Thursday, December 29, 2022



Anonymous said...

Nailed it on the short list, Monty.

Those traitorous fuckers need to pay the piper, ese. Ginni Thomas, especially, who gave up her big, fat pussy to BlackMan Thomas for the Whitey Cause.

2nd Tier list:

Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon, Mayra Flores, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan.

- Stay on it, Juan. No let-up!

Anonymous said...

"gave up her big, fat pussy"

ja ja ja ja

That long, fat black dick always grabs White women.

Clarence going doggy?

Anonymous said...

Is Biden back from his cozy vacation while people were freezing at the border? I remember how you all made a big deal of Ted Cruz. Funny how one party can get away with just about anything. The fake media was all over Ted Cruz. Yet, very quiet with Biden’s vacation. Also very quiet were the Democratic Hispanics that would sell their own mothers for all the freebies coming from the Democratic party. But than again Hispanics have been know to be turncoats! Montoya a perfect example. Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Anonymous said...


Listen, you insipid lout - Hispanics know Trump hates Hispanics, as do most Whitey Republicans. Biden is entitled to a vacation, like you asshole (if you're employed that is).

Ted Cruz left his state constituents during that freeze, willingly at that.

How many golf weekends did Trump take - all of then for four fucking years!

Go and kiss Republican ass, you ugly, stinking reptile!

(Fake Mayra Flores and lying George Santos were and are only moles inside the Republican Party. You'd better believe it, you dickless, spunk-swallowing eunuch!!)

Anonymous said...

@10:22 AM

that's how you shut an idiot down, bro!

10:22 won't be back.

fact, as you say.

Anonymous said...

Republican losers:

Rep.-elect George Santos also lied about attending a prestigious prep school a damning new report claims, as he's come under multiple criminal investigations for lying about major portions of his biography.

CNN reported late Wednesday that the New York Republican never attended the $59,800-a-year Horace Mann School, an elite private school in the Bronx. Additionally, newly resurfaced tweets show that Santos, who is Brazilian-American and seemingly lied about having Jewish heritage, claimed in July of 2020 that he was biracial, meaning 'Caucasian and black.'

He also said in a July 2021 tweet that, '9/11 claimed my mother's life… so I'm blocking so I don’t ever have to read this again,' after someone with the Twitter handle '9/11 was a victimless crime' responded to a tweet Santos had written about immigration. However an obituary for Santos' mother said she died in December 2016 - more than 15 years after the terror attack.

Liars. Republicans are all liars, top to bottom.

No Republican leader is calling out George Santos. Democrats ask him to resign. Santos is worse than Trump and Herschel Walker, other LIARS.

Anonymous said...

Former first lady Melania Trump thought her husband Donald was getting “bad advice” in his final months in office and was concerned about unannounced visitors — such as election-denying attorneys Rudy Giuliani — walking in on her wearing only a robe, according to testimony by her estranged former chief of staff earlier this year.

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!!!

Anonymous said...

What can you expect from an uneducated turncoat Hispanic? Only vulgarity! Keep protecting your Democratic politicians who by the way are white and rich which coming from this blog you are neither. But you think they like you because they give you a lot of handouts? You're WRONG! They only like your vote. If Democrats really cared about our people they would have done something about the immigration issue which has caused massive suffering at the border. But you keep up with your vulgarity and continue giving your back to your race. Oh I apologize your'e white or want to be.

Anonymous said...

sO now we have a cheerleading section? Turncoats tend to stick together like flys on shit!

Anonymous said...

These are rich men playing rich men's games.

Anonymous said...

@6:12 AM

In so many words, you slid my dick in and out of your mouth.


Anonymous said...

December 29, 2022 at 1:15 PM
Santos probably goes around thinking "People actually believed my crock of shit." He lives by the mantra "fake it 'til you make it." These liar eventually reap what they sow.

Anonymous said...

Juan so this Santos es un Bandido, so what, are Democrats and Republicans aka Politicians all Saints now? Lets see Eddie lucio Jr us worth $9 million dollars hum, chump change compares to speaker Pelosi who is worth $150 million, yo no so RATA- Me Vistes? Guess they did well investing in the stock market all of these years 30 yrs for eddie and i think 30 yrs for pelosi too. not bad. Y no son Bandidos, lol.
