Monday, December 19, 2022



Anonymous said...

And Mayra Flores thought she'd be invited to Mar-A-Lago?

ja ja ja ja ja

Republican Carlos Cascos, too.

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Guess what? Trump is no longer President.

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder Kanye hired a Jewish British/Homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos & 5 foot nothing catboy dater Ñíck "The Spic" Fúéñtés as campaign advisors. Of course being a Jew, Milo billed Ye over 100k for his few days of work burying Kanye's reputation right next to trolidate fossils. Im sure Nick is also busy searching for seemen stains with a black light (yes, he does that, he's a cum hunter) or femininely throwing soda in Whataburgers.

Anonymous said...

Trump going to prison, to be forgotten as racist, loser Republicans move on to Ron DeSantis.


Anonymous said...

Even if they were invited coming back they have to deal with the sarita check station and they can't son puros mojados.

Anonymous said...

Help us Trump from the demonic Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

shut down all NFL games and give the trophy to the eagles.

Anonymous said...

racist republicans nothing but cartoon comics

Anonymous said...

Twitter was working with the FBI to silence conservatives and anyone else who disagreed with the Democrats' narrative. Doesn't bother people like Juan Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Nick Fuentes a Mexicano is now a white supremacist?

Anonymous said...

They say Nayra is remorseful as Hell, wishes she'd never gone Republican!

"They ruined my career in politics," a friend says she said to others. "I wanna go back to Burgos."

yeah, go.

Anonymous said...

Watching Argentina celebrate its World Cup championship on Youtube as ONE COUNTRY brought realization that it is great to be united. Republicans here want two countries, two flags and a fatfuck as dictator.


Chinguen su madre, NO!!!

Anonymous said...

Thu 75 during the day, 30 at night, Fri 40 during the day, 29 at night (snow possible), Sat 45 during the day, 36 at night, Sun 47 during the day, 36 at night.

La catorce has a sale on heaters go get a couple.

Anonymous said...

Millones de usuarios de Twitter pidieron a Elon Musk que renuncie como jefe de la red social, en una encuesta en la plataforma creada por el multimillonario y que este había prometido acatar.

Sin embargo, cuando concluyó la encuesta el lunes, no estaba claro si habría un nuevo líder para la red social, que se ha vuelto más caótica y confusa bajo la conducción de Musk, con medidas rápidamente emitidas y luego retiradas o alteradas por él.

Musk asistió a la final de la Copa del Mundo en Qatar, donde abrió la encuesta. Tras cerrarla 12 horas después, no hubo declaraciones inmediatas de Twitter o de Musk, quien podría encontrarse volando de regreso a Estados Unidos el lunes por la mañana.

Anonymous said...

Jan. 6 committee votes to issue criminal referrals against Trump.
"SIS BOOM BAH", describles the sound that trump will make when he enters his jail cell, according to Carnak...

Anonymous said...

“That evidence has led to an overriding and straight-forward conclusion: the central cause of January 6th was one man, former President Donald Trump, who many others followed,” the committee writes in a summary of its final report released on Monday. “None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him.”

Anonymous said...

He should have been in jail since January 6th, 2020. Trump instigated his followers to stop the certification process and the end result was an attempted coup. Countless people have already been charged with a crime for attacking the Capitol but the main and only person responsible is still free. Justice will be served, sooner or later. And he still wants to be president again, what a joke.

Anonymous said...

that's what racist republicans are A JOKE!
