Thursday, December 29, 2022


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As many mainstream and social media pundits know, trying to get a confirmation on anything from our federal courthouse is like pulling teeth. That's why when a rumor grows legs, we have to throw out this new item and warn our readers that we have not been able to confirm it.

The rumor? That the federal judiciary has chosen Asst. U.S. Attorney and prosecutor Karen Betancourt as a new magistrate.

As the story goes, some 50 attorneys and jurists vied for the position and the number was whittled down to five. Sources say that Chief Municipal Judge Rene de Coss was among the top 10, but did not make the final five. In the end, they said, it came down to four others and Betancourt.

If the story is correct, the federal government made a good choice as Betancourt has been involved in several high-profile involving the prosecution of Gulf Cartel ( Cartel Del Golfo) bosses and operatives. She and fellow prosecutor Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jody Young were the lead prosecutors of Jorge Costilla-Sanchez aka El Cos, Doble X and Dos Equis who became head of CDG after the arrest of former CDG leader Osiel Cardenas in 2003. Prior to joining the cartel, Costilla-Sanchez was a municipal police officer in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

He was arrested in 2012 in Mexico at the request of the United States and in 2015. Costilla-Sanchez also previously pleaded guilty to threatening two federal agents from the FBI and while he was being investigated for drug trafficking in 1999. During the time Costilla-Sanchez was the leader, he was responsible for importing over 10,000 kilograms of cocaine and 140,000 kilograms of marijuana to the United States. She is also a lead prosecutor in the case involving former Tamaulipas Governor Tomas Yarrington Ruvalcaba who pleaded guilty to money laundering.

At the time of Costilla-Sanchez's sentencing September 15, 2022, to life in prison by U.S. District Judge Fernando Rodriguez Jr., U.S. Attorney Jennifer B. Lowery complimented their work.

This was a long, but very important case to the district and especially our partners in Brownsville," said Lowery. "The life sentence speaks for itself. Justice has now been served.”

A 1994 graduate of the University of Houston Law Center, she has been a practicing attorney for 28 years and lists Spanish and American Sign Language as other languages. Her online profile lists immigration and criminal defense as her main areas of practice.


Anonymous said...

Montoya, what would you be without rumors?

heh heh

Anonymous said...


Democrats' unexpected strength in the 2022 midterms extended to state legislatures, where they picked up seats in 21 states and took control of five chambers from the GOP, according to data from Ballotpedia.

State legislatures have vast power over abortion laws, voting rules, gun policies and other issues with a direct impact on American lives.

The stakes have been raised even higher, as the U.S. Supreme Court considers a case that could eliminate checks on legislatures' power over redistricting and election processes.

In November, Democrats managed to flip more chambers, earn more state trifectas and pick up seats in more states controlled by the opposing party, while also matching Republicans for the number of new veto-proof majorities.


Anonymous said...


- Jews get $3.3 billion annually from U.S.

Israel's new government was sworn in today, with racist/bigot Benjamin Netanyahu returning to the prime minister’s post 18 months after he was ousted.

It's the most right-wing and religious government Israel has had since its establishment, and its expected policies could significantly change the country.

(Bring that money home!!!)

Anonymous said...

Breaking News:

Pele dies: The greatest footballer of all time passes away aged 82 after battle with colon cancer to leave the beautiful game - a phrase he coined - in mourning.

RIP Pele.

Anonymous said...

In 1970, Pele scored four goals in match play at the World Cup in Mexico City, two in the final, when Brazil beat Italy 4-1.

A true GOAT (Greatest of All Time).

BobbyWC said...

keep an eye on magistrate court - it is about to explode.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

As expected Trumpian Jerry McHale is endorsing John Cowen for mayor.



Anonymous said...

Bobby Lerma is still THE MAN. He whispers in a few ears and, DeGordo, you’re outta there. Ada-boy Bobby.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Lerma is still THE MAN. He whispers in a few ears and, DeGordo, you’re outta there. Ada-boy Bobby.

Anonymous said...

Immigration lawyers enrich the cartels and empower the democratic party!

Anonymous said...

Cahboys tonight!

Super Bowl here we come!!!

Anonymous said...

Phil Cowen for mayor?

say NO! he's too old!!!

No Whitey at City Hall, says Brownsville. Try Harlingen.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Migrants driving Valley airline prices up!

Supply and demand

They don't care uncle Sam buys their tickets

Put them on a bus!!!

Anonymous said...

nothing here.

no news
no peeps

Anonymous said...

December 30, 2022 at 6:21 AM
go buy a newpaper magazine book or your ass maricon

Anonymous said...

You know that neighbor that is always nosing around other people’s business, that real judgmental one, that KAREN… that’s Karen Bentancourt.

Anonymous said...

limbo Rock
