And in a blatantly hypocritical turn on words, Hinojosa, one of the major recipients of Republican campaign cash ($213,000 in the last 30 days), charges her family has spent millions to get her elected and "is still behind."

"Why is (she) pretending to be Hispanic and trying to buy 'our' senate seat," the ad asks plaintively?

Yet, Hinojosa's outside campaign handlers show their own ignorance in trying to make him out to be one of "us" when they say that the "best voting locations" in Brownsville are at the New Horizon Medical Center, the BISD Admin Building and Cameron Park Community Center, in that order.

If they had done their homework, they would know that in 11 days of the 2022 12-day early voting period, the most frequented polling places in Brownsville are the Main Public Library (10,538), the Southmost Public Library (1,836), and the Cameron Park Community Center (1,700). New Horizon comes in a distant fifth (1,082). 

So who are the real outsiders if not the Republican handlers from Austin and Washington with their carpetbags full of greenbacks and the too-willing malinche candidates and politicians they have lured to do their bidding in South Texas? 

The Republican money is being poured into our region to turn back progress and "conserve" their dominance in the state and country. Will we let them? 


Anonymous said...

Eddie Lucio needs to be told over and over and over and over that he SUCKS!

Everywhere you see him in town.

Cobarde! Lambiscon! mendigo!

Anonymous said...

Con suerte algo les pasara a estos traidores.

karma, baby.

Anonymous said...

The southmost area is the least educated area. You brag about it like a participation trophy. Makes you look like a certified loser.

Anonymous said...

He should have been arrested, sent to trial, found guilty and sent to prison. PERO NO, LO DEJARON IR Y AHORRA ANDA DE MAMON.

No credibility and candidates that he backs are LIKE HIM, STAY AWAY.


Anonymous said...

The Brownsville City Commission approves the final Charter Review Committee appointment of Tomas Tijerina, a local attorney.
Otro compadre? crony? we shall wait and see

Anonymous said...

Vicente chinga la gente!

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea Montoya. Instead of you and Vicente attacking Mayra why don't you and Vicente tell us what Vicente has done in Congress to help his district and his constituents?
You can't because he's done absolutely nothing for us.

Anonymous said...

What is the property tax rate in Cameron County Texas?


Texas Property Tax Rates
County Median Home Value Average Effective Property Tax Rate

Cameron $83,300 1.76%

Camp $87,500 1.35%

Carson $111,100 1.29%

Cass $86,200 1.27%

The highest property tax ever and the poorest citizens all the time.

Need to re-elect a more in touch official NOW

Anonymous said...

January 31st
Taxes are due by January 31st of the year following the year the tax statements are mailed.

Don't cry ya al" elected him and now we have the highest tax rate in the STATE OF TEXAS. dale gracias al compadre toniiii.

Anonymous said...

juan dfolks shouldl not cry at east the REpublicans are pouring and inject lots of mulah into the local economy o NO? RED WAVEis COMING just ask Eddie lucio Jr and the TURD too. They know.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you all voted for this BRIDGE TO NOWHERE Pendejo he in the party of ME. His time is short for this self richeousness thief.

BobbyWC said...

Our one and only Tony Garza speaks to the border crisis

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The problem with story is very simple, it's too long, it sucks and who cares, these bozos were always rats for the democrats.

Anonymous said...

To call Eddie Lucio a scumbag would be an insult to the scumbags.

Anonymous said...

Cotton is down to a quarter a pounded
but I'm busted going back to mejico.
Where's my pal where's my friend I guess they all went to mejico.
All good things must have an end
where's my brown dog, where's my hound
He liked my truck he hung around
But he's a canine romeo and from hamburgos
But they all went to mejico.
No que No chiquita se fue y no aviso
She went to mijico....
Mentiras mentiras went to mijico adios adios adios...

Anonymous said...

Republicans Are Bad for the Economy. Here’s Why.


Polls say voters trust the GOP more than Democrats on economic issues. That’s a huge mistake.

Republicans help THEIR economy!!!


Anonymous said...

Beachgoers at the Island reported a huge wave on the horizon. They described it red in color!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea red coming out of there Maga pooper.

Anonymous said...

The preceding is an actual account of activities conducted by persons not accustomed to rely on factual events. Documentaion is available to ascertain the factual and non-fictional events that have occurred.


Anonymous said...

Vicente hasn't done crap in Congress!
Vicente defends criminals!
Todos con Mayra!
Yo escribo esto sin que nadie me pague, unlike you Montoya! How are you any different than los Lucios??? And don't censor me!

Anonymous said...

Red Wave Baby!!!
Trump 2024...

Anonymous said...

