Monday, December 19, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
U.S .Department of Justice 

Arrest Sources: U.S. Attorney's Office (Houston); Infobae; TabascoHoy; KRGV; KRGV(2); Valor Tamauolipeco; El Norte; Expreso

Background Sources: ProcesoReformaValor Tamaulipeco (1); Narco en Mexico; Borderland Beat archives; Noticias Matamoros, Anonymous Sources)

The recent indictment and arraignments of 12 people associated with Tamaulipas and municipal
governments who had been operating for the better part of a decade on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande extorting Central Americans through transmigrante companies through violence has given people an inside look at the operations of organized criminal groups on both sides of the river.

The11-count federal indictment provided details into an alleged conspiracy known as ‘The Pool’ that prosecutors say used violence and threats to monopolize the transmigrante forwarding industry near Harlingen and Brownsville, federal prosecutors. 

Transmigrante agency owners and industry participants who refused to charge the fixed prices, pay into the pool or pay an extortion tax were subjected to threats, intimidation and acts of violence against themselves and their families, employees, associates and businesses, according to the charges.

Carlos Favian Martinez, 36, Mission; Marco Antonio Medina, 32, Rigoberto Brown, 38, and Miguel Hipolito Caballero Aupart, 70, all of Brownsville; Pedro Antonio Calvillo Hernandez, 47, Tamaulipas, Mexico; Roberto Garcia Villareal, 56, San Benito; Sandra Guerra Medina, 68, Rancho Viejo; and Mireya Miranda, 56, La Feria, conspired to fix prices and allocate the market for transmigrante services in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act, according to the indictment. Also named in the indictment were Jose de Jesus Tapia Hernandez, Miguel Hipolito Caballero, Diego Ceballos-Soto and Carlos Yzaguirre.

Following the indictments and appearances of the defendants before a federal magistrate, the link between former state and municipal officials and the human smuggling and drug cartels on the Mexican side were revealed.

For example, Carlos Favian "El Cuate" Martinez – who the Department of Justice press releases identify the main defendant in the group, is a high-ranking Gulf Cartel member aligned to the Matamoros faction, which has historically supported the Cárdenas faction. 

Mexican media sources and social media sites confirm that Martinez is married to Marlene Cárdenas, one of the daughters of Osiel Cardenas Guillen, the former leader of the Gulf Cartel and founder of Los Zetas. In 2010, Cardenas was sentenced to serve 25 years in federal prison without parole and will forfeit to the United States $50 million in proceeds from his illegal enterprise. 

Another among those indicted was José de Jesús Tapia Fernández, who  is a former Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) deputy for Tamaulipas.

Remember that both former Tamaulipas governors – Eugenio Hernandez Flores and his predecessor Tomas Yarrington – have been charged by federal authorities of taking bribes in return for protecting the criminal enterprises of the Gulf Cartel. In fact, Hernandez Flores was the Chief Financial Coordinator under Yarrington, who has admitted to using Texas real estate transactions to launder money he received from drug traffickers.

Yarrington pled guilty of money laundering and accepting bribes as governor on March 26, 2021. He entered a guilty plea for accepting more than $3.5 million in illegal bribe money that he used fraudulently to purchase property in the United States. Yarrington faces up to 20 years in federal prison. He also agreed to forfeit a South Padre Island condominium. A date for his sentencing has not been set yet. The U.S. is currently seeking the extradition of Hernandez Flores, who was released from prison by a Mexican judge.

Among the "Los Indios 12" charged with the more serious crimes of Conspiracy to Fix Prices and Allocate The Market and Combination and Conspiracy to Monopolize is Sandra Guerra Medina. Here's where familial and political interests converge. 

When indicted governor Eugenio Hernandez-Flores took over the State of Tamaulipas, he appointed Matamoros resident Jesus Roberto Rodriguez Guerra to be the head of the Tamaulipas State Tax Office. As such, he served under Flores for six years overseeing 41 tax offices. He later served as Secretary of Social Development of Matamoros (SEDESOL). 

He was appointed to head the SEDESOL by the Mayor of Matamoros Alfonso Sanchez, who just happens to be his cousin, when he won the election in 2011, the same year Rodriguez-Guerra moved to Brownsville. Despite the obvious conflict of interest, Rodriguez Guerra was in charge of deciding which public projects would get funds and which companies and individuals would be hired.

There were numerous public allegations in the Matamoros media that the bidding process may have been flawed in favor of some companies and individuals and that many projects were inflated. He was also, despite his public position, a vendor/supplier of parts and fuel to the municipality of Matamoros.

He also happens to be the cousin of Sandra Guerra Medina, one of the "Los Indios 12" conspirators along with "El Cuate" Martinez charged with controlling transmigrante traffic through extortion and with money laundering. And although Rodriguez Guerra isn't specifically named on the indictment or charged by Mexican prosecutors, his close links to the two former indicted governors and to cousin Guerra Medina has raised some eyebrows among federal investigators.  

Additionally, Mexican social media have pointed to his Brownsville home appraised at $969,928 in 2022 (Cameron County Appraisal District Account #352898) which he acquired from Gloor Development Corporation in 2015.

He won't be the first (or last) Mexican official to transfer capital to the United States and build palatial homes. 

As has been reported in the past, former Matamoros Mayor Mario Alberto Lopez Hernandez built a $1.5 million home on his property outside San Benito located at 26742 Guelker Road where he keeps his 25 pure-blood horses valued at more than $800,000.

