Tuesday, December 27, 2022



Anonymous said...

Who's calling the game - Mayra Flores?

ja ja ja ja

Bingo con La Buena de Burgos!!!

Anonymous said...

video of Trump sucking Kanye's big black dick.

Anonymous said...

Nothing on the Twitter files from a supposed journalist.

Anonymous said...

Ya suelten es pescado! Concentrate your efforts on fixing the problems at the border. People are suffering thanks to the Democratic immigration policies and all you have to talk about is Myra and Trump.

Anonymous said...

LOL. (video of Trump sucking Kanye's big black dick.)

Deep throatin the hell out of it. Cause next, Kanye was going to shove it up his fat ass.

Anonymous said...

Ivanka Trump and hubby Jared Kushner tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself -

A heated Donald Trump responded to a report that he was “begging” his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner to take part in the start of his 2024 campaign on Monday.

Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform that he “never asked” the two to be part of his campaign, which thus far has included a dinner with a white supremacist and an Adolf Hitler-adoring rapper and coincided with the Jan. 6 committee referring criminal charges against Trump to the Justice Department.

Last month, a New York Post report declared that “‘Javanka’ seem to want no part of Trump 2024,” and alleged that the former president was trying to convince Ivanka and Kushner to be with him on stage during his first campaign announcement since his coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021.

(when your kids can't stand you, you suck.)

Anonymous said...

six Quarterpounders.

Anonymous said...

Border immigration stuff is fake news. US has always had people at the border. Look it up. Republican Ronald Reagan handled the problem by granting amnesty to some 6 million in 1986.

just a political wedge issue.

There's no invasion. No hordes running through town. The Border Patrol guys I see are always at Starbucks!

Anonymous said...

Border immigration stuff is fake news. US has always had people at the border. Look it up. Republican Ronald Reagan handled the problem by granting amnesty to some 6 million in 1986.

just a political wedge issue.

There's no invasion. No hordes running through town. The Border Patrol guys I see are always at Starbucks!

December 27, 2022 at 1:11 PM

You are so right. The USA needs new blood to keep the country working and growing. Risking their lives to clean windows, working at night for 30 years, killing animals that look in your eyes, cleaning homes, taking care of children, etc

Anonymous said...

(The Border Patrol guys I see are always at Starbucks!)

I was a guard working at the Silas Ray PUB office. Doing my patrols, I noticed a BP Suburban parked inside the Silas Ray property, close to the river. They had been parked in the same place for at least 3 hours, so I decided to go check if they were alright. When I got there, there were 4 agents inside the Suburban, all on their cellphones watching stuff on netflix. And no, I ain't lying.

Anonymous said...

December 27, 2022 at 9:34 AM
go buy the newpaper estupido and quit bitching maricon

Former RGV LEO said...

The FBI found the proof that Urkraine gave money to Hunter and biden, pendejos!
