Thursday, November 3, 2022


Adjective: (of metals) beaten out or shaped by hammering.
La Cebolla

After the speaker of the House’s husband was assaulted with a hammer in his own home, La Cebolla asked some prominent Republicans what they thought about the Paul Pelosi attack.

Marjorie Taylor Greene (U.S. Representative): “I’m sure he’ll make a full recovery, if the Jews have their way.”

Kevin McCarthy (House Minority Leader): “Not sure. I’m still waiting for Donald Trump to say something really funny so I can repeat it at rallies to cover up for the fact that I’ve never had an original thought in my entire life.”

Tucker Carlson (Fox News Host): “Finish the job.”

Candace Owens (Author): “How do we know that Pelosi didn’t force that man into his home in order to bash his head against the man’s hammer?”

Mitch McConnell (U.S. Senator): “The event was both tragic and a real turn-on for me.”

Donald Trump (Former President): “I’m wishing him a speedy death.”

Herschel Walker (Officer): “We put out an APB on the perp: South Asian female, about 7-foot-2, eye patch, curves in all the right places. Unfortunately, since it’s been more than 48 hours, we’ll probably never see Paul Pelosi again.”

Tom Cotton (U.S. Senator): “This attack never would have happened if the hammer hadn’t been allowed across the border in the first place.”

Elon Musk (Business Magnate): “Paul Pelosi? More like… Hold on, I’ll think of something. No, don’t leave! It’s on the tip of my tongue. I’m very funny, I promise!”

Rick Scott (U.S. Senator): “I find it absolutely disgusting that Nancy Pelosi has a husband.”

Lauren Boebert (U.S. Representative): “The hypocrisy between those condemning the attack against Pelosi’s husband and the utter silence when I repeatedly bash my head into my desk is astounding.”

Marsha Blackburn (U.S. Senator): “I actually thought the hammer and zip ties were a nice change of pace from all the gun violence the other Republicans and I have been allowing.”

Lindsey Graham (U.S. Senator): “I for one am inspired that a red-blooded American man can still get his tools and go to work.”


Anonymous said...

Losers, all losers!!!

Anonymous said...

Puras babosadas. Paul Pelosi was attacked by his gay lover. Antifa and the Burn, Loot, and Murder people or BLM are responsible for the most political violence in recent times. Hope that fentanyl takes care of them.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the Memes the day Donald Trump gets indicted!

ha ha ha ha

Cheeto goes to jail.

bet on it. Late next week.

Anonymous said...

OMG - Typical Republican comment with no empathy for mankind! That is how Republicans behave now. They are nasty, lack empathy, vicious, ignorant, low IQ, cult followers, and just plain crazy. They have to deflect from what is really affecting their party and this is how they do it. They make fun of people getting beat up and killed. They have no empathy for people being gunned down by serial killers with AR15s, they are OK with senior citizens being stripped of the Medicare and Social Security, they are OK with that hateful governor sending out DNA kits to schools so when a serial shooters kill our children, we can identify them. Wow! What kind of voters are we surrounded by? To think that these are the same persons that refuse to say that what happened on January 6 was criminal. Most of those Trump lovers have been arrested, indicted and sentenced to prison for their actions on January 6th. What will it take for the cobwebs in their brains to go away and accept responsibility and say it was WRONG to commit crimes on that day.

The BLM and Antifa were not involved in the actions of your Republican Insurgents of January 6th. Face facts and quit deflecting!!! Take responsibility for the way your Republicans are acting now. They have to blame anyone or anything since they know themselves that they are the ones to blame for the current violence and hatefulness of the USA. The Republican party of hatefulness, non inclusion, deniers, and racists is what it has become sadly. If you want to live in a country that accepts this behavior, perhaps you all can move to a country that is already controlled by a dictator. You should be comfortable there because that is how they behave.

Anonymous said...

The Biden administration just purchased $290 million dollars of anti-radiation pills. Why? Is this radical party because of its weak global influence and ignorant policies leading us into WWIII?

Anonymous said...

Horrible comments and lack of empathy. That only shows how much hate they spew. Peace !

Anonymous said...