And despite the prohibition by immigration law that someone with a visitor's visa cannot own real estate on the U.S. side of the border, he is reported to have placed the properties under a corporation (Grupo 5M) and under the name of his wife Marsella Huerta Sosa. 

Now Matamoros newspapers say that he is being considered to replace a Morena congressional deputy who died recently.

As we found out recently in the Sylvia Atkinson federal bribery trial, federal prosecutors cast a wide net in their efforts to convict named defendants. In the "Los Indios 12" indictment, prosecutors cite intercepted emails, texts messages, iCloud and gmail – among other communication apps – that revealed and unraveled overt acts of the alleged offenses. Even people who don't appear to be involved in the crimes are intercepted.

In the course of casting that net, many smaller fish are snagged and subpoenaed to testify in court in the prosecution of the accused. In the case of the 12 defendants and the decade-long extortion scheme, their ties to Tamaulipas and Matamoros elected officials and to suspected cartel operatives is probably on the tapes already, if not being recorded right now.

(*Note: The US indictment spells El Cuate's name as Carlos Favian Martinez.)


Anonymous said...

Is this really a surprise. Where big money goes, so go the outlaws. America, get off drugs and put the cartels out of business.

Hey, Whitey, go cold turkey.

Save us from the cartels, honkies.

heh heh

Anonymous said...

If the USA is the cartels number one customer, haven't they always done business in the USA?


so what's this about?

Anonymous said...

my will reads as follows: my friend... On the condition that you don't chop-top the roof like one of those beaners, don't paint any idiotic flames on it like some white trash hillbilly, and don't put a big, gay spoiler on the rear end like you see on all the other zipperheads' cars. It just looks like hell. If you can refrain from doing any of that... it's your car.

[to Father at La Sagrada Familia] I think you're an overeducated 50's-year-old virgin who likes to hold the hands of superstitious old ladies and promise them everlasting life.

Me [sneering and aiming my gun} "Get off my lawn spook!

"Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have fucked with? That's me."

Anonymous said...

This happens every where. A few people make everyone look bad y esta gente mata.

Anonymous said...

Matan, venden droga, y luego tienen La Narco Posada. Lord, we helped people develop a drug dependency not to mention killed a few but then we celebrated your birthday 🎉. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Chapo Sauceda and the rest of the police department would like to inform all the citizens of Brownsville that it was HE who began this investigation. El Chapo would like to take credit for this federal indictment, since he did most of the work for the F.B.I.
El Chapo would also like to remind you that he is still available for any type of Facebook postings in which he can pose with his idiotic "thumbs up" pose. If you would like him to pose, please contact Commander Mamalouie.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Entonces el Steve guerra (port of Brownsville) está involucrado en el negocio de la mafia familia ?

Anonymous said...

Your days are numbered crooked ass Lt. Diaz, Mireya is singing like a bird.

Anonymous said...

Hold the trial outside the valley. Don't trust people in the valley.

Anonymous said...

Mexico and its president do not seem too concerned with the cartels, Montoya.

Notice that angle?

of course not.


Anonymous said...


North Texas to get worse weather. Watch out for power outages in the Barrio.

Anonymous said...

@6:29 AM

You asswipe. Stealing lines from Clint Eastwood in "Gran Torino," are we?


Fucking thief.

Anonymous said...

The rich and famous never have any outages, WHY? Did la RATA from pub returned? is he working oooooops I mean is he either shreading or banking??? WE NEED TO KNOW.

Anonymous said...

I heard his wife at the city got a payraise of 50% why? she now makes over 1 million a year a lowly secretary why????

Anonymous said...

December 20, 2022 at 8:22 AM THE PERFECT PENDEJO

Anonmous with balls so you think. So you never copied anything in your stupid life, stole anything in your stupid life, never quoted anybody in your stupid life, never lied to your parents in your stupid life, never lied to nobody in your stupid life.
There is a rocket at boca chica and musk is looking for the perfect pendejo to sent him to Mars.
Your are the perfect pendejo here on earth and so you don't belong here.


Anonymous said...

Mingo Diaz must be shitting bricks!

Anonymous said...

La Rata Bruciack está de vacas in Hawaii probably while he is still getting his 300k check. Wasn’t the PUB supposed to make a decision on his employment within a 60 day period ????

Anonymous said...

you act like this has not been taking place, its been going on forever.

Anonymous said...

Like no one knew this … they have their headquarters in the Mcallen/Edinburg area … this is old news.

Anonymous said...

December 19, 2022 at 6:29 PM

But you are anonymous. How brave of you (me being sarcastic). Yellow belly.

Anonymous said...

Where are we with the war on drugs? What a joke. A big waste of tax payer money. As the demand for drugs continues so will the corruption. The drug trade is a billion dollar business. Putting an end to it would cause the valley and many other U.S. cities to fall into a state of depression.

Anonymous said...

December 20, 2022 at 8:22 AM
No stupid professor is going to grade this blog nor is it for graduation requirements there are NO requirements on a blog unless the owner says so
la rata pendeja eres tu estupido F***ing MORON

Anonymous said...

December 20, 2022 at 8:19 PM
ESTUPIDO being sarcastic is one thing insulting people is another you continue to show your estupides oooooooh I'm sorry just being sarcastic pinche mamon...