There is much to say about a Senator re-elected for 30 years. He is an accomplished man that merits respect. He retired at the right time. HR

Anonymous said...

Senator Lucio served as a House Member from 1986 to 1990 and as a Senate Member from 1991 to present. If he was so bad, why did he remain in office for so many years? Or is this recent hatred towards him because it appears he is leaning towards the Republican Party? Mr. Lucio, being a man of faith should not in good conscience remain loyal to a party that strongly believes in taking the life of a newborn. But at the end of the day everyone votes their conscience.

Anonymous said...

Lets not single out southmost as the least educated area. The state of Texas is ranked 34 in the United States as far as education is concerned. Our educational system is failing because the democratic party has placed more emphasis in Abolitionist Teachings and other anti-racist theories instead of concentrating its efforts in teaching students STEM education a curriculum that focuses heavily on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. So don’t point the finger at southmost, point it towards the radical democratic government we have in place.

Anonymous said...

Tax appraisals are the first step in the process of determining how much a homeowner will pay in property taxes. Our local appraisal district board is out of touch with property values in our area. These politicians need to be voted out. But most importantly we the voters need to be well informed before we cast our votes. As is apparent, we have made numerous mistakes in the past. Think before you vote.

Anonymous said...

The huge red wave is coming thanks to the Democrats radical policies here at home and abroad. Weakness and ignorance has placed our country in dire straits. We need President Trump’s intelligence and strength to get us out of the mess the democrats have put us in.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't the "my body my choice" mantra used against vaccine mandates? There is no right to abortion in the constitution. There is a right to keep and bear arms that most leftists want to ignore or destroy. Hard to sympathize with your one sided perspective.

Anonymous said...

what does tony know about life, he sucked on a lolipop all his life y es un pinche racista republicano. IDIOTA... y mary???

Anonymous said...

@ November 5, 2022 at 5:57 AM.

Ok, VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE ? He picks and chooses what commandments he wants.
What about " Thou Shalt not Lie", "Thou shalt not steal"? ( Bridge to Nowhere ) Thou halt not covet thy neighbors Goods" ( wanting what someone else has). Yes, he's saving babies, but if that chid turns out to be gay, they don't matter to him. Viejo sucio mentiroso.

Anonymous said...

Home Retinue (HR) so 30 years and was never caught on this unpleasant or annoying situation or did you just coped with it before the coup d'é·tat.

and all at taxpayers expense.

at 30 years in a job you get to know all the illegal loop holes,
retired at the right time is correct. se escapo

Anonymous said...

November 5, 2022 at 6:22 AM
The are rapist murderers and thieves those crossing the border from mexico? Is this not a racist rant, if not what do you racist republicans call this rant?
Sad thing here is IT CAME FROM A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES a racist republican. PENDEJO/A

Anonymous said...

If you would get off your knees from sucking democratic dicks for a moment maybe then you might see what a fucked up job the democratic party is doing. But regardless you will still keep on sucking that dick!

Robert Garces said...

Sucio Eddie Lucio?
I wouldn't throw a bucket of piss on him if he was on fire

Anonymous said...

somebody said, "VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE", racist republicans have no conscience.

Anonymous said...

The DNC can no longer hide its roots to the CCP and I see in these comments that maybe the valley once again did not seem to go blue. WE NEED TO GO BACK TO PAPER BALLOTS! If there is still a chance after the next two years that is.

Anonymous said...

Tomas Tijerina, seen at the D. Garza's household preparing a check for Governor Abbott to come pick up during his most recent campaign, that's why D. Garza got put on the state historical board, lets be real that lady dont know a thing about a thing, Tomas is a son-in-law to PUB board member A. Rendon, Tomas is said to have close ties to Tony Martinez Law firm. Go figure, not to worry there isnt a conflict of interest, of course not.

Anonymous said...

What's sad about this situation is Sucio LuCIO is the reason the dems got such a "do nothing" reputation. People were fooled for too long by this undercover republican. It sad when you hear the stories of people who would encounter this rat at restaurants asking for any type of assistance to keep their small business afloat, this devil in disguise would whistle for his "Go fetch me boy" (who miserably lost his campaign) tell the fetch boy to take down the persons information and would assure them he would reach out to them with available assistance or resources, he would state this in such a manner he would make you feel he was a man with the best intentions for community and for you in that moment. Long story short, after the hand-shake and the verbal gesture of reassurance that all would be okay, he was never to be herd or seen of again. This stigma lingers in our area because of the dishonesty and misleading conduct of that rat. If there is anyone to blame for poor politics, poor economic development, and poor leadership there is no other person than Eddie Lucio JR de las Ratas. Eff that P!
