Saturday, December 24, 2022



Anonymous said...

Ya deja a Trump Juan! Lo que debes de hacer es untarle crema en el chile…. Por todas las peladas que le han dado….uuuyyyyy!!! Se la van a seguir pelando!!!! Arriba Trump, ojetes!!!! Aunque les arda el chiquito!!!! Ajuaaaaa!!!

Anonymous said...

Para ese baboso de las 12:34 PM

Tu eres el pendejo, porque al ser hispano y mamandosela a Trump te convierte en un cagapalo jotito. Y tu Mama tambien!

Que, se la cogio un homeless para darte vida a ti? parece que si.

Anonymous said...

Donald "Loser" Trump is toast. will be indicted after the first of the year. his campaign, mirroring Mayra Flores's doomed shit, will end soon after.

we want pendejo ted cruz to run! That puto has no brains. That's why he is a Republican. ted Cruz and you lose!!!!

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Chinga se tu madre Eduardo Paz Martínez! Cámbiate el pañal cagado, güey! Tomate la pastilla, viejito Puñetas!

Anonymous said...

Mexico will pay for the border wall, Covid19 will just go away, " Russia are you listening " "Putin is a genius "I will replace Obamacare, claimed rigged elections but the one trying to cheat was him " Georgia find me 11k votes " fight like hell "January 6th attempted coup" stole top secret documents and took them home, probably for Putin, draft Dodger three times. And he still wants to be president again? He must be out of his goddammed mind. Wake up people, we need a new president but certainly not him, ever.

Anonymous said...

December 24, 2022 at 12:34 PM

No te quiere estupido y le sigues mamando. He don't hispanics estupido pendejo. Pay for the wall gueyes

Anonymous said...

If you follow Trump you are misinformed, If you worship Trump eres un idiota.

Anonymous said...

Trump is old news Juan, time to move on. No local gossip? Who's running for mayor?
Also, no comment about the inflationary budget that was approved? Topic too complicated for your audience? You don't want to tell them that the democrats in congress are adding fuel to the inflation bonfire?

Anonymous said...

December 24, 2022 at 3:45 PM
ay viene la migra correnle mamones pidiches
