Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Cameron County District Attorney's Office

Eighteen victim-services organizations weren't sheepish about accepting their $5,000 check from the Cameron County District Attorney's Office so they could provide a cheerier Christmas to their charges, often children and women who have been the victims of violence or domestic abuse.

D.A. Luis V. Saenz said that the funds originated in his office's pre-trial diversion program in which qualifying criminal defendants are allowed to buy out their community services hours obligation, often hundreds of hours.

Many of the agencies chosen to receive funds provide services to women and children, he said. In the past, the funds were given to individuals, but that proved too unwieldy and organizations serving them were targeted instead. The cash awards were started in 2019 and are called the Tree of Angels ceremony after the children who died in a building, later demolished, where John Allen Rubio killed his children.

Linda Mendez, director of the DA's Crime Victims Unit, said that the 18 organizations were chosen for their efforts to assist the victims of violence that is far too frequent in our community.

"Those are the organizations that support these victims," Saenz said. "Too often, the victims are children."

The organizations who received the $5,000 checks are:
Big Heroes
Blue Sunday Child Abuse Prevention Initiative
Boys and Girls Club of Los Fresnos
Boys and Girls Club of San Benito
Monica's House: Children's Advocacy Center of Cameron and Willacy Counties
Children's Bereavement Center 
Children's Hope Residential Services
Children's Museum of Brownsville
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Family Crisis Center Inc.
First Family Network of Cameron County
Friendship of Women Inc.
Heroes on the Water
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Neighbors In Need Of Services (NINOS) Inc.
Palmer Drug Abuse Program (PDAP)
The Moody Clinic
Tip of Texas Family Outreach Program


Anonymous said...

80% of the $5,000 will go to "administration" of those social service agencies.

Victims will get crumbs or help not for the individual but for the collective.


Anonymous said...

arrest the rich and famous you know who they are. PUB,COB, CC, BND, CDBG, specially BISD, DOCTORS, PA'S, COMPADRES, COMADRES, CRONYS giving money ain't gonna help you get RE-ELECTED. FACT

Anonymous said...

Tis the season to weep for the poor and the abused, eh?

Better would be to hand out bags of groceries. Lattice apple pies for Southmost would be good, caramel apple for Las Prietas, Dutch apple for rest of Brownsville.

(In the nick of time a hero arose, a funny looking dog with a big, black nose. Snoopy fired once and he fired twice.........Christmas bells, o' Christmas bells, ringing through the land, bringing joy to all the world and Goodwill to man...)

Anonymous said...

Nunca en mi vida había visto tal recibimiento que la gente de Argentina le ha dado a sus futbolistas. Una muestra tan entrañable del amor de la gente por su equipo siempre es algo para recordar. Quiero visitar Argentina y felicitar a la gente. Saludos de Brownsville, Tejas!

Anonymous said...

Criminal charges against Donald Trump sent to Dept. of Justice yesterday. he goes all-pussy and threatens a civil war.

he wont be in the streets, however.

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

No money for bloggers, for El Rrun Rrun and the fine, however-disjointed work it does to aid and spotlight the poor, the abandoned and the dispossessed (and, of course, the phantom bus stop shelters)?

boo hoo, ese.

boo hoo.

Anonymous said...

let's make it perfectly clear that Luis Saenz himself didn't give shit. He has sat on his ass for so long, it's called the Luis Saenz's Swamp Ass. The monies are coming from criminals that he chose not to prosecute. Check out to what agencies he gives it to. Agencies that know damn well they will get reimburse for. He himself was the prosecutor in the John Allen Rubio case and he messed up so bad Rubio still comes back to remind him of it. For Luis Saenz to mention the Brutal killing of the Rubio children is a disgust. Those innocent children deserved honest justice not the f__K up justice they got. The John Allen brutal killing of the three innocent babies is a reminder of Luis Saenz, hope they put it on his grave stone. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Supreme court blocks Biden from lifting Covid-era border restrictions

Roberts temporarily halts effort to end Title 42 after 19 Republican states ask court to act.

(What if 19 Democrat states had asked him to end it?)

Supreme court is partisan. Republicans control it. IT SUCKS DICK!!!

Anonymous said...

No money for the local VFW?

Man, we coulda used a few free rounds.

semper fi!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is that Melissa Zamora in the poodle costume? looks like her little, chubby legs under there.

Anonymous said...

These funds are meant for victims, not the organizations listed. Please correct me if I am wrong.
See website

Anonymous said...

We need to vote Luis Saenz out!

Anonymous said...

Did some of these money came from PUB Tanaka missing 170 million dollars

Anonymous said...

Responding to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's continued use of the phrase "Open Border" -

“We don’t have an open border. That’s absurd,” Terence Garrett, political science professor at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Anonymous said...

