Friday, December 30, 2022


Manuela Rendon , 76, died Monday, December 26, 2022, San Benito, Texas.

"I will always remember Ms. (Manuela) Rendon as a kind, happy, and giving individual. She was a great boss and I have nothing but wonderful memories of her. She always made me feel I was part of her family just like she did to everyone that worked at Head Start. I love all my former Head Start family. My most sincerest condolences go out to her family and friends. RIP beautiful angel, fly high you are free."
Mary Alice Rendon Soto

Hon. Filemon Vela
U.S. House of Representatives

Madam Speaker, I rise to honor Manuela Rendon, a dedicated leader in South Texas who has given 50 years of service to Head Start programs and has made a lasting impact on thousands of families in our community.

Ms. Rendon's advocacy journey began in 1971 during her time as a teacher at Bonita Park Head Start program in Harlingen, Texas. During her first year as an educator, she developed a passion for Head Start and committed herself to helping underserved families. Ms. Rendon was quickly promoted to center manager, where her vision was to enhance early childhood development, empower parents and families, and advocate for the less fortunate. 

After six years at Bonita Park Head Start, Ms. Rendon was invited to lead the Head start initiative for Cameron and  Willacy Counties Community Projects (CWCCP). THere, she continued her work on behalf of South Texas youth and families and collaborated with the Policy Council, Board of Directors, and other staff members to carry out the Head Start mission. 

With the belief that there is strength in numbers, Ms. Rendon made the pivotal decision to work with community leaders to create a network of support for children and families.

As CWCCP's Head Start Director, Ms. Rendon became dissatisfied by the lack of resources available Head Start parents. Ms. Rendon faced this challenge with purpose and determination; and worked to reform the program and champion a new initiative. In 1989, with the support of Head Start parents and other community leaders, Ms. Rendon established the non-profit organization Neighbors In Need Of Services (NINOS). The purpose of NINOS was to advocate for the Head Start program in Cameron and Willacy counties, and it quickly succeeded.

NINOS was awarded a Head Start grant in 1990 and has continued to successfully secure funding for programming to support local families. The program which initially served a few hundred children now serves over 2,400 Head Start amd Earl;y Head Start families; and provides a wide range of services including health and nutritional assessments, medical and dental follow-ups, individualized "school readiness" nutritional meals and snacks, and pre- and post-natal education for pregnant women.

Ms. Rendon is the driving force behind the success of NINOS – she has created a quality program that is nationally recognized by the Head Start community by focusing not only on early childhood education, but also on parent involvement. She has even provided parents with opportunities to travel to advocate for Head Start in Texas and across the country.

Ms. Rendon's commitment to Texas families began with Head Start in Harlingen, but her influence goes far beyond that. She has served on and chaired many boards and committees including the Region VI Head Start Association, Texas Head Start Association Board of Directors, Texas Department of Human Services Licensing Advisory Committee and Texas Southmost College Early Childhood Advisory Council.

I ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing Manuela Rendon, who after 50 years of service continued to be a voice for those in need, and whose dedication to bettering the lives of children strengthens the health and prosperity of South Texas families. 


Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice lady.

Mucho aplauso para ella!

(aunque Filemon Vela vale sebo)

Anonymous said...


In 2017, for example, Donald Trump claimed he received exactly $18,000 in interest on a loan he said he gave his daughter Ivanka Trump. He claimed $8,715 in interest from his son Donald Trump, Jr., and exactly $24,000 from his son Eric Trump.

That raises the question of whether “the loans were bona fide arm’s length transactions, or whether the transfers were disguised gifts that could trigger gift tax and a disallowance of interest deductions by the related borrowers,” the Joint Committee on Taxation said in its report this week.

“It’s unusual to have interest in round numbers – very rare,” said Martin Sheil, former supervisory special agent for IRS’ Criminal Investigation unit. “An auditor would want to see payments, loan agreements and interest rates.”

Trump lied and cheated his ass off!

Fraud. Lock him up.

Anonymous said...

Let's all die gracefully, not eulogized by a clown like Filemon Vela.

He resigned his congressional seat to enrich himself. He's no Pope, nor even a local priest.

The lady lived an exemplary life. Why throw dumbass Vela into its end?


Anonymous said...

may her eternity be a smooth ride.

Anonymous said...

Glad to be here.

A Blog with NO COMMENTS is a dead blog.


Anonymous said...


Six years of Trump's tax returns RELEASED: Democrat-led committee uploads files on former president who reported negative income for four years with wife Melania, paid NO income tax in 2020 and had a bank account in CHINA.

Most of his million-dollar loans were from Russian banks!

Compromised? Fuck yes!!!!

Anonymous said...

San Bene!

That's more like it, Montoya. We're training you, bro.

Anonymous said...

She has the face of a do'er - a do'er for good.

(Unlike your face, Montoya)

Anonymous said...

She did a great deal for the NINOS program, condolences to her family and may she rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

With this story, I feel like walking under a steady rain.

Walking, just walking.

Walking nowhere in particular, just walking.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Studies show that Head Start makes no difference in a minority child's education. It's a waste of taxpayer money. Taking folic acid during pregnancy will make more of a difference.

Anonymous said...

December 30, 2022 at 11:36 AM
lloretas maricon quitate de mamar maricon

Anonymous said...


- she had affair with Geraldo Rivera.

Anonymous said...

December 30,2022 at 11:36AM

Monty has a kind face.

If you don't like Monty what the fuck are you doing here? Go get a life and stop insulting and instigating people with your toxic behavior.

Auf wiedershen, au revoir, shalom, ciao, bye bye, hasta la vista, adios, so long...

Anonymous said...

"I pay very little taxes. That makes me smart. You and your friends in Congress make the tax laws. But you won't change the laws because you, your friends, your family and your donors use the same tax laws so you won't change them." - Trump responding to Hillary when she accused him during the debate of not paying taxes.
Do you think the Clinton Foundation pays any taxes or do just ignore that? Is what Trump said fact or is he just making it up? Questions Democrats ignore and won't answer.

Anonymous said...

December 30,2022 at 11:36AM

losers like you look for leaders

Go away,
Won't you just go away
Go away,
Don't you come back one day (go away, just go away now)
Take your shit
Take all of your ugly things
Leave right now
Who knows what tomorrow brings (go away, just go away now!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump Trump Trump! Got off off off! Anymore senseless investigations from the idiot section? Democrats Lies, Lies, and more Lies! Go Trump 2024!!

Anonymous said...

Pope Benedict XVI, Who Stunned the World by Resigning, Dies at 95

Anonymous said...

Stun estos idiotas mamones de trumputo its easy do what the ex pope did... bye bye joto

Anonymous said...

December 30, 2022 at 11:15 AM
You know so much about blogs idiota open one up pendejo...

Anonymous said...

Montoya does have a harsh-features, craggy face. Why lie?

he's late-60s, right?

Lucky he has a face!

Anonymous said...

December 31, 2022 at 4:11 PM
