Wednesday, December 28, 2022


By Ryan Henry, Gabriela Gonzalez, and Lesly Hinojosa
Valley Central

OLMITO — An inmate temporarily escaped custody Tuesday at Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center in Olmito.

“A male inmate incarcerated at Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center managed to elude security measures in the recreational area of CRDC but was apprehended quickly after breaching the last security fence,” the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office tweeted shortly after 12:30 p.m. Tuesday.

All inmates are accounted for and pose no danger to the community, the sheriff’s office stated.

The inmate was identified as 32-year-old Oscar Ulises Lopez Castro. According to a news release, Castro was at the detention center on a charge of evading arrest. During a preliminary interview with investigators, Castro said he "just wanted to go home."

Castro now faces a charge of escape.

Castro has been at the Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center since October for evading arrest and or detention, according to the sheriff’s office.

Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza says that attempted escapee, along with two other inmates, were in the recreational grounds – a minimum security area – before Castro passed both security gates.

(He continued to blame low wages the county pays the jailers for the shortage of correction officers and jail maintenance that allowed the attempted escape to occur.) 

One of the jailers called it in; transport was dispatched. They caught him right here. We are looking at the security footage,” Garza said. “As you can see from the fence, a lot of maintenance hasn’t been done at the Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center for quite some time so as always, we have to look at what hasn’t been done and upgrade our security measures.”

As the public was alerted by the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page, residents living near the detention center voiced the concerns.

“I was supposed to take my son to the park today. And that didn’t happen because I was too scared to go out there because we’re so close. It’s like right there around the corner, so it’s scary,” Yvanava Esperanza Ruiz, a concerned citizen that resides near the facility said.

Not only did this concern residents living nearby, but it also raised questions as to whether the detention center is even secure enough to prevent situations like these in the future.


Anonymous said...

Cold-stunned sea turtles returned to the sea
So what do you call a child that just crossed the rio grand in this cold weather?

Frostbiten, life-threatening hypothermia and warm retarted child.
Thank the racist republicans for that...

Anonymous said...

Pseudo cop. No better than the people who voted for him.

Anonymous said...

December 28, 2022 at 9:38 AM

He as a house mouse paper pusher for a gringo judge so who voted for this pendejo???

Anonymous said...

No one cares.

Angry, freedom-seeking inmate?

All of them are that!

Anonymous said...

Let’s not forget his bff Ram who recently passed away was in charge of the maintenance dept. is Garza passing part of the blame to his now deceased friend? What a pussy

Anonymous said...

Poor guy, there is an urgent reform to the incarceration system.

Anonymous said...

If that prisoner was related to anyone that worked for the county he would have been offered pretrial diversion or probation maybe community service or a personal recognizance bond!

Now he will tqck on extra penance for an original crime of what?

Anonymous said...

You are blaming "maintenance"??????? How about blaming yourself for once. You are more concerned about placing your name on every paper, and on every door of the SO and Jail facilities, changing uniform color and changing car stripings than you are about the security of the jail. Maintenance hasn't been done in quite awhile???? You have been there for two years and have not done shit pendejo.

Anonymous said...

He should have thought of wanting to be home before he went and did what he did. He is not in prison for being good. Fool!

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric...why are you calling it an attempted escape ??? When you have somebody jump the fence and is caught across the street hiding at the Precinct 2 warehouse, you HAVE AN ESCAPE!!!! You need to call a spade a spade and stop trying to sugar coat and lessen the FACT that you had a successful escape from jail. And give credit where credit is due and in FACT the jailers were the ones that caught the escapee!!

Anonymous said...

Non-story. Excitable Montoya only concerned resident.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what 8:29am is on but please share. Yes the the Jailers are understaff and underpaid but that's not only it. they have jailers in areas that doesn't need much to run right (class). they have captain that is more concern about jailers not doing extra over time to help shift then leaving it short as possible so facilities have to ask each other for help making a loop all over again. the Jailers are exhausted they want more then just a pad on the back and supervisors that don't know what they are doing breathing down their necks. the stress is real and now they have people on the outside talking shit without walking in their shoes. there's still a lot to say but shit no one is gonna listen

Anonymous said...

Pardon this guy. He wants to be at home with his loved ones.

What men want to be at home?

People die at this jail. Save them.

Anonymous said...

Oscar U. Lopez Castro tiene cara de cagapal y ya esta viejo. At 30 he should have already matured. He is one lost and confused dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

I remember the first week erica was at the head of the sheriff's office he said," I want people to know I have done something here". Well at present time believe you me everyone knows and regrets erica been the head of the sheriff's office. Estas bein pendeja erica.

Anonymous said...

Eric is a Democrat! Go Democrats. You guys are great at voting for losers! Keep up the great job.

Anonymous said...

The first jailmate, he got drunk, broke up the people's trunk
Constable had to come and take him away
Sheriff Maricon, why don't you leave me alone?
Well, I feel so homesick I wanted to go home
Then the cook, he caught the fits, threw out all of my grits
Then he took and ate up all of my corn
Let me go home, why don't you let me go home?
Well, this is the worst trip since I have been born

Anonymous said...

finally a place were we all can go die in peace and you won't need to call the local daily for the obituary el cherife will do it for you and freeeeeeeeee of course.

por un voto (before hand).

Anonymous said...

December 28, 2022 at 1:53 PM

otra vez pinche lloron lambiscon quien te esta pagando o a quien se las estas mamando? joto