Imagínense que yo hoy ni puedo hablar de tanto gritar por argentina y soy de Brownsville, ya me imagino como andan los Argentinos hoy! Grande Argentina! Grande Dibu! Grande Di Maria! Y el más grande de todos Lionel Andrés Messi!!!!

ole, ole, ole!!!

Anonymous said...

THIS DA is worthless no wonder people from Brownsville can't move forward this guy doesn't have the Balls to right the wrongs look at PUB he never said shit. All this was was a photo opp pretending to be be someone mamon. Time for a new DA people of Cameron! someone who will fallow thrue and the job.

Anonymous said...

That’s nice and all but that guy doesn’t and won’t lock up anyone… where do I start?? His nephew. We need to be done with Saenz and find someone with an actual spine. No more worms!!!

Anonymous said...

Que grande hermanos argentinos , acá en Brownsville, Texas también lo vi con mi familia y celebre ese 1er tiempo, luego la angustia del final y esos tiempos suplementarios de infarto y en los penales los nervios me comían.

En cada momento importante del partido los recordaba a Uds. y a otros muchachos argentinos que hacen estas reaccionen que con su pasión llegan al corazón por la emoción. Un abrazo, goce cada partido con Uds.

y es hermoso que estos bellos momentos van a quedar para mostrárselo a sus hijos y nietos. un abrazo desde Estados Unidos amigos, aunque no lo creas acá somos mas los que los apoyábamos que los otros que solo querían verlos perder. Grande hermanos.

Anonymous said...

...Joyeux Noel!!!...

Twenty Twenty Two

Anonymous said...

Surprised his girl not in the picture
Yall know who

Anonymous said...

PITTSBURGH -- Franco Harris, the Hall of Fame running back whose heads-up thinking authored the "Immaculate Reception," considered the most iconic play in NFL history, has died. He was 72.

Anonymous said...


Get yourself a thick blanket and a gordita nalgona or you die.


Anonymous said...

Fuck this mofo

Anonymous said...

Suspect Wounded By Police In Brownsville
Its starting again look out for the local cops they are angry and will shoot at anything that moves.

The cop that has notches on his pistola is still there, now he's got his son to back him up.

Y los rinches puros mamones they cover every illegal move the cops make. FACT pinches vendidos..

Anonymous said...

PUROS MAMONES even the money that aint theirs they protect as if it was theirs. "IT AIN'T COMING OUT OF YOUR POCKETS PINCHES MAMONES".

Anonymous said...

Wow, I knew it! Saenz allows "qualified persons" to buy out their time and their service hours punishments!!!! Now lets see if the Gallegos are going to do the same, using the money they stole to pay off their "do the crime, pay the time" prosedure? They keep moving their trial dates to make people forget that it actually happened and they get away with it scott-free. Then they brag that nothing will happen. I still want to know who the "other unknown'
person who is redacted from the indictment is? Es la hija de Ruben?

Anonymous said...

Trump's tax returns show he paid no taxes in 2020
Not only do we have to support the illegals, the hillbillys, the homeless, people in prison, NOW WE HAVE TO SUPPORT TRUMPUTO a billionaire no tiene verguenza. now ya al' racist republicans complain.

Anonymous said...

What is going on in the County Clerks Dept? ANOTHER SEVEN people, some of them having been there years, have jumped ship this month or are retiring. Sylvia is livid and doesn't understand why everyone is leaving. Lady, its called PEACE! You are horrid, putrid, to work for. You are TOXIC. Kuddos to District Clerk Laura Perez-Reyes for hiring the majority of these good hard working employees. SHE knows how to appreciate hers.

Anonymous said...

D.A. Office needs to look into why Lt Domingo Diaz took money from Mireya, one of the boss transmigrantes to protect her. She is already talking to Federal Agents. Free info. Help put a dirty cop behind bars.

Anonymous said...

In regard to the Dec. 21, at 1:54 PM, the district Clerk Dept. is the court entity that has and handles all our pertinent information such as social security numbers, death certificates, land deeds, all background ancestor's information and much more information. Recently in Starr County the county's very own Crimes Victim Advocate, Bernice Garza was arrest and indicted for using Starr County issued government vehicle to transport illegals to Houston. This not only happened once by like 50 times. The question is whose and where did she get the death certificates information from and who did she give them to? In 2020 she was charged with using a dead's person information illegally and the dist. attorney did nothing, pretty much like Luis Saenz in Cameron County. The question is, are all the judicial courts in the state of Texas following the same corrupt scheme. This scheme to corrupt the Texas judicial system to steal, coerce, defraud and run a third world system was and still is what runs Texas. Were they caught using dead people's social security information and giving it to illegals to vote? Are our so-called Texas political leaders using the illegal seventeen-year-olds and setting them up in schools to vote? Pinche Ratas.