Bull shit comes from our democrats. The democrats don't care who did it, blame it on Trump. If it was a black lives matter people, no coverage from the media or this blogger.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Though the Jan. 6 uprising is inexcusable, the left appears determined to emphasize the damage incurred at the Capitol while neglecting the violence that plagued American streets for months last year.The difference not only speaks volumes about our elected officials’ priorities, but also the priorities of the leftist media — which strives to play down BLM’s acts of violence.

Anonymous said...

There should be no doubt whatsoever that Trump instigated his followers to attack Capitolon January 6th because his vice president refused to follow his unlawful orders. Yet, many of his followers are serving time in jail but not the main instigator. He always talked about rigged elections in 2020 ever since taking office, setting this motion on his followers mind. Yet, the one caught trying to cheat was him "Georgia find me 11k votes ". Come on people wake up, yes, we need another leader to take charge in 2024 but certainly not him. Maybe Desantis or Pence, someone who is truly honest, knowledgeable and respectful.

BobbyWC said...

No fret - all indicators show by late Spring the banks will be in trouble again over Housing. 2024 is the key year. So what if the Republicans take the House and Senate? They do not have the votes to override a Biden veto. Then when they demand a multimillion dollar bailout for the banks over the housing crisis, who do you think the people will blame in 2024? They will blame the Republicans for the deficit going up again so they can bail out the banks. So what Beto loses? Does anyone actually believe the Texas Republican Legislature will pass anything he wants? But if elected he will be blamed when everything goes south by the Spring.

Some major cities are seeing the cost of housing drop by as much as 25%. People owe more than they can get for their house. Within a few weeks mortgage rates will average 7.5% with the cost of new construction way to high.

Under Obama some mortgages dropped to 2.9%. If Tuesday is a big red victory, in 2024, the Republicans will take all the blame, and the Democrats will hold onto the White House, and retake the Senate and the House.

Over the next two years at the national level the Republicans are powerless even if they win the House and Senate. Biden has his veto.

In Texas they can do a lot of damage, but let them rather than have the people blame Beto for the economic crisis which is around the corner. Maybe in 2024 we can begin to turn Texas Blue. Early voting is way down in Dallas County. The year I moved here every Republican on the Ballot lost in Dallas.
We worked real hard. But people are done with the corruption and are staying home

Let the Republicans take all the blame in 2024.

Bobby WC .

Anonymous said...

Y aqui el pendejetes hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA mojado said,"What hammer"? PINCHE IDIOTA MAMON...

Anonymous said...

Juan what happen to the Hunter Biden investigation is that on hold until the republics take over the house and senate? Also juan the white house dont looky too good either.

Anonymous said...

Maybe DeSantis or Pence, my gosh what recommendations! DeSantis is worse than Trump. The only difference is he is not ORANGE and his not old. Pence, well Pence is Pence. He is a failed leader. He has horrible leadership skills. All he comes across with is his religious views. He needs to keep those at home or at his church. Let us not get these type of leaders in the USA. They are bad for both parties. One is like I said a Trump styled person with some ugly views for this country. The other one wants to lead like a preacher.

What happened to leaders that can lead and be good for our country? It use to be when they wanted to give a speech on television, all of the USA wanted to listen. Today's speeches from these hateful racists leaders are not worth listening to. Let's hope that our country is restored to what it use to be before it was destroyed by Trump and his followers.

We all deserve a country that is good to and for everyone no matter what your religious views are or not have any. We need to go back to civility and not hatefulness.

Anonymous said...

Cotton is down to a quarter a pounded
but I'm busted going back to mejico.
Where's my pal where's my friend I guess they all went to mejico.
All good things must have an end
where's my brown dog, where's my hound
He liked my truck he hung around
But he's a canine romeo and from hamburgos
But they all went to mejico.
No que No chiquita se fue y no aviso
She went to mijico....
Mentiras mentiras went to mijico adios adios adios...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Guess what? James Buchanan is no longer the worse president of the United States. Joe Biden has easily taken over the title!

Anonymous said...

You're behind the eight ball, worst president in the history of the USA is without any doubt whatsoever, Trump.
